When the machine reboots enter the bios and set the date to at least sixty days in the future. This will disable deepfreeze and allow you to resolve the loop problem. Don't forget to set the clock back when you're finished.

This is the ONLY solution that worked for me as I couldn't get a command prompt through the F8 method. It DOES work on the paid version (not just the trial) but you have to set the date far enough ahead that it passes the expiration date - I set it to 2 years ahead. Thank you so much to the previous posters on this thread... I would have been in deep trouble without this fix!

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Another option if it is for home use. freeze with Deep Freeze the unit c and cut the files from C: \ Users \ User to the unit D: then if you install programs or another plugin for windows it will return to previous state. I hope to have explained.

I am having trouble applying group policies on computers with deep freeze installed on them. They are domain joined and pulling updates from our WSUS server before being frozen. When we freeze them they seem to lose their group policy settings. I have tried thawing, gpupdate/ force, and then refreezing, but they lose their group policy as soon as they are brought back up. What could be causing this? Everything was working fine until a bad Windows update came through. We blocked the update on our WSUS server and thawed, removed the update, and re-froze all the computers. The next day I came to work to find out that all the computers had reached out to the Internet and pulled the bad update again.

I don't know the answer about Deep Freeze but this is the kind of problems that this type of software generates.The software freeze the machine in a point of the time, and everything you do is lost when the machine is restart. That is bad thing because machines stops to taking changes of important things like updates.These type of software let you make execptions to dont have this issues, but in lots of cases still fails.

Also if there are alterations during runtime the policy may get overridden. I.e., user-specific settings from their portions of the registry (pulled from a profile) will take effect at login, just like if they have malware in their profile it'll infect the machine each time they log in and get wiped when restarted (assuming the profile isn't part of the freeze state.)

Hi, i am new to forum. My new installed windows 10 pro was all setup and ready to put in a deep freeze state. Malwarebytes scans and identifies the 4 entries on the log below as malware. Are they false positives or are they legitimate threats? The file is downloaded from Deep freeze. Currently using a home internet service which is not secured.

why I can bypass deep Freeze by logging in windows partition from Ubuntu and edit what I want is it freeze. I just go to the windows partition file system, then I go to desktop and edit any file I want, then I reboot in windows 7 and I found my file that I edit from Ubuntu. so what is advantage of deep freeze it's useless?

Some machines are automatically booting into the ghost automation partition and sit there , but when you exit the automation they correctly boot into windows 7. I cant pin down whats cauing it. it seems to happen daily. Some of the machines are state that cannot communicate with the server but when you quit dagent and run it again they then communicate with the server and reboot to windows.

Does the automation partition boot automatically boot daily looking for jobs find none and boot into windows.. or what is the boot procedure for a ghost 3.0 with automation partition and agent? Any hints would be grateful ans its causing a daily nuisance. i do note that even with deep freeze machines infrozen, this still happens!

I cannot currently confirm the frozen vs unfrozen bit as i'm not in a position to test it (medical reasons) .. I'm relaying that bit from my colleagues. I'm afraid I'll nto be of much use overthe coming few weeks. Like yourself we cannot afford to leave machines unfrozen as we allow local admin rights to the teaching lab machines as some software for development requires it. I must check if I made deepfreeze go into maintenace mode every night instead of every wednesday would it make a difference.

maybe I am not explaining correctly. with ofris (linux) or deep freeze (windows) you can freeze the current state of the pc and when you restart all the changes, documents downloaded, created, etc. will be deleted and when the pc turns on everything would be as originally desired. To put a bit of context, I have a computer lab and the computers present here are accessed by many people, students, teachers, etc. It would be crazy to generate a user for each of them

If you have AD and enterprise windows licensing, IMO DF doesn't make sense in Windows anymore either. We used it happily for years, but decided the risk of running machines that never patched wasn't worth it anymore.

Yes, I know DF offers maintenance windows, but with laptops powered off in carts, it was never realistic for us to get machines patched. Oh and there's no extra cost to using AD if you already have the infrastructure.

