The South African music scene is once again set ablaze as the talented hitmaker, singer-songwriter, Deeper Phil, makes a triumphant return with a brand new studio project. The album, aptly titled "Love & Hate", is a testament to Deeper Phil's unique musical prowess and his ability to create captivating melodies that resonate with listeners.

This enchanting new songs serves as Deeper Phil's latest entry for this year. It follows a series of previously released songs that have not only showcased his exceptional talent but also solidified his place in the music industry. Each song he releases further cements his reputation as a force to be reckoned with in the music world.

Deeper Phil Love And Hate Album Download


The project "Love & Hate" album is a beautiful blend of soulful lyrics and mesmerizing beats, creating a musical masterpiece that is sure to captivate listeners. It's a testament to Deeper Phil's ability to craft songs that are not only catchy but also deeply meaningful. This album is no exception, with its powerful message about the complexities of love and hate.

We invite you to listen to this incredible new album from Deeper Phil. Immerse yourself in the beautiful melody and let the powerful lyrics speak to your heart. And if you find yourself falling in love with the songs, don't hesitate to download it and add it to your personal music collection.

Like most other people, I was first exposed to Thin Lizzy via theirJailbreak album at age 14. What you defined as their 2nd period(1974-1978). At the time, I was also listening to Aerosmith, ZZ Top, GrandFunk (Red Album)... Hard-rockin bands, obviously not innovative, but givingmany air-guitar sessions behind locked doors. And the Jailbreakalbum was a welcome addition. The guitars on 'Emerald' and 'Warriors' wasmanna from heaven for an air-guitar junkie. And, like you, Phil's voicekinda stuck with me. So I decided to try another Thin Lizzy. I bought theFighting album. Only one good air-guitar song ('Suicide'), but somehowcompelling. Songs like 'King's Venegence', 'Freedom Song', and 'For ThoseWho Love To Live' were so different for me, so full of imagery and actualthought and at the same time gritty and raw. And I was hooked on Phil'svoice. And the potential of the twin guitars used on Jailbreak wastoo much to ignore. So I bought Nightlife. Shit! Phil went fromtough guy to wimp, and not a decent guitar song. But goddammit, it wasstill kinda good. No way in hell was I bringing this album out on partynights. But I would definately listen to it on my headphones. Next it wasJohnny the Fox. Imagery was dripping from the album sleeves on thisone. I found myself migrating from air-guitarist to air-vocalist. Philcould paint a picture with some of these songs. But even I could tell itlacked direction. Maybe it was because I was getting older and wiser (age15), or maybe some of the songs just sucked. No matter, I was officiallyhooked on Thin Lizzy. My next purchase was a compilation album of their'First period'. Songs with Eric Bell as guitarist. Totally different, almostalien. It had no merit with me and was forgotten quickly. Bad Reputationwas a sight for sore eyes when it was released. This album contains oneof my favorite Thin Lizzy songs ('Bad Reputation'). But, once again, itlacked a single focus. What the hell were songs like 'Dear Lord', 'DowntownSundown', 'Dancing In The Moonlight' doing on the same album as 'OpiumTrail', 'Soldier of Fortune', and 'Bad Reputation'? Thin Lizzy was startingto piss me off. That was 1977 and I was waiting for the rockin band thatwould kill the dreaded disco. Thin Lizzy was not that band. I now had alove/hate feeling for the band. Nobody but me liked them. The Live andDangerous album was pretty cool in 1978, and they even came to my citythat year for a concert (the opening act was some punk-rock band: AC/DC).That was when I saw Phil in person. Next to David Lee Roth, the coolestrocker on Earth (I was 16). I was re-hooked and dutifully bought out ThinLizzy's catalog as the years went by until 1984. And after Phil died, myThin Lizzy collecting days were over. Or so I thought! When the CD burnerscame out for the computers, I decided to record and burn my Thin Lizzyrecords on CD. I hadn't brought them out in a while. They still soundedgood. I half-heartedly put on the First-Period compilation record and wassomewhat surprised that I enjoyed it. Feeling older and wiser and lessstubborn, I went out and purchased the Shades Of A Blue Orphanageand Vagabonds Of The Western World CD's. I couldn't find their firstalbum. The lack of direction evident in my collection was nowhere in sightin both of these recordings. The 3-piece Thin Lizzy version was tight,light, full of imagery, thoughtful, and rockin'! The song, 'Rocker', isso kick ass. 'The Hero and the Madmen' is sooo cool. And even the Shadesalbum is good. Not rockin, but it has a single direction and is addictive.You're assessment of this band is right on the money. Their first periodis the most artistic, fun, and enjoyable. The second period has many, manybright spots, but is eventually frustrating. However, unlike you, I ratherenjoyed the Third period (1979-1983). Especially the Thunder and Lightningalbum. That album brought out the old air-guitar! Thanks for not killingthis band in your review. Your rating of a 2 is generous.

