UMSL Math Club (2023 - 2024)

Math Club is a group for people to come and discuss mathematics with people with similar interests. We discuss topics not usually discussed in the classroom and socialize frequently! Everyone is welcome to join (not just Math majors), so please join us or request to join on TritonConnect today!

Officers (2023-2024):

President: Max Evets

Vice-President: Luis Schneegans

SGA Representative: Autumn Greenlee

At-large Members: Kyle Stallings, Quin Grubbs, Colton Fitzjarrald


April 17, 2024: Integration Bee

April 3, 2024: Graph Coloring

March 14: Pi Day!

February 28 (2:00 pm, ESH #304): NGA  event

February 14 (2:00 pm, ESH #304): REU overview from Luis Schneegans

February 7 (2:00 pm, ESH #304): Officer Meeting

November 29 (3:00 pm, ESH #304): Social Event

November 8 (3:00 pm, ESH #304): Mobius strips and Klein bottles 

October 25 (3:00 pm, ESH #304): Tiling (or Why bees are mathematical geniuses)

October 11 (3:00 pm, ESH #304): Evil Numbers

Sept 27 (3:00 pm, ESH #304): Complex Numbers and Pythagorean Triples

Sept 11 (3:00 pm, ESH #304): Knot Theory and Algebraic Topology