Intensive lecture at Aichi University of Education, 2018
"Life and evolution in the earth history"

by Kazumasa Oguri (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)

These teaching materials are prepared by Kazumasa Oguri for the intensive lecture (in Japanese).
To see the files, please click the respective numbers.

1/Oct/2018, Basic stage

1. The begging of the universe, elements and the solar system.

2. The birth of the earth, the origin of life and plate tectonics.

3. Three domains of organisms. Autotrophic and heterotrophic. The mechanism of photosynthesis and how it changed the earth environment.

2/Oct/2018, Basic stage

4. Evolution of life and mass extinction due to catastrophic environmental changes. Basic of stable isotope analysis.

5. Present environmental change: global warming and ocean acidification. Basic of marine carbonate system.

6. Distributions and profiles of elements in the ocean. Basic of physical oceanography: global ocean circulation and formation of western boundary current.

7. Basic of marine ecosystem. Trophic levels. Distributions and profiles of nutrient and phytoplankton. Carbon cycles in the ocean. Chemosynthesis organisms.

Extra (1):Virtual tour of R/V Shinsei-Maru.

11/Oct/2018, Advanced stage

8. Basic of paleoceanography: Glacial and interglacial cycles in Quaternary.

9. Radioisotopes in the ocean (1): Daigo Fukuryu-maru accident warned the worldwide radionuclide pollutions by nuclear weapon tests.

10. Radioisotopes in the ocean (2): Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident. How radionuclides were dispersed in the ocean, and how peoples conducted the monitoring projects.

11. Extra (2): Programming lecture 1. Learning of mechanism of observation instruments to construct temperature logger using Raspberry Pi.

12/Oct/2018, Advanced stage

12. (no file) Marine plastic pollution. Estimation of plastic amounts dispersed in the ocean and its prediction. How plastic wastes affect to marine organisms?

13. History of deep-sea explorations. Mechanisms of HOV, ROV, AUV, UROV and lander. Virtual tour of Shinkai 6500 operation.

14. The state of the art hadal sciences.

15. Extra (3): Programming lecture 2. Learning of mechanism of observation instruments to construct temperature logger using Raspberry Pi.

Updated on 7/Feb/2024

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