In the deck tracker you can import decks. How does it do this? It seems to instantly pull the whole deck when you open it, even if some of the deck is off screen (you have to scroll down), and even if the hearthstone is not your game window. So I guess it's not done visually?

The other thing is, how does the tracker keep track of what's going on in the game? It says what cards have been played, etc. I also assume it doesn't do this visually, but I suppose it could? (Not sure how it would do that either though).

Deck Tracker

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I would think there is an easy option for this, but so far I haven't found it. 

Is there a way to hide or archive, or even just outright delete all the old decks that are building up in Decktracker? I don't care if the are archived and hidden, or just outright deleted ... I just want them off the main list. Obviously I found where I can do them one at a time, but I was hoping for some way to do them in bulk, as there are hundreds of them. Decks that got played one time just to test a combo or something. Arena decks, Brawl decks ... its nuts. And, I have a feeling its why I am getting a lot of errors in Deck Tracker lately. I would like to save the stats if possible, but even that would be negotiable if not possible. 

Any help appreciated.

Can someone give me a detailed way how to install HDT? or a link to some Tutorial? i googled a bit but did found nothing usefull. I have Hearthstone installed with Lutris, they have the deck tracker too, but when i click the install button nothing happens. And if i download the installer and try to open the exe with wine, i just get the error message that i cant execute it with admin permissions.

And please assume im a complete newbie when you write your answer

I got HDT to work via that Github tutorial (GitHub - borisbabic/hearthstone_hdt_linux: Contains instructions and code to get hearthstone with hdt running on linux) posted above.

But for KDE plasma users, dont use "Force titlebar" option for the deck tracker and deactive "Blur for semi transparent windows"

I'm getting an "un even" permissions error code-thing, and although deck tracker is loading up it will not sync with my game to take any new data, also the overlay is broken. basically nothing is working. 

I have tried doing what it says in the error msg and it doesn't work. could it be linked to the new patch, as it was working fine before that I'm sure. I don't like playing without the overlay, so hopefully I can at least get in keeper working again. will in keeper be gone when Hearthpwn goes down as well does anyone know, please?

I think I got it working. "no deck mode" was activated when I checked the app. I don't know if switching this off fixed it or it was a coincidence, but it appears deck tracker is working again at least as I can see the win counter at the bottom of the screen.

If anyone has this issue, try running HDT in admin mode once HS is already running. I think this is what solved my issue after all.

thanks for the suggestion, I don't really wanna run HS through an android emulator though. The downgrade in the games interface would be worse than not having deck tracker. 

I get that it's cool if you're playing it on mobile though.

As a streamer you can easily add the extension to your channel: If you're already using Hearthstone Deck Tracker you're even fewer clicks away, as we've built the feature right into the application! The tracker will send live game data to Twitch while you're playing and overlay it on the stream, so your viewers can instantly start using the features. If you switch the game or stop playing, the extension will automatically hide itself. If you'd rather not have the on-stream deck list, you can turn it in the Extension Manager on Twitch.

We're especially looking forward to feedback from streamers, as we'd like to make this extension exactly what you need. Let us know on our Discord server or contact us at We're also happy to help you with any issues you might have while setting up the extension.

Streamers often do not directly see the deck tracker. Instead, it is used to show viewers information (such as the decklist) that is otherwise available only to the streamer. Basically, the deck tracker gives viewers the ability to feel like they understand more of the game. On the other hand, Ladder players using deck trackers swear by them and claim that using it improves win rate.

As you can see, Leach, not understanding the deck, uses a Lightning Bolt on turn 1 to deal damage to face. In a similar way, netdecking players who fail to understand how their deck works will face difficulty playing the deck on ladder.

The deck tracker is a lot of help in that regard, it provides the streamer with a ton of information in order to properly navigate a game. Most of that information they would miss as they have to focus on the distractions associated with streaming. Also, the deck tracker helps the audience with getting a lot of information and being more implicated in the game they are watching on stream.

