Awesome Music: The theme song rocks. The fact that it was sung by Beat Crusaders, a Japanese rock band (also known for doing openings for Beck and Bleach), certainly helps and is often what a lot of people remember about the show. Growing the Beard: Season two is where the series started having more of a grasp on itself (outside the parody aspect which was still hit or miss). Plots were more focused, the writing got better and characters got more bits of development. Harsher in Hindsight: Being a show within a show, the crew of Lily Mu frequently lampshades the bad points of the television and animation industry. Looking back, it's amazing how close Ozu's tendency to fire his employees and close the studio reflect what happened to Animation Collective in 2008! Ho Yay: Yes Man is just a bit too willing to obey Ozu's every whim, even if it's purely because he was practically bred to be his personal assistant by occupation. He also sleeps literally underneath him! Ozu seems to also return his affections at times. The subplot of "Mitsuki Vanishes" is essentially about a couple breaking up and making up again. Shallow Parody: Characters resemble famous anime stars, but the parody pretty much stops at appearances. They don't really do anything with them. So Bad, It's Good: The attempts to try and do the anime parodies and Japanese culture are utterly laughable in the Cringe Comedy sort of way. But at least enduring that some viewers least tuned in out of curiosity. So Okay, It's Average: Despite the lackluster execution of its premise, a general opinion for some is that at least the writing and characters are likeable outside the parody aspect. Suspiciously Similar Song: The theme tune possibly parallels to The Rolling Stones' "Get Off Of My Cloud". In "The Good, The Bad, and the Mikey", a song plays that is almost exactly the same as Michael Jackson's "Beat It". They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Kappa Mikey had the brilliant idea of mixing a Western Animation American in a Anime and Animesque Japanese setting to create a unique Fish out of Water story. The only problem? The show barely, if at all, utilized any real Japanese Media Tropes or Western Animation Tropes that would've made it a unique blending of the two mediums. Any Anime related things were restricted to the premise, certainly not the Genre-Busting concept it could've become. Though, most of that could be chalked up to the decision to use Flash which limited much of the potential. Unintentional Period Piece: The series was made during the the 2000s anime bubble, and it shows. One of the show's central jokes is about how American dubs of children's anime are edited to ridiculous levels. This practice would largely fade out by the time the anime bubble burst and 4Kids Entertainment went belly-up, with the majority of recent examples of "Americanized" dubs being from grandfathered franchises such as Pokmon and Yu-Gi-Oh!. The Woobie: Mitsuki is the straight woman in a cast of idiots in a wacky world. Sometimes she needs a day-long pat on the head.

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