Decoding Social Life 


Find the right mentor to achieve your goals, personal goals, fitness/health goals, social goals, relasionships goals and many more. Learn how to step outside your comfort zone. What goals do you want to achieve persoanlly and proffesionally? 

Online Therapy

We offer online consultation to men all around the world. No matter what timezone you are in we can make accomadations.

Client-Coach Relationship

Build a connected-safe relasionship with one of our coaches today. A good coach or mentor can change your life.


Henry Fitzhugh

About me: My passion is helping men to socialize, meet, and network with new people. I work with clients all around the world to achieve their goals. Whatever that might be, socially, professionally and personally. Sometimes I offer advice other times I listen and evaluate my clients situations so I can create a course of action for them. My passions include connecting with people in different citites and cultures. Apply to work with me today! 

Contact: Instagram @henry.fitzhugh

Sumir Srivastava

About me: My passion is helping people grow and evolve. My goal is to make a positive impact on people's lives. I have built strong relasionships with my clients and do my best to support their needs. I am fluent in English and Hindi. As an athletic coach and a personal one, my skillsets have been utilized by many. I hope to bring a smile to your face and bring success in any facet of your life. My passions include traveling, especially to Southern California. Apply to work with me today!

Contact: Instagram @sumirsrivastava

Together and with the help of other creators, Sumir and Henry have created a growing audience on Youtube. On top of that the two recently created the Decoding Social Life Podcast. Focusing on personal development, the podcast has listeners across the United States. 

They have accumulated over 100,000 views exploring the idea of modern dating and understanding social life in 2024. Exploring the expecations, conflict and common notions that men and women place on each other. Their media content has reached people in over 50 countires around the world. Decoding Social Life is especially popular in the United States, India, The United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and South Africa amoung many more. 


The goal when creating this platform was to make a positive change in the world. We are now releasing ways that we can connect with our audience. This program specifcally for men is now up and running. Over the next few months we will be having exciting accouncments in regards to in person events held by DSL. The location and dates will be released and another similar application process will occur. 

I'm extremely motivated to see us grow. We've been able to check off a few different locations. I hope to see us travel to different cities and connect with as many people as possible.  - Sumir Srivastava (Head of Operations)  

This is something we have been working on for a while and we are proud to present to the public. We hope to continue to help people, specifically men. Act as a resource to achieve whatever goal or grow and develop as a person. I am excited for our in person retreats that will bring people together from all different cultures/backrounds. There's no better feeling than complimenting/helping someone. 

One of the biggest things that we can offer to people is forcing you outside your comfort zone. When you do things that are outside your comfort zone, you increase your confidence, hard things become easy and you get this radiant sense of fufillment. I hope to meet and connect with our audience as much as possible.  - Henry Fitzhugh (Cheif Executive Officer)