Why don't You Care?

by Sofia Vela

About the Project

My project's main theme is how the climate crisis is affecting the world and the younger generation. All of the shots of pollution are real, meaning I didn't set any of the trash out for this film, and all of the news reports are real. I created the music using a Kalimba, and the sound effects using my bass. With this film, I wanted to show just how bad the climate crisis is, and how it is affecting the younger generations hope for the future. My target audience is the older generation because, right now, they have the power to do something about the problem.

About the Artist

I am a 19 year-old student studying cinema at Dawson College in Montreal. I love sound design when it comes to cinema, therefore, when I make a film, I focus on the sound aspect very much. I am also a musician, being able to play the bass guitar and the flute, therefore, I try to make my own music and sound effects for my films.