I enjoyed your reviews very much and I agree with you on many issues.But to aver that I am a 'limited taste person that defies Phil Lynott'is something that even my unsure and utterly reflexive self cannot acceptsince Mr. Lynott has never been limited in his musical spectrum.

Nevertheless I can easily forgive you this because my personal perceptionis that you are familiar with his music via Thin Lizzy's official LPs only.Phil used to mention that Lizzy were the band with established sound anddirection and it was not easy for him to bring into world all of his ideasthrough it. That is why 2 solo albums saw the daylight even during theLizzy active period (1980 and 1982). Also after the breakup he had 2 yearsat his disposal and he did record some very interesting material but unfortunatelyno company could be persuaded to sign a heavy drug addict, supposedly atthe end of his life, trying to start a new career.

Now that we have MP3 technology, it must not be a problem to share themusic and if there is your wish I can gradually send you Mr. Lynott's workthat will surely change your apprehension of the "old and dead dude".

Dear Georges, About "Warrior" you said "...Notealso the brilliant solo by Mr Gorham (or was it by Mr Robertson? Who canreally tell with those two?)": Well I never read it anywhere but thisone obviously is Robertson's. Gorham's and Robertson's solos are reallydifferent in style and dynamics. Robertson's are rapid, brutal, lunaticand orgasmic. Gorham's are worked, very melodic and charming. You shouldbe able to hear the difference. Plus, this difference is part of the band'scharm. I cannot believe you never experiment the evident beauty and emotionof Gorham's solo of say, the song "Bad Reputation" ? He leadsthe song in a few climaxes that the sole souvenir gives me chills. Whata guitar class! And the man suffered at that time of complexes about hisguitar skills. Unbelievable!

In your rating category "Listenability", you put a poor 2/5and explained that "The big problem is that Thin Lizzy records, witha few exceptions, are just not tremendously interesting melody-wise. That'snot their point at all." This is barely understandable put aside ofthis sentence read in the Jailbreak review: "In fact, fourof the nine songs on here are my absolute favourites in the rich Lizzycatalog - excellent compositions that clearly demonstrate Lizzy's competencyas first-rate melodists." So what ? Are they first-rate melodist ornot ?

In "Originality" Horror: 0/5. "No originality - justlotsa feeling and unforgettable power." Don't you think that an Irishband which contains a black man singing hard rock with a delicate soulfullvoice married with a so complementary/melodic/energetic twin guitar attackand the whole singing about Celtic legends/working class commentary/lovesongs... Well... Isn't it deserving a better note than 0 ? For exampleyou put Talking Heads a 5 in the same category. I can hardly think aboutanything original in TH's music. Just another band from NYC.

Beside of that few statements, I wanna salute your review of Vagabonds.This particular album has always been far more underrated and you gaveit back the rank it deserved. It seems that, as Deep Purple Mark I, ThinLizzy Mark I is difficult to handle, to put in perspective beside the suite ofthe story and by consequences is widely forgotten by the critics,if not considered as "non-authentic" Thin Lizzy.

Hi George! I have to agree with Jean - there are some contradictionsin both your reviews and evaluation. In any case I'm addicted to this site(I hope I'll read it all). Thank you a very large innumerable amount oftimes for it! I do love it (which doesn't mean I agree with you all ofthe time).

Getting back to Thin Lizzy - Originality 0/5? That's tough. Phil usedto say he'd rip off anyone if he could just make it right. The point ishe couldn't. He was neither Bowie nor Zappa, righty-right. But listen toBlack Rose, for instance. Can't you see any original ideas there?Just listen to 'S&M' for God's sake! And what about that unbelievablepercussion/drumwork on 'Bad Reputation'? There are at least 3-4 truly original/inventiveideas (musical) on every given Lizzy album.

[Special author note: I'mafraid I'm simply forced to reiterate what I actually mean by 'originality'here as stated in essay #3. The respected readers obviously prefer thebroad sense of the term, meaning that everything "new" that isbrought into the world, be it a different melody or a different combinationof words, is 'original'. That's fine and dandy, but I prefer to refer tothis as "personality" or "individuality" - which ThinLizzy, and Phil in particular, certainly has got a lot of. But as for 'originality',I reserve the term for huger achievements. Thin Lizzy never invented anynew genres or styles. They never tackled any particular lyrical subjectthat wasn't somehow tackled before. They did not conduct massive sonicexperimentation, sticking to tried and true patterns. No, they never "rippedoff" anybody, but if that were enough for being called 'original',the parameter would simply lose any kind of meaningfulness for me.] 152ee80cbc

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