Digitalization As A Tool To Enhance Traditional Art

by Jasmine Beauparlant

About the Project

What is art? This difficult question has been pondered for centuries, with important thinkers such as Kant and Plato having varying answers. It is especially important to consider now, as emerging technologies split art in two defined categories; digital and traditional. With every change comes resistance, and the increasing popularity of computational art is no different. Traditionalists frown upon it, claiming it’s lesser than good ol’ paint and brushes. In this exhibit, I will explore the different uses of digital mediums, and how they can influence pre-existing traditional artworks.

About the Artist

Doing art comes to me in distinct waves of inspiration, not as a constant in my daily life. I enjoy it that way; the finished products feel special because they’re somewhat elusive. I see definite improvement across each piece that I complete and this is what inspires me to keep art in my life. By not committing to art in any major way, I keep it light and pressureless; being creative never feels like a chore.