MacLife's Chris Pereira was less impressed, scoring the game 2 out of 5, and writing "The weapons, setting, music, and enemies are all uninspired, and the gunplay is too weak to compensate. As a result, Dead Effect is a thoroughly run-of-the-mill first-person shooter." He was critical of the controls, the similarity of the levels, the enemy AI, the dialogue and the voice acting. Although he praised the sound effects, he concluded that "for every positive element there's something to gripe about on the other end, whether it's the dull upgrade system or unremarkable shooting. Dead Effect is an uninspired first-person shooter that does nothing original, proving most memorable for its hilariously awful dialogue."[14]

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Dead Effect 2 Game Download

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TauCeti Unknown Origin throws your protagonist directly into the danger. Your space ship, the famed ESS Meridian (known from Dead effect 2) has gone haywire and crashed. The escape pod saved your life and brought you safely to the surface of the planet Tau Ceti f, directly in the jungle full of unknown life forms, some of them possibly intelligent, and now littered with the debris from the crashed ship. Can you survive and uncover the secrets of the planet?

Good day steemians, welcome to my blog. Here with @valency1 on a game review titled Dead effect 2. In my last post was were I shared a game review on Dungeon quest. You can still check it out here

So today we will be doing a game review on Dead effect 2

Dead effect 2 is an action game and a fun Playing game that has so many of terrific components on it. The game is typically just a console quality action sci-fi shooter game with so many other RPG elements designed on it which actually made the game to look so much fun and interesting while playing it.

The dead Effect 2 game has great contents and in general, it's typically described to be a sci-fi horror first person shooter Game that sets aboard a colonizer spaceship infested with zombies, mutants, cyborgs and other vile creatures that attack abnormally though that's all it should be. What sets it apart from other games of the genre is the use of RPG elements as players can develop their characters by collecting fully upgradable body implants and gear sets, also to acquire special abilities and purchase upgradable weapons of all sorts in the game shop definitely. The game typically also has some good ideas and reminded me of one fantastic game known as the dead space game. The storyline behind the game Begins in year 2045 of when you're woken from the cryostasis as part of a security protocol type around 170 days into your original mission as things Quickly became apparent that they weren't how it used to be before.

The game is pretty much exciting when playing it and There's always a horde of shambling undead scientists around the next corner of it, or some weird skittering monster demon things that are all ready to jump out from behind a space tree. Yes, the game has space trees as well buh don't get confused, there's a way it was programmed to be particularly from the modes of it. Dead effect 2 actually isn't the most inspiring game ever developed or created, In fact in places it's actually pretty offensive most times. but One of the first characters you meet goes out by the name Minikin. You keep him out from cryo sleep, and the process might actually leave his brain damaged. After that you call him a "retard" several times. As well as bullying him for being overweight... Lol. That sounds so funny but I can tell you it's all nice as it Added up to the feel of the game in general.

The dead effect 2 game was released on the 28 October 2015 and looking at this date, it typically shows that the game was released quite a long time now it was released probably about 2 years ago but to tell you ever since the game was released they've been doing good since then both on the visibility aspect of it which seems so good and the positive reviews and every nice comments made by users all were absolutely nice to see cause actually lots of people liked the game so much and that really makes no much difference within it. Talking about the visibility of the game, right now the Game has a total of 1 million downloads on play store and still counting as well cause that's like what it should be for the actual state of the positive things the game does and literally it's a very popular game as well that is been known by all mostly for the fantastic way it plays and all other good aspect about it in general. And not much of it actually but another fun thing that made me really liked the game is because there wasn't really much of any negative reviews about it or Rather I'll say there wasn't at all. So generally it's all a good excellent game with one of the best graphical designs on it and the fantastic gameplay as well. So typically it's all a good game to try definitely.

The dead effect 2 game was created and developed by badfly interactive, a.s which as well are the developers of other fantastic games like the dead effect game, samurai of hyunga, otome game, and the last but not the list which is the dead warfare game so they're all good and basically, they deal more on creating action shooting games which all were a fantastic one, so that's actually a nice thing to see on the game.

Speaking about the gameplay, the gameplay aspect of Dead effect 2 game is really a tough one as I've played it quite a good number of time now but to tell you the toughness of it was moderate as it didn't really happened to be on all aspect of it, so the developers did a lot good in programming that aspect to be perfect. It's really a fun to play game actually and the gameplay seems so fantastic with the way it fights as the soldier gets to shoot all the aliens and creatures in almost a brutal way, but yes it's actually brutal in all parts of it.

