Leaving legacies

May 2019

As part of my work at Wood for Trees, I've been delving into data from the Charity Commission.

They provide an excellent dataset on registered charities in England and Wales, including a breakdown of how these organisations are funded. A key part of this is legacy income, from people who leave money to charities in their will.

I think it provides great insight into the causes we care about most.

It also gives me a chance to use a racing bar chart, a viz that's currently in vogue following a tweet that went viral by Matt Navarra.

Who do we name in our wills?

Play legacy race (MP4, 50s)

Making this visualisation

Date source: Charity Commission data extracts. Sadly they haven't fully got the hang of open data and the data is only easily accessible if you're using SQL Server. A shame.

Tool: Flourish Studio