Yarns for knitting and crocheting,

attentively hand-dyed in Ontario:

Welcome knitters and crocheters, admirers of wool! Find a curated selection of yarns for the discerning maker, with unique yarn bases and colours inspired by nature, fine art, architecture, and further whimsies.

Thoughtfully chosen bases:

Here at deBoer Yarn Co., all yarn bases will be sustainably-minded in at least one way, representing the idea that climate-aware crafting is a wholistic endeavour. One of following criteria must be met:

  • Does it contain 100% natural, compostable fibres?

  • Is it milled locally, helping to lower total emissions associated with transportation?

  • Is the fibre from the Ontario fibreshed, promoting breed diversity and local economy?

  • Is the fibre organic/carbon neutral/climate beneficial or held to a similar industry standard?