The debt snowball is a debt payoff method where you pay your debts from smallest to largest, regardless of interest rate. Knock out the smallest debt first. Then, take what you were paying on that debt and add it to the payment of your next smallest debt.

Minimum Payment

This is the lowest amount you are required to pay on a debt every month (includes principal and interest). Pay any less and you might get slapped with some hefty penalties.

Debt Snowball Calculator Download


Note for Debt Snowball: If you include your mortgage in your accelerated debt payoff plan then be sure to enter only the principal & interest portion of your monthly mortgage payment (don't include monthly tax and insurance portion as that expense never gets paid off).

By keeping your lifestyle down while paying your debts, you'll be able to continue paying the same overall amount of money every month until all your debts are gone. It's one of the fastest, most efficient, and emotionally rewarding ways to get out debt!

The key to staying out of debt forever is to replace the bad habits that created debt in the first place with wealth producing habits. Once you've changed your spending habits then your growing wealth will reflect the new pattern.

The Debt Snowball Calculator gives you the tools you need to forecast your payments and savings. Financial experts agree: the debt snowball plan is an excellent way to pay off your debt quickly and systematically.

Once you're out of debt, you'll be able to put more money toward investments, vacations, and so much more. Close your eyes and imagine a life without debt. Make it a reality and try out the Debt Snowball Calculator today!

This calculator uses rollover payments to accelerate your payoff plan to get you debt free as soon as possible. The way it works is that you throw everything you have at the first debt in line to be paid off. As you pay off each debt, the freed-up amount is applied to the next debt. Repeat the process until you are completely debt free!

The most effective way to pay down debt is to focus on accounts with the highest interest rate which is known as the debt avalanche method or debt stacking. However, many people like to focus on accounts with the smallest balance first, also known as the debt snowball. You can simulate both methods (along with a few others) with the form below to see which one works best for you.

This site was designed to help people get out of debt. Use this calculator to show you how much you'll be paying in interest and give you a detailed month-by-month payment schedule along with a timeline graph. There's no catch, try it out right now and find out what your debt free date will be. If you would like to save your information, you can create a free account so you don't have to re-enter anything. Creating an account is *not* required to use this calculator. Remeber, the best payoff plan is the one you can stick with! Here's some more info on how the site works.

It's really easty to get started; the first thing you need to enter is your "Total debt payoff budget". This is the total amount you can pay towards your debts each month (including the minimum payments). For example, if the total of the minimum payments on all of your accounts is $500, but you can afford and extra $400 on top of that; use $900 as the budget amount. Next, you enter in the basic info about your accounts. Add as many lines as you need. When you're done, just click the "Go!" button and your plan will be automatically generated. You can change the payoff method to see how it affects the debt free date. You can optionally choose to create an account if you like.

Debt is a four-letter word that nobody likes. One of the worst parts about debt is how quickly that you can sink into it. Unfortunately since credit cards, a mortgage, car payments, and school loans are all becoming a necessary part of life, debt can pile up much too easily. According to, consumers in the United States have a combined total of 11.4 trillion dollars in debt. If you want to do your part to decrease this astronomical number and if you are trying to get out from under debt, here are seven effective strategies to quickly pay off your debt.

The first thing that you need to learn how to do is stop creating new debt. If you continue to go further into debt, you will never pay it off. That black hole of debt will only get deeper and feel more suffocating. Try to stop creating new debt by trying these techniques for the next year:

If you're someone who can't get your spending under control, especially when it comes to using your credit cards, you may need to cut them up and throw them away. Most people who spend too much money do so because it gives the feeling of instant gratification. When you decide to stop creating new debt, try to focus on the long-term benefits. If you do well, you will surprise yourself by how much money you save when you stop adding to your debt. The money that you would have paid in interest can now be used for necessary purchases or put into savings.

Sometimes when you first take out a loan, you get charged a high-interest rate. This might be because of your credit rating or because it is the only interest rate that financial institution offers. You can often lower these high-interest rates by refinancing your mortgage, car loan, school loan, or personal loans. Many financial institutions run refinancing specials so that you can refinance your loans with a lower interest rate. When you lower your interest rates, your debt automatically decreases.

One way you can quickly decrease your debt, especially on things like your credit card and your loans, is to pay more than just the balance due. For instance, if you have a car payment where you owe $350 a month, try paying $400 a month instead. You will want to tell the lender that you want the extra $50 applied to the principal.

This technique, made popular by financial guru Dave Ramsey, is an especially great technique to try if you are having trouble getting motivated to pay off your debt. When using this technique to pay off your debt quickly, the trick is to pay off the loan with the lowest balance first. The snowball technique works great if you have several loans that you are trying to pay off. Once you pay off your loan with the lowest balance first, you will more likely be motivated to pay off the rest of the loans.

When you owe money to various creditors, it is easy to feel like you are sinking in a sea of debt, and it's hard to get your head above the water. Once you see that you are able to pay off one of your creditors, you can start swimming toward your goal of getting the rest of them paid off.

This technique works best for those who are really motivated to get their debt paid off and are not afraid to do the math. This technique also works well if you have loans or credit cards that are accumulating compound interest. When you pay off the loan or credit card with the highest interest rate first, you will be saving money down the road because you will decrease the amount of interest that you would have paid on the high interest loan.

Another effective strategy for paying off your debt quickly, especially if you have a lot of loans, is to combine them. Oftentimes, you will be able to combine several of your high-interest loans into a new loan with a lower interest rate. Many banks and other financial institutions offer debt consolidation programs. There are two ways you can effectively do this with different types of debt:

Some people are in debt and honestly don't know where all their money goes. The problem is they just keep spending and keep using their credit card because they don't have a spending plan. If you aren't aware of how you are spending your money, chances are you will never be able to get out of debt.

If you truly want to change your spending habits, you have to realize that you can no longer hide how you spend your money. Once you see where your money is going, you will be able to set up a budget that works and start tackling your debt.

These are just seven strategies that will help you pay off your debt quickly and effectively. This is important to do because having less debt means you have a better credit rating. In addition, you can put more money into savings and retirement or your child's higher education fund, or you can have extra money to go on that much-deserved vacation. If you need another incentive for being debt-free, think about the huge weight that will get lifted off your shoulders so that you can stop worrying about money and start enjoying life.

Just like in a snowball fight, using the debt snowball method can make savings goals more manageable and help you eliminate your debt. Debt snowballing involves paying off your smaller debt balances first, then directing those payments toward your larger balances once you pay off smaller ones. In this way, your debt payments pile up like a snowball that gets bigger and bigger until it smashes your debt.

When you pay off that debt, move to the next smallest balance by rolling your minimum payment from the paid-off account into the next snowball target. As you pay down debts, the payments grow larger and larger until the snowball knocks out your biggest balances.

Then, add that $350 to your $150 student loan payment for a whopping $500 monthly. The snowball method can really make payments add up fast. Using this method, it would only be around 15 more months until your student loan balance lost the snowball fight.

A debt snowball aims to pay down debt quickly, but a debt avalanche is a strategy that aims to reduce your interest as much as possible. If you have lots of high-interest loan balances, a debt avalanche may be the better option for you instead of a debt snowball.

Planning an effective debt repayment strategy might seem daunting at first, but there are several ways to manage your debt in a way that works for you. The Mint app can help you to start saving money to put toward extra loan payments and help crush your loan balances quicker. ff782bc1db

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