Compass Direction (Privacy Policy)

DoubleB Studio the developer of the Pro Compass app, values the privacy of its users and is committed to protecting their personal information. The app collects and uses certain personally identifiable information to provide and improve the service, but this information is not shared with any third parties, except as described in the Privacy Policy.

Link to privacy policy of third party service providers used by the app

Google Play Services


Firebase Analyticz

Firebase Crashlytics

 The app also uses third-party services for analytics and advertising purposes, which may collect non-personally identifiable information. 

 DoubleB Studio may update the Privacy Policy from time to time, and users are encouraged to review it periodically. If users have any questions or concerns about the Privacy Policy, they can contact DoubleB Studio via email. The company strives to use commercially acceptable means to protect users' personal information, although no method of transmission over the internet is 100% secure. Users are advised to review the Privacy Policy of any third-party websites or services linked to the app, as DoubleB Studio has no control over their content or practices. The app is not intended for children under 13, and if any personal information is inadvertently collected from a child, it will be deleted immediately upon discovery.