Puppet Master is an American horror film series which focuses on a group of anthropomorphic puppets animated by an Egyptian spell, each equipped with its own unique and dangerous device and are represented as heroes, antiheroes and antagonists. The franchise was created by Charles Band and Kenneth J. Hall. The series consists of 15 films, 11 mainline, one crossover film, a reboot and two spin-offs.

Produced by Full Moon Features, the series was established in 1989 with the eponymous first installment, which has since been followed by ten sequels, a crossover with the characters of Demonic Toys, a 2018 reboot entitled The Littlest Reich, a spin-off film about the puppet Blade, a spin-off film about Retro Puppet Master's Doktor Death, two comic book mini-series, an ongoing comic book series, a free-to-play multiplayer video game by October Games, as well as numerous other collector's items.[citation needed]

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1990 saw the release of a sequel, Puppet Master II, and later in 1991, Puppet Master III: Toulon's Revenge, the latter a series prequel. Toulon's Revenge was the first installment to feature Guy Rolfe in the role of puppeteer Andre Toulon (in the prior films Toulon was portrayed by William Hickey and Steve Welles, respectively). Rolfe reprised the role of Toulon for three additional films. After his death in 2003, he posthumously appeared in The Legacy through extensive use of archival footage. In 1993 Full Moon began shooting another two sequels simultaneously, Puppet Master 4 and Puppet Master 5. The latter, as the title indicates, was intended to be the final installment of the series.

Due to demand from video retailers and fans for a new installment, four years after retirement, the franchise was revived by the production of a sixth entry, Curse of the Puppet Master, in 1998. This was the first installment not to have David W. Allen involved with stop-motion special effects. By this time, Paramount had ended its deal with Full Moon, so the film used a combination of rod and string puppets, as well as archival footage to conserve costs. In September 1999, Full Moon Features released Totem, featuring characters similar to the Totems of the fourth film.

Also in 1999, a second prequel (taking place at an even earlier time than Toulon's Revenge) was released, titled Retro Puppet Master. The original idea for the seventh installment was for it to take place following Toulon's Revenge, with Toulon and his puppets escaping Germany by train, after which they are confronted by Nazis and demons. This idea was abandoned because the distributor, the Kushner Locke Company, thought it would offend the German audience, although it later formed the basis for the ninth installment of the series, Puppet Master: Axis of Evil. Retro Puppet Master was an anomaly to the series, in that the main theme composed by Richard Band was completely absent, and with its PG-13 rating, this was the first installment not to be rated R by the Motion Picture Association of America. The films following this would all fall under not rated.

In June 2009, the Full Moon website posted updates about the latest installment, revealing the roster of puppets to be included, as well as principal cast members Levi Fiehler and Jerry Hoffman. Puppet Master: Axis of Evil was released on DVD, Blu-ray and streaming in 2010.

Starting in 2010, the first Puppet Master was re-released on DVD with a new remastered widescreen transfer, while the second and third films were released with new transfers on September 18, 2012 (both individually or in a box set with the first film). The remastered editions of the fourth and fifth films were released on March 24, 2016, but only through a box set which is identical to Full Moon's original set with the bonus disc of trailers, except they also contain the remastered editions of the first 3 films (Curse of the Puppet Master and Retro Puppet Master still remain unrestored).[12]

The original Puppet Master film was released on Blu-ray in a remastered widescreen transfer on July 27, 2010.[13] On September 18, 2012, the first three films were released on Blu-ray in a set, the second and third films also remastered in widescreen.[14] The first 3 films have also been released on Blu-ray in the UK by 88 films.

In 2018, the, at the time, eleven official films in the series comprising Puppet Master through Puppet Master: Axis Termination were released as a limited edition Blu-ray set encased in a wood and metal box designed after the trunk belonging to the character of Andr Toulon. In addition to the films, the set contained an extra Blu-ray containing supplements related to the film series as well as a small figure of the puppet character Blade.[15]

I checked the nodes.pp on my puppet master after I added some classes via Foreman ENC, it works the agents get the classes assigned but its not written to the nodes.pp - How does it work really briefly?