Speaking about the graphics, the graphical aspect of dead effect 2 game is really a nice one as it seems so much good while looking at it. The graphics was designed in a standard way and to this is why the game seems to be so much fun the way it is now, the graphics was designed typically in a dark shaded way and to good and bad aspect of it is that there wasn't any bright side at all neither does the game plays part in taking you out to the lighter world. The designs or the ship and every other places on the environment looks so cool and quite fascinating looking at it. The smooth creature designs is perfect within the way it is. The creatures move fluidly and look good. Also, The character models are good and textures aren't too blurry enough, which is now it looked in a different way. The blood is very realisticc too, splattering and staying there for the rest of the game. The few bad about the graphics is that there are quite a few graphical glitches and some clipping problems. but it's mostly a good looking game in general and u like every part of it.

Speaking about the sound, the sound aspect of dead effect 2 game is really a cool one cause it sounded greatly in a nice way, though the sound is somehow it keeps you wondering what type of game you're playing and there again other than this it's still a good game with good sounds. The sounds is really fantastic the reason why it became this way is cause of how it plays and yes the very best part of it is how the sounds plays ultimately and brings out the real definition of the game, it also brought out much actions and the fun part of the game itself. The sound effects are really great and sound a bit of realistic. The moans of the dieing and creatures of enemies are brilliantly designed. The soundtrack really isn't all there but yes I could say it literally adds to the feel of the game in general. The voice acting is moderate at best but usually can be forced and stiff most times. So in overall the sound aspect of the game is really a nice one as it played really cool while kicking out with the game.

In overall, the dead effect 2 game is really a great fantastic game that features a lot great contents on it which is the game contents as it happened to be so good and quite entertaining as well. It's unpleasant aspects are pretty much unpleasant, and if they're going to upset you in anyway then you should totally avoid it. The game is really fantastic and I totally love everything about it on the game but still feeling bewildered as why the game still have low visibility on it but it's mostly a good one still. So in overall, if you're a lover of fun action fantastic games I'll gladly recommend this game for you to play, so go get it on play store, Thanks!!

Review Dead effect 2 | Mobile games that come out for consoles, I get scared with the thought alone. Luckily you have exceptions like Dead effect 2. Read in this review why I hope more good mobile games like this will show up on Xbox One! 

Void Detonate Dead Effect is an alternate skill effect for Detonate DeadDetonate DeadSpell, AoE, Fire

Level: (1-20)

Cost: (5-20) Mana

Cast Time: 0.60 sec

Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%

Effectiveness of Added Damage: 160%

AoE Radius: 22Requires Level 4Targets a corpse, and deals spell damage to enemies around the corpse, as well as causing the corpse to explode, dealing fire damage. The explosion is not affected by modifiers to spell damage and cannot be reflected.Deals (15-798) to (22-1197) Fire Damage

Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (6-7.9)% of the corpse's Maximum Life

Base radius is (2.2-2.6) metres


 Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: 

 (0.75-15)% chance to detonate an additional corpsePlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket..[1]