Over time, as we were seeing these great, popular players use this new tool that allowed them to play more relaxed, more efficiently as well. We all assumed that a deck tracker would be the future of competitive card games, allowing a player to make better decision and simply become a more competitive player. And this is very likely the truth.

Basically, the reason one would use a deck tracker is to gather more information during a game, and have access to other information faster. Tracking cards, and the mathematical part of card games as a whole, has been considered one of the hardest skills to master at a pro level.

But there is another way to look at it, and it exactly the theme of this article in reality: The deck tracker also is a software bombarding the player with a ton of information while said player already is thinking about the other aspects of the game.

For a veteran player, who already knows all the fundamentals of the game and the various match ups, the macro information that the deck tracker can give is honestly quite irrelevant. Most players spending a decent amount of time know at least 35 of the 40 cards in every popular deck, and can make a reasonable guess at the remaining ones if needed.

Basically, the tracker allow veteran players to stay focused on the big picture, making sure the general gameplan stays on the rails. When there is a very specific decision that needs to be taken, like playing around a certain card, or the potential burst the opponent could have access to, the player will look at the tracker to get the needed information.

Because the foundations are there, and a veteran player already knows most of what the tracker provides. They are capable of navigating all the information the tracker contains to find just the precise one they require for the specific decision they need to make.

In this case, the tracker allowed me to have a more complete reasoning on my various possibilities. Because I did not have to spend most of my time counting the chance of each player drawing a specific card, I could use this brain power to figure out what happens if I draw something else.

However, in order to reach that more complex, thorough reasoning, I need to be in a capacity of understanding everything else that came before that. Which is that I was pushing for lethal, with 6 cards in my deck helping me in that regard, and I needed to avoid my opponent finding healing, which they have 2 cards left in their deck with that effect.

If I do not have this information as a player, the deck tracker can do all the math for me, I would have no idea what to do with it, and it would just be a useless information then. And this could be true for any information contained in the deck tracker. If I have no idea how the current Elise Viego deck operates, what is the point of the deck tracker telling me I have 43% win rate in this match up? I have no idea what to do with that information.

For example, once I have the information that most Demacia decks are midrange lists, based on dominating the board and the combat phase to win the game. I can make the decision of fighting the board as a priority when I play against one, or when playing a Demacia deck myself. And from this point, I can move on to the more specialized information of separating every Demacia deck in the metagame and knowing what is a priority to remove or not in each deck.

Because you do not have the necessary experience to quickly create links in between all the information available without the tracker, the information the deck tracker is giving you only adds to the confusion rather than helps solving it.

In the case of a beginner player, it might sound weird, but I would actually give them my decklist before a match rather than let them guess what is in my deck. The reason for that is that it is likely they will focus on what they fear I might do with my deck rather than how they can create a tough situation for me.

At the same time, because it takes a beginner player much more time to process an information, being busy looking at my decklist might make them run out of time during a round and skip an action entirely.

In the internet era, we are used to seeing specialists all the time, because it is talent that is showcased more often than not on Twitch or YouTube. As such, when you see a player praising how nice it is to use a deck tracker, you should keep in mind that you are likely watching someone who could tell you the entire metagame by heart, and probably the most popular match ups too, and the key cards in those. You are watching a specialist of Legends of Runeterra, someone with over a thousand hours on the game.

The tracker works by listening to what Faeria's server instructs your client to do. This info comes into TCP packets as string data, Vulpyne was the one that figured out what those meant (since it's text it's somewhat readable).

Might not be the exact decklist (probably 1 card difference), but this should be it. It could definitely use a bit of tuning and Karazhan cards, such as Barnes. If you want to swap in some cards, you can swap them for Effigy and Frost Nova. The Effigy was often underperforming, but honestly, so was the whole deck. Frost Nova had sometimes nice combo turns with Doomsayer and you could stall a turn with it, but it still felt pretty weak. 2351a5e196

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