After failing to stop a virus turning people into bloodthirsty zombies, the government develops a video game to recruit the most talented players to combat the real-life horde. Led by Captain Kyle Walker, the team must fight through an army of the undead to locate a group of scientists that may have developed a cure for the virus.

I made up a dummy round and was able to reproduce the issue a number of times. I started by going through my routine at the LAMR command, where I unholster the gun, ease the slide back to verify to myself the chamber is empty, insert mag, rack slide fully to the rear and release. When I do this, I get the dead trigger more often than not.

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It's odd. If I just ease the slide back, it's good. If I pull it back fully and release, it's good. If I ease it back and forward then rack it, I get the dead trigger. I'm not sure why this would be. I could get it to do this whether chambering the dummy round or not.

So then I swapped trigger groups between two frames. Now reassembling everything, all of them are working correctly. I can no longer replicate the failure in any of the guns. Maybe just an odd combination of worn parts? The frame that was showing this issue is at least 15 years old, and I have no idea how many rounds are through it. Maybe it's time to replace some of these small parts.

On all but one stage the trigger was dead on the first shot. Grip safety was depressed, slide was fully in battery, I spent some time making sure of those as the stages went by to make sure that was not the issue. Raking the slide would get the gun to function. The second issue was having a dead trigger after a reload on several occasions.

I installed the shadow 2 reach reduction kit, but running into an issue. When I put everything back together except the slide, everything works. But when I put the slide back on (and depress the trigger bar in the process) the trigger won't release the hammer any more. I have to take out the sear cage and put it back in to reset.

I had an issue with my CGW RRK last year. CGW responded in less than 12 hours (on a Sunday at that!). I needed to do what Cclass suggested with mine because the trigger wold not reset, however I had to take off more material than I thought I had too. I think your issue may be a slightly different one.

When you rack the slide to set the trigger to SA, I'm assuming it doesn't work properly. However, if you put just a little downwards pressure on the hammer, it properly resets and the trigger should now work. If so, then it's the disconnector and it requires more fitting.

Thanks for the reply, but pushing on the hammer any direction doesn't seem to help. When the slide is racked, the trigger bar gets lodged lower than normal, and sticks there, breaking contact with the sear and prevents the hammer from dropping. I'll post two photos, the first is "normal" the second is this "stuck" state. I'm only able to alleviate it by removing the sear cage.

Yeah I have been emailing with GCW, they don't seem to know what's going on either. They did say to check the trigger bar springs, and they are correctly seated under the trigger bar. Checked the tension as well and when placed beside the trigger bar, rest near the top.

As everyone has stated, make sure trigger bar spring is correct, then since it doesn't drop from SA you will have to take some material off the back side of the disco. The disco is preventing the trigger bar from pushing the sear open.

I had the issue of getting a dead trigger when you rack the slide to SA. I filed down the main surface of the disconnector shown in red. I had to take off A LOT. Much more than I was expecting. Don't be afraid to file a lot off if the first you times you try and it doesn't help. I was using 80 grit sandpaper followed by 1000 to smooth it by the end. I probably disassembled, filed and reassembled about 50 times.

however, im having some trouble getting a specific trigger to work. at one point in one of my missions i have a group dead trigger for some enemy SAMs that a friendly tank column is scripted to destroy halfway into the mission. but the trigger doesnt work; its a very simple " once group dead - SAMs - display message" trigger, but it doesnt work. i have several similar triggers in the mission, and they work just fine. so my question is:

I'm slightly confused sZimm so help me out with a clarification.. Are you trying to make a trigger that spawns new enemies or simply making a trigger to display a message noting when the SAM's were destroyed..

Well as far as I've noticed triggers work no matter who takes the kill... I've made many missions with similar triggers and they have always worked for me so I don't know if I can help you on this or not.. And for the Shval I've never had a problem locking targets day or night.

Now when I do kill this HVT target I immediately get the confirmation......But I don't want it to confirm he is dead unless myself (or member of my unit / any group member) is within the 10 x 10 trigger zone (to simulate a positive ID).

@Jshock - Thanks, maybe a work around. Still can't figure out why it is triggering though. It is a 10x10 trigger...and I am no where near that close when I'm killing this HVT in practice. Yet it is going off.

Got it to work. Exactly like above. But make sure to have it set as a "countdown" not on "timer" (even if timer is all set to 0 to begin with). Works perfect now. A member of my group has to be within trigger zone of dead body before positive ID is made.

Good day steemians, welcome to my blog. Today we're going to do a game review on Dead trigger 2. In my last post was were I shared a game review on Last day on earth survival you can still check it out here.

So today we will be doing a game review on Dead trigger 2

Dead trigger 2 is a fantastic action game that actually does so many more of amazing and surprising things on it as you'd be surprised on a game that makes great astounding things on it which typically made the game a more outstanding one as it perfectly does things quite in a standard way that is absolutely pleasant to one when playing the game.

The dead trigger 2 game was released on the October 23 2013 and looking at this date, it typically shows that the game was released quite a Long time as now it was released probably about 4 years ago but to tell you ever since the game was released they've been doing quite good since then both on the visibility aspect and the positive reviews and every nice comments made by users all were absolutely nice to see cause actually lots of people liked the game so much and that really makes no difference. Talking about the visibility of the game, right now the Game has a total of 10 million downloads on play store and still counting as well cause that's like what it should be for the actual state of the positive things the game does and literally it's a very popular game that is been known and liked by all mostly for the fantastic way it plays and all other good aspect about it in general. And not much of it actually but another fun thing that made me really liked the game is because there wasn't much of any negative reviews about it or Rather I'll say there wasn't at all. So generally it's all an excellent game with one of the best 3d graphical designs and on it and the fantastic gameplay as well.

The Dead trigger 2 game was created and developed by madfinger games, which as well are the developers of most of other fantastic games like the shadow gun dead zone, monzo, samurai ii vengeance, unkilled multiplayer combat game and many more of it but here's actually the ones I listed and basically, they deal more on creating action zombie games which all were a fantastic one, so that's actually a nice thing to see on the game.

Speaking about the gameplay, the gameplay aspect of dead trigger game is really really a fun fantastic one as that happened to be the Best part of what the literally features. The gameplay aspect can really be an easy one to overcome but quite a tough one as it sounded so interesting playing it. Actually speaking, the gameplay involves shooting and typically it's a game whereby you'd get to fight brutally as there are also plenty of weapons there for you to use in battling with the zombies. It's simply just a game whereby you'd need to fight the zombies as you take part in killing and shooting them with the intensive weapons cause there are many of it to be used both the knives, the tall stick and every other gaming weapon there.

Speaking about the sound, the sound aspect of Dead trigger 2 game is really a cool one as it sounded greatly in the ear when bearing of it. The game does many things on it and the sound effects of it are really great so it's all perfect within the way it is. The sound in the dead trigger 2 game is really excellent and quite fabulous. The sound effects are great and sound so much realistic. the moans of the dieing and the zombies of the enemies are brilliantly designed well. The soundtrack really isn't all there but adds to the feel of the game. The voice acting is moderate at it's best but can be forced and stiff most times.

In overall, the dead trigger 2 game is really a cool to play fantastic action game as it has quite good amount of terrific components on it which really made the game what it is as of now and to the best part of the game is that it has a Nice gameplay and readily speaking, everything about this game is demn! Awesome and fantastic particularly from the way it been designed to be and happened to be a standard game as well. So lastly if you're a lover of zombies action shooting game I'll gladly recommend this game for you cause it's really cool as it played mainly on the way it's user would appreciate. So go get it. Thanks!! ff782bc1db

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