Dead Effect features examples of the following tropes: Ambiguous Situation: Wagner claims you're just a test subject in a military experiment to create a supersoldier, but not only is he out of his mind, this contradicts a lot of the logs you find lying around. Unless they were planted to help conceal the truth about the experiment and convince you that you really are just stuck on a colony ship during a zombie outbreak- but if that's the case, why do so many of them foreshadow that Wagner is responsible for the zombie army? The sequel indicates the Meridian really was a colony ship, most of the zombies you encounter are clones created by Wagner (most of the actual crew is still in cryosleep), and Wagner took over the ship and converted it into a testing facility. Badass Normal: Gunnar's an unaugmented human Space Marine, whereas Jane has a number of cybernetic enhancements. In-game the two play identically. Though it turns out the player character was a test subject for experimental human augmentation treatment prior to the events of the game, which is why they're in the situation in the first place. BFG: The explosive crossbow is this. Even without upgrades, it one-shots any of the Elite Zombie types (including the Boss in Mook Clothing Giant Mook with a minigun) and knocks off about 80% of the first boss's life bar and over 1/3rd of the Final Boss's life bar with one shot. It even uses normal primary weapon ammo, so you can use it pretty liberally without worrying about running out of ammo. The only downside is that it uses up your primary weapon slot, so you'll be limited to it and a sidearm, which leaves you without an automatic weapon to deal with the fast-moving "demon" enemy types (cannibals). Boom, Headshot!: As in most zombie media, headshots are the most ammo-efficient manner of dispatching the zombies, though zombies can still be killed with several torso shots too. Bribing Your Way to Victory: The mobile version of the game incorporates micro-transactions to buy weapons and weapon upgrades, although these upgrades can be earned in-game as well, and the amount of grinding required to do so is not obscene. The PC version is in-game currency only. Bullet Time: After the first few levels, you gain the ability to trigger slow-motion bullet time as a special ability. It's explained as a side-effect of the virus that will eventually turn you into a zombie. Chainsaw Good: As well as the tough fat zombie wielding a chainsaw, the player can unlock one to use themselves. It takes the secondary slot (despite that being designated for "one-handed weapons", while the chainsaw is clearly big enough to require two hands), never runs out of ammo and rips through zombies like cardboard boxes, but you still need to aim it carefully to keep them from lunging under it to hit you. Cyborg: The only organ that Jane doesn't have implants in are her boobs. The unique minigun-wielding zombie, codenamed "Hornet v.1", is a combination of zombie (a Razor clone) with cybernetic enhancement. Difficulty by Region: The PC port has a lot more zombies attacking you at once, to compensate for the increased responsiveness of the keyboard & mouse setup compared to playing the game on a tablet. Which in turn leads to better game rewards, as Microtransactions are removed in the PC version in favor of one-time purchase. Elite Zombie: Hazmat zombies have more health while Security Guard zombies wear body armor, which allow them to survive noticeably more damage than other zombie types. The game has 4 "special infected"-type zombies. There's an armored zombie that throws one-hit-kill grenades, a tough, fat zombie that spits acidic blood, a very tough fat zombie armed with a chainsaw, and a Boss in Mook Clothing armored Giant Mook armed with a minigun. Additionally, there's also a boss zombie that's larger and has more health than any other zombie, and the final boss. Emergency Weapon: The taser glove you start the game with. Although it doesn't use ammo and pops regular zombies with one shot, it's limited to very close range and has a recharge time of several seconds between shots. Gatling Good: One of the game's weapons is a minigun (it's one of the three weapons that can only be purchased with gold rather than credits). It deals less damage than the higher-end assault rifles, but has a high rate of fire and can be fired for a very long time before needing to reload. Giant Mook: One of the Elite Zombie enemies is a heavily armored soldier wielding a minigun. He moves slowly and takes a second or so to spin up his weapon, but can mow you down quite quickly. He can also survive a lot of damage before dying. And, stating the obvious, he's a zombie with a gun! Gone Horribly Right: The titular Dead Effect allows people to be killed and resurrected as stronger, faster, and hardier versions of themselves. Predictably, it shits the bed and creates a Zombie Apocalypse. Heavily Armored Mook: The aforementioned minigun zombie. Grenadier zombies wear riot armor and chuck grenades. There are also zombie Space Marines whose combat armor makes them very hard to take down with body shots. Herr Doktor: Dr. Wagner has an extravagant German accent and is a fairly stereotypical mad scientist. He turns out to be the bad guy. Who knew? Irony: The observation is made in-game that Jane Frey's boobs are the only part of her body she hasn't had artifically augmented. Kinetic Weapons Are Just Better: There is precisely one energy weapon. The rest are kinetic. Lightning Gun: The Electromagnetic Stun Gun, affectionately called the "Tazer Gauntlet" by fans. Limited Loadout: You can only carry a limited number of weapons at one time (one pistol, one longarm, and one grenade), and are only able to switch weapons on the level loading screen. Multi-Mook Melee: Besides the single-player campaign, there are two different types of "Horde Mode" arcade game modes where you battle waves of enemies inside an arena-like area- Survival, where you survive against infinite enemies until time runs out, and Biohazard, where you fight your way through a fixed number of waves of predetermined enemies. Muscles Are