every day you bring up some thing really weird just coz of hate u have against shia and shia community....dowoodi bohra,ithna ashari,sunni or wahabi all are muslim first,and it is farrz on every muslim to read word of Allah and understand what it means.

and i have a feeling.. the people on this forum are just common bohris.. they don't know much about their religion.. what they all know is what they have been told in their majalis ..they haven't actually read any bohra religion books.. so basically - its useless to argue with them!

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This thread was created to ask questions about Bohra beliefs and practices. And before opening this thread I asked Br. Fakhruddin if he would agree to answer questions and it was only after his agreement that this thread was opened.

People come to this forum and ask all kind of weird questions about our beliefs and practices but we welcome them and answer them politely. If something is true we provide and explanation to the best of our knowledge. And most of the time we are able to provide evidence from Quran, Hadith books, historic text and logic. If something is not true we tell them its not true.

Who is arguing with you? In the whole thread you have zero contribution. Br. Fakhruddin has answered some questions and removed some mis-understandings. But what have you done? Have you provided any answers???????

As you are aware that we have be oppressed, tortured and killed both by Shia and Sunni clan in the past 1000 years. But we Bohris have never ever retaliated or even said something bad back to them. Why because our Dai's has always taught us that stay away, Imam is in seclusion, he only can decide whether to fight back. So over past 1000 years, we have remain steadfast on our belief and have stuck to Imam uz Zaman and his Dai.

For brother who have said that our dai stay in palaces or drives in limousine or average bohri on this forum can't answer. I would say to him, that tough you have hurt our feelings,we don't care, just imagine if average bohri like me can answer you, if our sheikh comes online, Allah help you.

I have a question, why are Bohras so secretive, that they are even secretive in their Azans? Aren't Muslims supposed to recite Azan openly for everyone to here? Have anyone ever heard a Bohri Azan before? Could some brethrens in shiachat provide evidence to support my claim for Azan to be recited openly?

Truth is not tbe hidden, unless there's something wrong with it. The True belief will never hide. It clearly shows with all these unique secret user naems and passwords for Bohries and secret frequencies to access videos, that the Bohri Leaders know what they truly are, and this is a business of Power. Anyone can achieve mystical powers -even christians and chinese do. That doesnt make them the right path. Subconsciously you folks know this.

This is what I wanted to say. And I swear Imam Ali[a.s] would never travel in Limos and live in Palaces. Just look at President Ahmedinejad -he's mroe of a role model than the Da'i is. They all just run religions to follow their low desires [according to Quran].

I know I am harsh in my speech, but Im being straightforward. Whatever bohras Ive absorved are more focused in materialistic world and business. In the end, we'll become apparant -just like in the Hereafter. Everyone will be recognized by his face.

Once Imam Sadiq or Baqir had worn splendid dress when he had come to Mecca. A person asked, been Imam he should not wear such splendid clothes. Imam said, that Imam does as per will of Allah and what circumstance required that time for Imam to act. Similarly Dai's does as per Imams instruction and acts according to circumstance. Dai's have always acted for benefit of mumineens. Even tough current dai lives in saifee mahal, please go through the biography of him by no bohris and you will find he lives as per shariah of Rasullah in every minute aspects and i guess you may be still far of even to touch outter limits of shariah than pointing fingers on him.

These are just excuses. You are not limited. You think you have limitation because you don't have the desire to seek knowledge. It is either this or your faith has become to comfortable that the truth no longer matters anymore.

Even Allah has brought many changes in his own way of work from the day world has been created he has sent many different shariyah,Imam zainul abedin use to wear exp clothes that doesnt means he is not on HAQ,comparing life of Muhammed(saw) with the present DAI is pure vague Muhammed(saw) had his own responsibilities and his own way of work,syedna taher safuddin lived a very simple life it was his era now time is change Muhammed burhanuddin has his own way of work and his own responsibilities and we momeen already know how much respect and peace we have got within in this golden age of present dai,no matter what enemies of dawaat try to do or make different arguments against haq this ship of faith and tawhid will never sink. INSHALLAH

Salam. Sorry if I hurt your feelings. Your reply seems vague. Please tell me specifically, do Bohra's recite azan openly and not just heard within the interior of their Mosque. I have never personally heard the Bohra recite any Azan.

Secondly, we take the example of the AhlulBayt, though they were rich with all the Khums money and other incomes they got from wars and economy, they never chose to live a lavish life-style. Imam Ali when he became Caliph, used to eat the harshest kind of food, just so that in the Day of Judgement -no poor person could complain against him. They used to do their own work and they were no ashamed. I dont think riding around in Limos, living in Palaces and eating various delicacies for dinner from the income of people points to a truly saint person.

Also in modern day, when a individual like us stay in good appartments and drive expensive car, you expect us to allow our dai to stay on road and make him walk. Brother it is our thanks to him that we shower onhim what we can, because of favours of All 52 dais have bestowed upon mumineens.

thankyou i appreciate it jazakallah...make sure u cross check all content of internet before u post it on public forum coz some times it can really create misunderstanding and division between people hearts.

Also in modern day, when a individual like us stay in good appartments and drive expensive car, you expect us to allow our dai to stay on road and make him walk. Brother it is our thanks to him that we shower on him what we can, because of favours of All 52 dais have bestowed upon mumineens.

What you have said above is a very weak argument. I have noticed poor Bohris who go on bicycles. I am not trying to be disrespectful, but if your community have enough money to let the Dai live in palaces why are common Bohris living in poverty. Dont you think community should work for the poor first and up-lift their condition.

ex is Makeover of Bhendibazaar. On average in bhendi bazaar a person has 150 sq feet house which in todays value is Rs 1.8 million, after this development program, minimum house area will be 350 sq feet value of which will become Rs. 4.2 million increase of 2.3 times. Doesn't Bohris tend to benefit, and remember nobody has to give money.

Syedna has rightfull said in one waaz. World is striven by financial crisis, but my mumineen are not affected, this year the money and no of people have increased manifold then last year. This because of Allahs and Imam uz Zaman favour on my mumineen.

Also brother don't see the material things see intrinsic part. All money collected are subject to audit by Reserve Bank of India. This money is spend on building so many masjids, Zarih of Alhe bait, Free food on fridays, Ramazan, Moharrum. on an average a bohri can get dinner in masjid for atleast 150 days in year for free. Also managing holy places in India and outside india and across the world. Salarys admin cost and many other things.

Also in current syedna we have golden age, but in past 51 dais things were very bad, and my brother, we have been tortured killed, brutally murdered by muslims. See city of Ahmadabad how every grave is of shaheeds killed by hands of other muslims.

Its very easy to just look from sitting at the fence and comment, and feel you have the knowledge of every thing, please come inside and see carefully, and you will understand. 2million bohris are not wrong or stupid to follow syedna, mind you, we are called bohra which means traders in India, and we know what is profitable or no. 152ee80cbc

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