
by Audrey Duchateau

About the Artist

Growing up, I hated how everything in life seemed to be focused on the logical and rational when all I wanted was to live in my creations and my imagination. Artistic expression and the creative process provides me the freedom and creativity I sought when I was younger. I particularly love graphic design and use it as an art form which allows for the expression of emotion, connections between humans, and the power to deliver messages that resonate with others while creatively solving problems. I enjoy focusing my work on exploring the link between art and emotion; specifically, the impact art and design have when used to visually express and communicate stories or important contemporary issues. My creative works include digital drawing, photography, 2D and 3D design, collage, animation, and coding.

About the Project

The theme for my exhibit is paranoia, exploring its emotions, triggers and responses. I tried to portray as many aspects of paranoia as I could, like online paranoia, paranoia as a child, covid paranoia, conspiracy theories, German expressionism, etc. When creating art, I find it most easy to connect it with emotion, which is why I chose Paranoia as the theme for my exhibit. This leaves me a lot of creative freedom and control to create an ambiance within my art and my exhibit. When thinking of this concept I wanted my exhibit to be almost hypnotic and emanate an emotion, completely immersing the audience in my theme. I am pushing myself out of my comfort zone as this emotion is quite dark, however, I love challenging my creativity. I hope you enjoy my exhibit!