The worm is said to inhabit the western[4] or southern[5] Gobi. In the 1987 book Altajn Tsaadakh Govd, Ivan Mackerle cites a Mongolian legend which described the creature as travelling underground, creating waves of sand on the surface which allow it to be detected.[6] It is said it can kill at a distance, either by spraying a venom at its prey or by means of electric discharge.[5][7] It primarily lives and burrows underground, only rarely coming to the surface.[5]

In 1990 and 1992, Ivan Mackerle led small groups of companions into the Gobi Desert to search for the worm. Inspired by Frank Herbert's novel Dune, in which giant fictional sandworms could be brought to the surface by rhythmic thumping, Mackerle constructed a motor-driven "thumper" and even used small explosions to try to find it.[6]

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In 2005, zoological journalist Richard Freeman of the Centre for Fortean Zoology mounted an expedition to hunt for the death worm but came up empty-handed. Freeman's conclusion was that the tales of the worm's powers had to be apocryphal, and that reported sightings likely involved an unknown species of worm lizard or amphisbaena.[9]

A New Zealand television entertainment reporter, David Farrier of TV3 News, took part in an expedition in August 2009[9][10][11] but came up empty-handed as well.[12] He conducted interviews with locals claiming to have seen the worm and mentioned on his website that the sightings peaked in the 1950s.

I have 2 giant death worms eggs and one regular death worm egg, I have a really big mob problem because they just LOVE to spawn in the field I'm inhabiting. I want to hatch and release a few death worms in this area to help out, so the mobs stop killing all my cockatrice who try their best to defend me!

Hello my tribe and I are currently gathering materials to move into the dunes.. We have a plan for a 10x20 house with 2 enclosed Dino pens all will be double walled stone on the outside with Adobe inside.. My question is.. If a death worm or alpha death worm spawns will they be able to break though and destroy the base I have googled this matter with no luck ( no very good at finding answers the questions on Google ) any advice or warnings are welcomed

If you build right on the EDGE of the dunes, but just inside on the cliffs/rocks then chances of a worm spawning and agro'ing your base are pretty slim. They seem to mostly only spawn on the outer edges of the dunes with a few exceptions.

It's easy enough to find worms when you're looking for them but i would think one spawning right near your base is pretty rare. I've killed about 70 worms now and have only seen one alpha so they're even less likely to ever appear near your base. I'd suggest not building near any of the corners of the map where there are larger desert areas because those tend to be where you find sandworms away from the edges of the map. Maybe building on one of the long narrow strips on the sides of the map near the invisible walls would be the way to go - you'd probably prevent one from spawning there and would only have to worry if one spawn really close on either side of your base. Might even be worth building a few structures a little ways away from your base to give a bigger buffer zone.

If you built the outer walls out of metal you'd probably be just fine. Standard worms are easy enough to kill with a decent rex or dragon so make sure you have one of those before building out there. Still risky but with a good plan I'm sure you can make it work.

Ok just an update we was laying a outline of the base a day ago came on today to find a death worm had spawned basically onto of it ( my kinda luck ) so we have recently started to demo our outline and have found a spot closer to the edge of a mountain.. This area is a bit grass but right next to the sand we do have plans to make mini guns but honestly at the new location I don't think it will be much of a problem.. We will be going on a 5 golem taming spree tom. And have plans to include them in our gated area that covers the new base and have them all on neutral just incase as well as a 170 Rex.. But yes we are building there just for the power.. I've been the only one able to get on early enough to repair our backup genny and Iv recently landed a new job that will put me away for 30 days so as to fight the power issue we are forced to move to a 100% wind zone in hope of other able to get on soon enough of the genny for what ever reason kicks on.. Thank you all for the advice

We are planning on moving our main base to the dunes not far from the Wyvern pit. Last night on our first worm hunting expidition we couldn't find any worms in that part of the map so i'm hoping that's a good sign. 

