Diamond Families, Dancers, and Friends:

We have and will continue to address the health and safety of our dancers, families, and staff with extreme care and attention.

While we have been continuously working to ensure our facilities remain clean and functionable amid the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we must also remain practical and forward-thinking.

Following suit with the mandatory two-week closure of all public and private schools in both Suffolk and Nassau county, Diamond Dance Academy will also temporarily close our doors for the safety of our students, their families, our staff, and loved ones. As of now, all regularly-scheduled classes will resume on April 1st 2020 via online.

How will this effect the Diamond Dance Academy families and the dance schedule?

  • All classes will be virtual and done online
    To make up for the lost week, please note that Diamond Dance has decided to cancel our 2020 Spring Break (April 13-18), effective immediately. This will cover one week worth of lost classes.

    As information becomes more available on a day-by-day basis, we will update our families via social media on Saturday March 28, regarding our decision to either remain closed or officially re-open the studio for the following week’s classes.


While our doors are closed, we will be engaging our facility cleaning contractors to ensure our studio will be completely and appropriately sanitized regularly, even while we are away.

In the meanwhile, we ask you to please continue to be vigilant regarding your health and the health of those around you. Stay home, connect with your loved ones, and take your classes virtually.

We are very grateful to be in the position that once our doors do reopen, our students will be returning to a clean facility, already designed to keep them safe and healthy in the best way possible.

Thank you as always for your patience and loyalty, as we navigate this unprecedented situation at Diamond Dance Academy.