Annie calls Gordon, who comes to the same conclusion, and he, in turn, calls several of their friends over, including Leonard, Brynn, Greg, Jane and Harry, a filmmaker, along with his boom operator and cameraman. They also randomly bring over a hobo (because he apparently "knows about cardboard") and two Flemish tourists. Leonard briefly leaves the apartment in disappointment when he learns they cannot enter. Harry tries to get a reaction out of Annie for a supposed documentary he is filming and upon realizing how much she truly cares about Dave, the whole group (minus the hobo) all enter the maze. Annie, Gordon, Harry and his crew stick together as they see first hand the true surreal and supernatural nature of the maze and travel from room to room where they realize that it houses living origami birds and other creatures. Leonard later returns to the apartment and throughout the film is seen following close behind the group, while the Flemish tourists appear to simply be having a picnic in the maze.

Eventually, the main group run into Jane, who, after stepping on a lever, has her head chopped off by an ax (though instead of blood, her body squirts out red yarn and confetti). Greg and Brynn find themselves in some catacombs and Greg trips a wire and is impaled by a trap. Brynn meets up with Annie and the rest and when they return to Greg discover his body is missing. Based on the "paint can prints" Gordon deduces that a Minotaur took his body away. Annie uses a box cutter to cut through the walls and realizes that the maze is alive. As the group jump through the wall, the Minotaur kills Brynn. The group run into Dave, who leads them to safety. Dave admits that he is not sure how the maze came to be how it is, but he knows that it is growing on its own and that it might be connected to his imagination. He insists that they finish the maze so that they can escape, even though he is not sure how. Dave also reveals that his hand is now made entirely of cardboard due to sticking it into an odd vulva-shaped hole.

Dave Made A Maze Full Movie Download


After several other near-deaths, the group realize that they need to attack the maze at its heart, which Dave neglected to make. They reach a strange cardboard puppet version of Brynn who keeps asking for high fives. They immediately realize it is a trap and Gordon, Harry and his crew keep it distracted by interviewing it while Dave and Annie go off to find the heart. After another surreal moment of clarity, Dave and Annie manage to make a heart resembling a zoetrope. They cut through the wall which causes the maze to react. Gordon, Harry and the crew attempt to catch the fake Brynn which suddenly produces a giant demonic hand. The hand retreats, but the cameraman is dragged along with it. He tosses the bag of tapes to Harry before dying.

The group reunite as Gordon distracts the Minotaur by leading it away. He passes Leonard who is killed by cardboard saw blades. Dave, Annie, Harry and the boom operator set up the heart and using a katana, slice the heart causing all the walls and the entire maze to fall. Everyone finds themselves back in the apartment and proceed to clean up all the cardboard. Harry tasks Gordon with telling the families of those who died and asks Dave what they should call the documentary. Dave sarcastically suggests Dave Made a Maze, despite Gordon's belief that it was a labyrinth. As Dave and Annie toss the last of the cardboard by the dumpster, they fail to notice the Minotaur climbing out along with an origami bird. The Minotaur walks away while throwing up an ILY sign.

I want to find more movies with a similar atmosphere to the movie Dave made a Maze... im not exactly sure how to describe it, and thats why I'm crowd sourcing here as opposed to googling. Cause I'm not looking for another indie horror. Im looking for something wholesome and silly but creating and abstract. I felt a similar kinda vibe to Scott Pilgrim vs the World.

Dave (Nick Thune) is an artist plagued by creative block. When his girlfriend, Annie (Meera Rohit Kumbhani), leaves for the weekend, he devises a wee craft project to get the juices flowing. Upon her return, Annie is nonplussed to discover the results occupying their entire apartment living room: Dave has built a cardboard maze, and while he responds cheerfully to her greeting and sounds just inches away, he cannot seem to make his way out.

For reasons that can't be explained, Dave has filled the maze-like citadel with booby traps. He insists that Annie shouldn't enter, but how can she not? By the time she begins the rescue mission, however, almost a dozen other curiosity-seekers are in tow. Most important to what passes for a plot are Dave's flippant pal Gordon (Adam Busch) and a three-man documentary crew led by Harry (James Urbaniak), whose approach is definitely not cinema verite.