As I replied to the youtube guy, my does this also. Randomly freezes & forces me to do a hard reboot by holding down the power button. I have the ATI 5850 and am waiting for Dell to update their driver files (Nov) which are supposedly a marked improvement over the ones on the website (Sep). If you can figure out what is actually wrong, please let me know, can"t neither I nor Dell can. Also have the weird response during the MMO Aion of when touching the stealth mode button that my guy runs & will not stop. Its not the game, but driver because after I touch the stealth-mode button, my guy will run as soon as I logon (I can restart game several times) and will do so until I reboot. Weird stuff.

I'll try the stealth mode thing as soon as I can though. (It annoys me that there isnt a light or something that can indicate to me if stealth mode is on or off during fullscreen applications like games and such, there's just the popup when in windows)

I have had my m15x for over 6months, and this just started happening within the last month. I have tried re installing my 260m drivers etc... When I would freeze, some of the time it would unfreeze 1-2 minutes later or allow me to run task manager while the other times I would be forced to hard restart it. I just rebooted from a windows update and after login it went right to back desktop like it used to. For the last few weeks it would be at a blackscreen for 1-2minutes before loading up windows after login. I am running bios version A03 currently.


So far the games that previously froze and that I can run while stealthmode is on seem fine, no freezes; this might just be coincidence though as the freezes are random and not that frequent. If, however, it is in fact a problem with the dedicated gfx card, what would be the next 'step' towards a solution? Does anyone know if this is a software issue and all that is needed is a fresh install, or if it's a hardware issue and I have to send it in for repair/replacement?

Recently it was brought to my attention that one of our lab machines running Windows 7 and Faronics Deepfreeze was stuck in a reboot loop. Upon looking at it I found that it was displaying the normal windows start up logo with a black background and then going into updates. At the end of the updates it would reboot and start the process all over again.

After a little research I found a post that mentioned renaming the c:\windows\winsxs\pending.xml to prevent the system from attempting to apply updates. I booted the system into System Recovery and selected command prompt and renamed the file. I then rebooted and it worked in-so-far as allowing the machine to boot up such that I could login and thaw it.

"The noise of destruction adds to its satisfaction," Elias Canetti notes in Crowds and Power. "The banging of windows and smashing of glass are the robust sounds of fresh life, the cries of something newborn." In Detroit, they proved to be—with the rattling of gunfire—the sounds of death. Throughout the Detroit riot there was—as in Newark—a spectacularly perverse mood of gaiety and light-hearted abandon in the mob—a "carnival spirit," as a shocked Mayor Cavanagh called it, echoing the words used by New Jersey's Governor Richard Hughes after he toured stricken Newark three weeks ago.

"Sold Brother." Looters skipped gingerly over broken glass to rake in wrist watches and clothing from shop windows. One group of hoods energetically dismantled a whole front porch and lobbed the bricks at police. Two small boys struggled down Twelfth Street with a load of milk cartons and a watermelon. Another staggered from a supermarket under the weight of a side of beef. One prosperous Negro used his Cadillac convertible to haul off a brand-new deep freeze.

Some of the looters were taking a methodical revenge upon the area's white merchants, whose comparatively high prices, often escalated to offset losses by theft and the cost of extra-high insurance premiums, irk the residents of slum neighborhoods. Most of the stores pillaged and destroyed were groceries, supermarkets and furniture stores; of Detroit's 630 liquor stores, 250 were looted. Many drunks careened down Twelfth Street consuming their swag. Negro merchants scrawled "Soul Brother"—and in one case, "Sold Brother" —on their windows to warn the mobs off. But many of their stores were ravaged nonetheless.

A few factors resulted in a corrupted installation of Windows 11, this includes a new Security Policy, corrupted base OS image, and Deepfreeze. This OS corruption resulted in several basic Windows services from being able to start.

To resolve the issue, we had to uninstall Deepfreeze from all systems, direct Windows Update to Microsoft, and run several PowerShell commands to repair the corrupted OS files. After this was complete, we would direct Windows update back to our local WSUS, run Windows Updates, and reinstall deepfreeze. ff782bc1db

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