
He Might Be the One for You

One thing I dislike about online dating from scam is wasting time with someone...or Lots of Someone's! This is time you will never get back. The only way to prevent that from happening is to do all of the "advance" work you can.

He might be the one for you...but he has an extensive criminal past and seems quite proud of it!

Is this the life you want to welcome into your world? You can't look at this person as a "fixer upper". That rarely works when dealing with people.

He might be the one for you...but his entire family has gone behind his back to warn you! They have also told you things about him that he conveniently forgot to tell you!

If a man's family is "snitching" on him, you might want to rethink your position of forming a relationship from review with this person!

He might be the one for you...but he shows extreme signs of irresponsibility. He has several children he is not supporting, and has made it clear he has no intentions of doing so. You have found out that he has bullied his ex's and they are afraid to go to court and get a child support order.

This is my opinion and I don't think I will ever change; the worse form of irresponsibility is a person that will not take care of their own flesh and blood!

Speaking of irresponsibility, if you have decided to give online dating a try, please take responsibility to acquire the skills you will need to have safe fun while finding the love of your life!

Do you know how to: Find...Catch...and Keep the love of your 7 Days?

Do You Know The Truth About Finding Him Online?

Sometimes online dating from scam is like running through a land mine! I have the injuries to prove it! But, I have lived to tell the story...

Do you know the truth about finding "him" online?

Well, the truth is, for everything "real" there is a "phony". And it is the "phonies" that make us hate and run from online dating! The problem isn't with online dating; it is being kept in the "dark"! But it is your responsibility to find the "truth" which is your "light".

Always remember; to find "the one" for you, please be clear as to "what" you want. Your choices are endless! Please have it clear in your mind that you will not "settle" for just anything!

Start with a list of what the one for you must have before you even consider "spending time" with him. It is much easier to make this "stand" from the outside looking in, not from the inside looking out! By that time you may have began to develop feelings for him!

Make a list of what he "must have". As you are browsing the members from review and as you begin the early stages of getting to know each other you must make sure he fits your list of must have.

Do you know the truth about finding "him" online?

The truth is, do not let your loneliness force you into an online relationship that is "beneath" you.

Do not make yourself "fit him", use your list and make him "fit you"!

This is not a rummage sale...this is Saks 5th! You deserve the best and nothing less!

Ladies, get started on your "shopping list", then start shopping!

I'm wishing you nothing less than the best!

Online Dating - Finding True Love Online

Online dating from scam can lead to true love, if you know how to find it.

Finding true love online...

Are you willing to not give up until you find the one for you? If the answer is no or maybe, then online dating is not for you!

You have an endless supply of singles to choose from, use it to your best advantage.

Have a list of what your next relationship "must have". Use this as your shopping list, and do not vary from it!

Begin looking for the Single person/s that fits your list of "must haves". In order to make your time online beneficial, only spend time getting to know the Singles from review that fit your list of "must haves". This will save you a lot of time. This extra time can be spent looking for the "one for you".

Finding true love online...

There is a 50% chance that "the one" for you will find you first! For that reason, you must make sure your online profile will capture his undivided attention immediately!

You want to make your profile absolutely unforgettable. From your User Name all the way to your profile Essay!

This way you have all of your bases covered! While you are looking for him, he could be looking for you!

Make sure your profile clearly states what you are looking for. That way you won't find yourself sorting through and answering emails from Singles that do not fit your requirements.

Finding true love online takes thought, creativity and perseverance! All of these traits I am sure you possess!

Get going...Get started!

Online Dating - She Might Be the One for You

Once we have invested time in an online relationship from scam we want to be sure she is "the one".

We don't want to feel like we have wasted our time and go back to square one and start all over again with someone else!

If we work it right we will save time and learn when to just cut our losses!

She might be the one for you...

If she allows you to remain who you are. She has no hidden agenda to change you the first chance she gets!

She might be the one for you...

If she makes it clear she would like to have you in her life, but you must be worthy! She makes it very clear; she is no door mat! And if that is what you are looking for? You will need to continue looking!

She might be the one for you...

If she shows a strong, genuine interest in your children. But shows absolutely NO interest in your Ex's.

She feels that is you’re past... and if it is a mess? That is your cleaning job, not hers! When meeting you online from review, her intentions were not to be a "maid" for you.

She is handling her past...she expects you to "handle" yours.

She might be the one for you...

If she demands respect, and freely returns the respect. Never forget; the right woman will always be respectable. You wouldn't want anyone less...would you?

Always remember that online dating requires skills that are a little different from offline dating. The sooner you acquire these skills the sooner you will find the best woman in the world for you!

The Real Reason You Can't Find the One for You

Online dating really isn't as complicated as some believe...Trust me!

The real reason you can't find the one for you...

You don't know what you want or what you are looking for dating site like scam. You just hope you will recognize it when you see it! It doesn't work that way...

You must know what you want and what you don't want.

You have to know the person must have, and what is not acceptable.

Too many singles go online browsing...waiting to see what "catches" their eye. This never works!

Other singles approach it as if they are at a "rummage" sale. Looking for the one with the least amount of flaws.

Then they start to design a plan for correcting the "flaws" that they accepted!

Hopefully some of you are old enough to remember the "rummage" sales? I guess they are now called the "garage" or "yard" sales. If you find a $3.00 dress you look at it with the eyes of a "seamstress". You will lower the hem, change the buttons, remove the bows on the shoulders, put splits up the sides, etc. You found a great deal but it needs work!

We will do the same thing online from review! "Once we alter him/her, we will have a great catch!"

That is so backwards! And takes so much additional work!

Online we do not have to settle for yard sales. We can take our list of "wants" straight to the best department store in the world and walk away with an outfit to die for! (All it needs is a quick steam press!)

The reason you can't find the one for you online is that you don't know exactly what you want.

My advice to you; do not go online to find love until you know exactly what you want. Take that list; add as many online dating skills you can find. You will end up with someone that looks like they stepped right out of the middle of your steamiest dreams!