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Gareth and Rhonu had a son named Walter years after becoming rulers. After Gareth spent most of his time helping Drago and Rhonu died after her bonded dragon's death, Walter became disillusioned with dragons and ran away. Years later, Walter's wife gives birth to fraternal twins with strange patches of scales on their bodies and dies; Walter raises them despite their appearances.

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Twenty years later, King Gareth nears death, and succession is in doubt with Walter still missing. Gareth passes, but Drago survives, learning he is now bonded to someone else. Drago finds his heart now bound to Edric, the male twin who possesses enhanced strength and uses it as a sheriff for Earl Robert Cole's shire. Learning that Walter was Edric's father, Drago convinces Edric to take Gareth's throne in Lundenwic; despite the people loving Edric, his arrogance and inexperience with royal duties bother Drago. Realizing their bond is partial, Drago confronts Edric, who shares his twin sister Mehgan's existence. Mehgan grew up prejudiced because of her more visible scales and power to manipulate fire. After she accidentally burned down their home with Walter inside, Edric bargained to send her away by boat to protect her from the villagers. Unwilling to forsake the chance to be Robert's sheriff, he did not go with Mehgan.

Drago saves the twins from getting captured and forces them to fight to the death for the throne; they fight and argue until Mehgan reveals what really happened when Walter died: Edric accidentally killed their father during a fight over him becoming sheriff, and she took the blame to protect his chance at a good life; the truth compels them to reconcile. Returning to the castle, Edric challenges Thorgrim to get the Heartfire while Mehgan rallies the castle's women to help her fight. Mehgan finds an open flame, but Sable and an archer mortally wound her, also affecting Drago. Thorgrim absorbs the Heartfire to control its power but gets overwhelmed. Edric kills him, scaring off the Vikings, and Mehgan recovers the remaining Heartfire. Instead of taking it back, Drago has Edric use it to heal Mehgan. Then the twins share the bond of their dragonhearts, removing their scales and powers. With Gareth's family whole again, Drago dies peacefully and becomes a new star in the Draco constellation's tail, telling the twins to rule their kingdom together.[3][4] ff782bc1db

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