org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException: Persistence process has been specified to use a ClassLoaderResolver of name "jdo" yet this has not been found by the DataNucleus plugin mechanism. Please check your CLASSPATH and plugin specification.

First, I merged all the plugin.xml files into the datanucleus-core plugin.xml. The trick is that extension-point ids are relative to their parent plugin's id. So if any of the modules your are using define new extension-points, e.g. datanucleus-rdbms, you have to rewrite the ids so they are relative to their new parent plugin.

Datanucleus Download


For anyone else struggling to merge the datanucleus plugin.xml files, I used the following code to help. Pipe the contents from the 3 separate datanucleus plugin.xml files using this command and this will tell you where there are extensions which explicitly need merging:

Unfortunately, it looks like the datanucleus-appengine plugin version 2.1.2 is not compatible with Java 17. According to the release notes for the plugin, the latest version that supports Java 8 is version 2.1.2. 

You may file a feature request in this link however, there's no ETA for it.

Reference: Understanding your migration options

Note: Not all the App Engine bundled services available for Java 8 have a corresponding service in Java 11/17. For the full list of legacy bundled services APIs available for Java 11/17, see the legacy bundled services API references documentation.

Plugin (Bundle) "org.datanucleus" is already registered. Ensure you dont have multiple JAR versions of the same plugin in the classpath. The URL "file:/home/mgelbana/.m2/repository/org/datanucleus/datanucleus-core/3.2.5/datanucleus-core-3.2.5.jar" is already registered, and you are trying to register an identical plugin located at URL "file:/home/mgelbana/.m2/repository/org/datanucleus/datanucleus-core/4.0.0-m2/datanucleus-core-4.0.0-m2.jar."

(These lines at the starts are the ones indicating some unexpected events for datanucleus plugin, such as not being able to download meta-data xml files and including datanucleus-core 4.0.0-m3 files, the successive lines are just a result of that faulty inclusion)

For to enhance the classes and to make normal Java classes "persistable", I have used DataNucleus Enhancer. The issue I am having is: No files to run datanucleus tool (error log shown below) and because of that datanucleus is not enhancing the classes. How the datanucleus run the files for enhancement?

The error message Make sure that you have put the relevant DataNucleus store plugin in your CLASSPATH says all you really need to know. The datanucleus-rdbms plugin is NOT in the CLASSPATH ... your scope restriction on runtime

Together with some other dependencies, however I think the ones in the list are the most important ones. Everything is compiled using Maven. When I run maven clean install or maven datanucleus:enhance the enhancer crashes:

I'm having a problem setting up datanucleus enhancer to use with a google app engine project. If I use the datanucleus eclipse plugin everything goes well, but in my maven project I get a strange conflicting version error.

For maven-datanucleus-plugin 3.1.1 the version range of datanucleus-core dependency is (3.0.99, 3.1.99), and for maven-datanucleus-plugin 3.1.0-release it is (3.0.99, ). No wonder for the older versions of maven-datanucleus-plugin, it automatically pulls in the latest versions of datanucleus-core.

And make sure the annotations you are using are based on the correct path. Use JDO annotations and not Datanucleus's (i.e. Use javax.jdo.annotations.PersistenceCapable and not org.datanucleus.api.jpa.annotations.PersistenceCapable, although I'm not sure if this is even possible as the compiler would complain as it is for me)

Is it possible to have read queries in Datanucleus without creating transactions? I would like to have non-blocking dirty read in my application but even without creating transactions I see it in postgre logs. Setting property "datanucleus.NontransactionalRead" to true doesn't help.

And the enhancer will work! So the difference is that Google used datanucleus-api-jdowhich wasn't necessary for me and of course it did not override the choice of the datanucleus-core version that should be used. Please also note that the plugin was renamed from maven-datanucleus-plugin to datanucleus-maven-plugin starting with 3.2.0-m2. So I also changed this to use the official 3.2.0-release.Furthermore Google describes to use copies of the JARs found in appengine-java-sdk-1.9.21/lib/opt/user/datanucleus/v2 which are:

AsOscar Korz said, the problem is that "the DataNucleus core tries to load modules as OSGi bundles, even when it is not running in an OSGi container. This works fine as long as the jars are not merged", which I need to do. So, when running "sbt clean assembly", the merged jar wrongly merged the datanucleus plugin files and didn't add the additional OSGi part in MANIFEST.MF.

Now we need to fix the plugin.xml by merging the 3 datanucleus files. Find and then unpack the original datanucleus jar files (as above) and separate out each plugin.xml (they are different). Anebril's solution in the stackoverflow solution gives a good start to merge these three files. But I will add a tip to help:

When you download this zip file, the key datanucleus JAR files will be in the "lib" folder of the download. The other JARs will be in the "deps" folder. So, to get working with DataNucleus, you're going to have to move those JAR files out of the downloaded ZIP file, and throw them all into a folder that makes them much more accessible to your Java runtime and design time environments.

To set the read policy for a PersistenceManagerFactory, includea property named datanucleus.appengine.datastoreReadConsistency.Possible values are EVENTUAL and STRONG: if notspecified, the default is STRONG. (Note, however, that thesesettings apply only to ancestor queries within a given entity group.Non-ancestor queries are always eventually consistent regardless of theprevailing read policy.)

The JDO configuration we recommend using sets a property nameddatanucleus.appengine.autoCreateDatastoreTxns to true.This is an App Engine-specific property that tells the JDO implementation toassociate datastore transactions with the JDO transactions that are managed inapplication code. If you are building a new app from scratch, this is probablywhat you want. However, if you have an existing, JDO-based application that youwant to get running on App Engine, you may want to use an alternate persistenceconfiguration which sets the value of this property to false: e24fc04721

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