Yellow Teeth: 5 Possible Causes

Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered why your teeth seemed so yellow?

A major factor is due to the consumption of dark-colored foods and beverages. Whenever your drink or eat something with dark pigmentation, it settles into the tooth enamel and causes your teeth to become yellow or discolored.

With that said, it is important to recognize that the yellowing of your teeth does not occur overnight as it is a gradual process.

Having yellow teeth is usually not an indication of a serious medical issue, however, it can have a profound impact on your self-confidence. Luckily, your Davie dentist can help you restore your self-confidence with professional teeth whitening. In just a single visit, you can whiten your teeth up to 8 shades lighter.

Learn more about the possible causes of yellow teeth below.

1). Tobacco Use

If you’ve ever considered what the side effects of smoking are, yellow teeth might not have been one of them. Cigarettes contain tar and nicotine which can cause your teeth to appear yellow in only a short amount of time. For long-term smokers, the teeth can actually become brown in color.

Even if you try your best to keep your teeth white and healthy, your teeth will darken over time.

2). Your Age

Wrinkles aren’t the only thing you have to worry about as you get older. According to your Davie dentist, yellowing of the teeth is a part of the natural aging process. Why? Over time, the white protective coating on your teeth (enamel) begins to fade. As a result, the inner yellow-colored dentin layer of your teeth will begin to show. This is caused by everyday wear and tear on your teeth.

3). Enamel Erosion

Your enamel is the protective layer that keeps your teeth bright. When your enamel begins to wear away, patches of yellow dentin become visible.

Acid reflux, bruxism (tooth grinding), acidic diets and aggressive brushing can cause enamel erosion.

4). Poor Oral Hygiene

Plaque build-up and tartar is removed during your regular oral hygiene routine. This is why brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing regularly is essential.

5). You’re Taking Medication

Some antibiotics, in particular, doxycycline and tetracycline can darken your teeth. In addition, antihistamines, blood pressure pills, and anti psychotic medications can also cause tooth discoloration and stains. It is best to speak with your physician regarding potential side effects of medications.

6). You Are Suffering From An Illness

Several diseases can affect your enamel and dentin which can lead to tooth discoloration.

Certain treatments for cancer, such as chemotherapy or radiation can also cause the teeth to become a brownish color.

7). Your Genes

Do you feel like your teeth are yellow no matter how much of an effort you make to keep them bright?

If you have thinner enamel and thicker dentin it can cause your teeth to look yellow. Chances are, you may have inherited enamel that is more yellow than some of your family members.

Want to improve your smile and self-confidence? Schedule an appointment at your dental clinic in Davie for professional teeth whitening.