I think that the ownership of the files relates more to the services that use these files and you don't really say if you are still using webrick, apache, nginx to serve these files as that may have some impact.I myself have all the files and folders owned by puppet:puppet (/etc/puppet, /var/lib/puppet, /var/www/foreman, /var/www/puppet-dashboard) and use nginx to serve forman, puppet & puppet-dashboard.I think if you want to change to user puppet, you probably only need to 'su - puppet' but if /var/lib/puppet isn't owned by puppet:puppet then switching to user puppet is probably going to be difficult.Also, it seems that if you have multiple users doing configuration, you probably should have multiple environments (ie, development & testing and not just a production) and also a version control system (git or subversion) and perhaps a separate puppet server for development & testing to avoid inflicting errors into running configurations.I found the book "Pro Puppet" very useful for defining the all of these best practices.Craig


the one thing I have always appreciated about Linux/UNIX is that the config files are always text files and can be fixed and thus you don't have to resort to things like uninstalling/re-installing, deleting/recreating users because everything is relatively easily fixed - at least assuming that you know how.su - puppet # if done by root doesn't require a password. 

 # Root user doesn't need a password for anything

 # if done by a user, needs puppet user's password/etc/sudoers - 'puppet ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL'

 # Can't imagine a good reason to do this but will only 

 # allow user 'puppet' to sudo anything without a passwordif 'su - puppet' doesn't give you the bash shell as user puppet then perhaps you don't have a good shell set up for user puppet.

getent passwd | grep puppet # will list things like the shell 

 # which should be /bin/bash but if not, use chsh

sudo chsh puppet -s /bin/bash # will set puppet users shell to /bin/bashIt's also possible that user puppet's home directory is wrongly set or the permissions are bad...

# getent passwd | grep puppet

puppet:x:1001:1001:Puppet,,,:/var/lib/puppet:/bin/bashsudo chown puppet:puppet /var/lib/puppet -RCraig

The puppet ca command has recently been deprecated so at some point it may go away, but there's no equivalent command. There is a bug filed, which you could vote for if you think it's a bit silly to remove this command with no replacement.

Personally I pick whisper of treason because the other tier 1 spells are all ****, puppet master costs 3x more, has half the range, and is only questionably better. So I use whisper of treason until ring leader is available.

Completely fair assessment. One thing to consider with puppet master is creatures resistant to intelligent debuffs are immune to whispers and get charmed from puppet master so it has somewhat of a use until you get ring leader since you can respec out of it. My cipher uses blunderbuss so i'm typically in range for it but it definitely isn't the strongest ability.

One of the key indicators of puppet master bullying, all too infrequently realized, is what happens when the master is removed from the scene. Typically, much of the malicious energy that fueled the puppets fades away, and so with it much of the bullying behavior.

Puppet master bullies are often pretty evil. Not only are they prone to treating others abusively, but also they are willing and able to enlist others to help do the job. The latter uses fear and intimidation, promises and incentives, or some combination of all.

For those studying these behaviors and trying to develop measures to curb them, however, the distinctions do matter. With puppet master bullying, removing the instigator(s) may be enough to stop the abusive behavior. With genuine mobbing, however, the remedy is even more difficult, because the emotional impetus to act has now infected an entire group.

I remain astounded at the sensitivity of your understanding of your research, a sensitivity one may only feel as a target of such abuse. Your words calm my soul and my sanity. I was forced out of the workplace, and recently the puppet master of my previous employment has been PROMOTED, yet removed from the workplace in which she was the puppet master. I am no longer there, but I have hope that the dynamic of the workplace will somehow heal, albeit too late for me. Cringe at the imagining of her new leadership role in another school.

The term puppeteer refers neutrally to the performer, whereas puppet master is generally used as the villainous label. Calling someone a puppet master is certainly not a compliment, because the term comes loaded with connotations of scheming and malevolent power. 589ccfa754

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