Meaningless: The log file that details Jane Frey's background mentions that she's been heavily augmented, and jokes that despite her relatively slim figure she could probably fold Space Marine Gunnar Davis in half. In-game, though, there is no difference between the two player characters. My Brain Is Big: The first time you see Dr. Wagner in person you discover his brain is bulging out of the back of his skull, which seems to have been removed to make room for it. My Death Is Only The Beginning: Dr. Wagner mentions in a collectible log that he's programmed the ship's A.I. to manage the D-Effect experiments (including control of automated cloning facilities for the production of more zombies), and that it will continue his work if he ends up dying fighting the player. New Game Plus: You can revisit previous levels with whatever new weapons, weapon upgrades, and character upgrades you've purchased. There's also a "New Game Plus" mode that has you play through the game again with significantly increased difficulty. Not Using the "Z" Word: Averted. The first word the player character yells out is "Zombies?!" as soon as Dr. Wagner explains the creatures are members of the ship's crew who have been killed and revived by a virus. Wagner deadpans "You can call them that." 100% Completion: Each level has a number of cash, text logs, and hidden orbs to find in order to achieve this. One-Man Army: Per First-Person Shooter standards, the player character mows their way through hundreds of enemies over the course of the game. This turns out to be justified in-game; the player is a test subject in experimental military Super-Soldier research, with the whole game being a fabricated scenario designed to test their abilities. Or at least that's what the Big Bad claims, but he's nuts. Only Six Faces: The zombies only have about 10 models. Justified as the Big Bad cloned the ship's crew several times, resulting in a zombie horde that has shades of Me's a Crowd. Our Zombies Are Different: It's hinted at in the collectible logs and more or less confirmed in the sequel that most if not all of the zombies are actually cloned test subjects rather than turned crew members. Regenerating Health: The game does not have this by default (you have to heal at health stations), but it can be purchased as a special ability (although the currency you need to buy it, gold, is a rare drop, so it will require quite a lot of gameplay before you can afford it). The Reveal: Turns out Dr. Wagner is evil, and deliberately mutated the crew and converted the ship into a combat testing ground for his experiments, which also involved mutating you and gauging the results as you rampaged through his hordes of zombies. Dr. Wagner claims the ship is actually a military testing facility, but the collectible audio logs reveal that he's delusional and that it really was a colony ship, which he took over. Oh, and your character may or may not be a clone of the original Gunnar Davis or Jane Frey. Removing the Head or Destroying the Brain: The zombies can be killed by body shots, but a headshot with any weapon is an instant kill. Revolvers Are Just Better: Averted in the Early Access alpha version. The revolver dealt more damage than the semi-auto pistol, but it only holds 6 shots and the reload speed was extremely slow. Since most zombies can be killed with 1 headshot regardless of how powerful the gun is, the more nimble semi-auto pistol was simply better for everything. The reload speed and damage of the revolver were boosted in the actual release version of the game to make it more competitive with the semi-auto pistol, and it's now a typical FPS revolver (high damage in exchange for being limited to only 6 shots before reloading, although the reload speed is now reasonable.) Schrdinger's Player Character: Although both Gunnar and Jane are mentioned in the log files scattered throughout the ship, only the one you pick actually shows up in the game, with the other one completely absent. Possibly justified in that your character may be a clone created for combat testing purposes; the real Davis and Frey may have already been woken up and failed to stop Wagner previously. Separate, but Identical: In the original mobile version of the game, there's no real difference between Gunnar and Jane. In the PC port, Gunnar's default equipment is a semi-automatic pistol and an assault rifle, while Jane's default equipment is a revolver and a shotgun. Jane's weapons do more damage, but hold less ammo and are very slow to reload, making her a noticeably more challenging character to play as (although you can spend in-game credits to purchase other weapons). Sprint Meter: A particularly jarring example, as these two highly-trained and cybernetically-enhanced super-soldiers literally can't run for 5 seconds at a time without running out of breath and being forced to wait for a good 15 seconds to get it back again. Standard FPS Guns: With the unique feature being that the "Knife" type weapon (The Electromagnetic Stungun) deals a One-Hit Kill with Splash Damage. Title Drop: Dead Effect refers to the augmentation treatment that was intended to make the crew more efficient in space, but which ended up turning them into zombies. Treacherous Quest Giver: Turns out Dr. Wagner, who's been your guide for most of the game, is actually the Big Bad. Tyke Bomb: Jane Frey's backstory explains that she was adopted by the military and raised from childhood to be a weapon. Unique Enemy: The minigun-wielding zombie only appears once in the single-player campaign, even though it doesn't have a boss meter and is more of an Elite Zombie. In contrast, the actual boss zombie (Captain Razor) appears at least twice in the campaign, thanks to him having been cloned by Dr. Wagner. A Winner Is You: After you kill the final boss, a short cutscene plays of him exploding, a congratulations message from the dev team pops up, then the game immediately cuts to the credits. Zombie Puke Attack: The fat zombies in jean shirts gob acid blood at you. When they don't have chainsaws that is... 2351a5e196

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