Play as a hungry worm who has the taste for humans! Eat humans, destroy helicopters and even take down tanks. Slither around underground then pop up to eat your dinner. Avoid bombs and bullets as you attempt to survive for as long as possible in order to top the Death Worm leaderboard.

Using K camera which most everyone knows can be used while you hunt around the outside desert. I like getting pretty close to the map edge and then sprinting until you see a tubular spawn below the map. This will render from a decent view and you cannot miss what it looks like, an upside down tubular worm. However even before you venture out you have to have the right stuff otherwise you are dog meat out there.

Now beware the Alpha Death Worm, its way more harder to kill and Rock Golem imho is better, but a great Rex should be able to get the kill as well, the health is the biggest issue on an alpha worm. An Alpha worm can take down two Alpha Wyverns easily so they are no joke, its up to you to make that challenge or run away and save what you have farmed already.

Loot you will commonly find on Regular Level 1 Death worms are angler gel, leech blood, and the goal, one death spike. Alphas will contain 20 death spikes. If you can find an alpha and kill it, great as it means you are on your way to finding a great Mantis to tame with plenty of spikes depending on the level tamed.

- walk to the sand dune end where the border is, follow the border until a worm appears (usually in 2 minutes) bite it 5 times and back away, the worm will go under and give you a few seconds to regen health, but not regain much of its own... takes me about a minute to kill one with my rex.

I've been hunting these on my rex (on PC) and have noticed that when you run through the desert you can see them for a split second at the instant they are within render range. You see a flash of a worm above ground, quick but noticeable. Terrain can block it so it isn't foolproof but that's how i find these buggers. Even without it though they aggro from a long range so you'd find them by just running around in the northern deserts. Or i guess i should say that they'll find you. Haven't had much luck finding them in the south of the map. They give no indication of their presence other than the odd glitches so you either look for those or randomly stumble into their aggro range.

I'm using a bred rex max imprinted who started with about 10k health and 350% melee and at that point standard death worms die easily. At this point he's at about 25k health and i just run rampant through the deserts and stuff him full of food to heal - can go pretty much endlessly. I killed 8 worms or so in about an hour run yesterday (one double spawn) but haven't found an alpha yet.

Anyone have experience with taking on alpha worms with a rex? I kibble tamed a 120 rex this weekend, and it's up to level 220 with 12k health/400% melee damage. I saw an alpha worm but i was at 50% health so i punted on it until i could come back more prepared. Of course it was gone when i came back, but for future reference, any idea if my rex will do?

Thank you! I was wondering if anyone had tried taking on a Deathworm with a Rex! I recently tracked down male and female Rexes on The Center that were level 150. I kibble tamed them, so they're pretty much perfect tames. I started using one that had about 8100 health. I'm not sure what his melee damage was, but it's over 400% right now. The saddle is Primitive, but with only a couple points more than default. I tracked down a Deathworm and had to run away. I'll keep working on it and perhaps I'll bring the female with me for that mate boost. I was thinking about bringing over my Giga (was a wild 135 I think) from The Center, too, but thought I'd try a Rex. I haven't tried raising a Wyvern yet. I finally have a high level Argy (from The Center) which now has 200% movement speed, so I can steal an egg. I just haven't hunted for one yet. I'm planning to set up a trap (like the one ChickenBone made ) to help me get milk easier. But I wanted to try to get a Mantis or two tamed first.

But, I had another idea! What if I put several layers of sand then a layer or two of stone [to keep the sand up] and then placed my villagers under the stone layer while raising up Death Worms on the sand layer to protect them and my base? My thought process here is that if I have the death worms here, they could protect against any threats that came after me or my tamed creatures up above. [I have vanilla mobs in the same general area, but it's surrounded by dirt so I don't think they could get at them]

It sounds like a fantastic, lethal creature that might be found in a 1950s pulp science-fiction novel (or sci-fi television movie), but some people believe that a large, deadly worm-like creature called the Mongolian Death Worm exists in the Gobi desert. ff782bc1db

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