What if you were already home?

You are More Sacred than you can ask or imagine!

Deep within you know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God. You are no longer owned by the false self. (Paul of Tarsus, 1st Letter to the community in Corinth, 6.19)

Bright but hidden, the Self dwells in the heart. Everything that moves, breathes, opens, and closes lives in the Self-the source of love.

Realize the Self hidden in the heart . ( Mundaka Upanishad : 2.2.1)

This web site is my offering to you you. A place to come to again and again to come home to yourself again and again.

Here you will find meditations, practices to help you stay at home within yourself, opportunities to participate in community with others like you, and resources if you want to learn more.

Owen Ash, MSc, MDiv, a Kripalu Yoga teacher and Anglican priest, is driven by the sense of wonder and awe derived from the experience of being fully alive. Through his teaching, he aims to help others uncover the grace of being human through deep presence, acceptance, and appreciation.