Political Economy Webinar Series

The DC Political Economy Center is starting the Political Economy webinar series.

The idea is to have a webinar that is open to all those interested, including faculty and graduate students.

The webinar will take place on Fridays at 11:00 AM EST via Zoom.

Link to the webinar will be sent at 10:00 AM EST the day of the event to those in the email list.

The format of the webinars will be as follows: the speaker will have 60 minutes to present their research. During those 60 minutes, questions will be limited to clarifying questions. After that, there will be 15 minutes for general questions and discussions

Click here to be included in the webinar email list.

Spring 2020

-Understanding cultural persistence and change [paper]

-Don't get mad, get even

-Mass Polarization in the US and Elsewhere [main paper, background 1, background 2]

-Wald in the Lab

- Social Media and Xenophobia: Evidence from Russia [paper]

- Sources of Women’s Underrepresentation in US Politics: A Model of Election Aversion and Voter Discrimination

- Rules and Commitment in Communication: Experimental analysis

- Heuristic Projection [paper]

- Social Media and Newsroom Production Decisions