Since most contemporary horror movies are self-parodies, the humorous possibilities are exceptionally limited. The principal joke is that most of the gore is made of paper or fabric. The major villain is a classical allusion, but that doesn't class up the joint.

Watterson shares something with his protagonist: He doesn't know why the maze exists. Although he conceived a cardboard universe, the director fails to link it to the current vogue for home delivery. (No Amazon logos are visible on the boxes.) Watterson also doesn't do much with the other elephant in the room, Dave and Annie's relationship. In a story full of metamorphoses, their rut-stuck romance doesn't really change.

Scottish philosopher David Hume once stated, "'Tis an established maxim in metaphysics, That whatever the mind clearly conceives includes the idea of possible existence, or, in other words, that nothing we imagine is absolutely impossible." Regardless of whether that's true, Dave Made a Maze does seem to use the philosophical concept to create its plot, which isn't unusual for an arthouse horror movie. After all, the titular character (Nick Thune) uses a weekend alone from his girlfriend, Annie (Meera Rohit Kumbhani), to build an elaborate cardboard labyrinth in their apartment's living room, but the structure inadvertently becomes sentient. Dave, consequently, gets lost inside its walls, and Annie and their friends have to deal with the repercussions when they mount a rescue to get him out. The maze, however, is more than it seems, especially since it's bigger on the inside and full of peril.

On the surface, the labyrinth is wacky and fun. It creates a sense of wonder and adventure that would otherwise be lacking from a movie that features one location by incorporating all the cardboard and extra building materials that Dave had previously constructed or found inside his and Annie's apartment. The characters, nevertheless, soon discover it's also a living fortress stocked with deadly booby traps, conscious inanimate objects, a minotaur and an unknown evil force driving the building to expand. Consequently, some of Dave's friends are murdered inside the maze, which starts a race against time as everyone tries to flee the structure and whatever is now controlling it. Although viewers never find out what that entity is, it manifests by possessing the deceased body of one of Dave's friends, Brynn (Stephanie Allynne), and encapsulating her in cardboard before threatening everyone and turning into a gigantic, demon-esque arm as they escape.

Dave, at the start of the film, is quite fond and proud of his hodgepodge creation -- he poured his heart and soul into it -- so in a sense (although it's never clarified), the maze may have come to life as a manifestation of his sentiments, fervor, random thoughts and half-baked ideas. This explains the arbitrary nature of the maze's interior, which features nonsensical corridors like a mesmerizing hallway in the shape of a woman's genitalia, an optical illusion room and one area that transforms everyone into paper bag puppets. In short, it contains all the trivial and absurd clutter that might comprise one's subconscious and brings it to life. This also affects reality inside the maze, which extends to those within its confines, so the trapped people take on whatever form the labyrinth sees fit, whether cardboard or something else entirely, like Dave's recollection of previous conversations and memories.

Still, while the film's narrative may fall apart if thought on too hard, none of it has to make sense because everything inside the maze mirrors how Dave views himself and the world around him. In his mind, Dave is an unappreciated builder who's wasted his life and is convinced that if he can finish at least one project (something he's never been able to do before), his life might have meaning. So, perhaps it's wishful thinking or Dave's deepest desire to create something of substance that gave the edifice its beautiful and horrifying existence, which he subtly hints at by describing the maze as a "passion project," but viewers may never know.

Despite Dave Made a Maze not offering viewers a direct answer, the titular character's attempts at defining the maze to his friends may provide some clarity. Once reunited with his friends, Dave tries to explain the situation but humorously can't other than mentioning that "it's me," which carries some weight. The building tortures and dismembers its victims in a way that depicts how Dave engages with the world. Instead of being a straight-up gorefest, those who die are portrayed in their final moments in a stylized fashion -- blood is exchanged for streamers, and guts are substituted for silly string. The significance of these intriguing visuals, other than minimizing the violence of the killings, is that they're comprised of everyday items that can be used for arts and crafts -- all things that Dave has come in contact with and has used before.

These objects, moreover, and their value as creative tools and components make Dave who he is as an individual. They give him his sense of self as a creator, which could also illustrate why Dave's hand was turned into cardboard after getting too close to his creation since his only understanding of the maze is that it's possibly an extension of himself. This touches back on the dangers of perception and wayward imagination because regardless of whether any of it actually happened, it's real to Dave, and that fact definitely left an impression on him and his friends. 006ab0faaa

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