David Poyato

MSCA postdoctoral researcher

Applied Mathematics Department

University of Granada

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Granada (Granada, Spain) since September 2022. Previously, I held a postdoctoral position at Institut Camille Jordan (Lyon, France) funded by the ERC consolidator grant WACONDY, and earlier by the ERC starting grant MESOPROBIO, both led by Prof. Vincent Calvez. I defended my PhD thesis in Physics and Mathematics in 2019 at the University of Granada under the supervision of Prof. Juan Soler, and I also obtained a MSc in Physics and Mathematics and a BSc in Mathematics from the same university in 2015 and 2014 respectively.

My research interests focus on the mathematical analysis of Partial Differential Equations arising in Physics, Biology and Ecology, with special attention to kinetic equations inspired in collective dynamics, evolutionary dynamics, along with fluid mechanics PDEs. For a detailed description, see the tab Research topics. Also see the tab CV for my curriculum vitae.

My research is supported by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation Framework Program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101064402, see the tab HICODY.