Is 3 months enough for data science? 

Is the passage commodity you frequently saw from the Data Science SevenMentor announcement?

Although is it really possible? From completely oblivious about data wisdom to becoming a gift-ready data scientist? 

Data Science 

Why is SevenMentor stalwart enough to make such a statement? We need to know first what the job request wants from the Data Scientist. I take the illustration of a Data Scientist job post demand that I set up on LinkedIn below.

Data Science Job advertisement demand

Above is a typical job announcement regarding Data Scientist that you could find far and wide. Banning the job experience, any other chops listed there especially what I circled were Specialized Chops.

This is what utmost Data Science  frequently targets to fulfill; preparing the  scholars with the specialized chops capability to ensure they're called for the job interview.

still, the literacy figure will follow a analogous aspect

Learning Python/ R( Programming Language)

Learning Visualization Package

Learning SQL

Learning Machine Learning

Learning Basic Probability/ Statistic

Also Read Data Science Course in Pune 

Also, is it enough in 3 months to learn all the below chops and guarantee the dream job as a data scientist? The short answer is No, but there's always room for an exception. Let me explain why.

Perspective From Coach

Data Science 

Data Science Trainer is the one who would educate you during your literacy trip in your Data Science team. For better or worse, not all coaches have an equal experience and chops when tutoring a pupil; nor does our institute itself some do it for the deals.

In my time tutoring as a Data Science Trainer, my working place is easily not ready for having a proper literacy material and good person to educate.

Sure, there's a coach who comes from a web and development programming background, which I admit their chops are good- suchlike but tutoring data wisdom? It’s a big no.

The coach is substantially youthful people who were pushed to tutoring data wisdom because of their programming skill and have gone through some Udemy slides courses.

Some are just bogus, and would hamper your chance as a Data Scientist. ”

With that in mind, opting for a good Data Scientist  is your first step to getting a Data Scientist within three months — or as announced.

When you have a proper tutoring institute and good schoolteacher, would now I could become a Data Scientist? Is the Data Science job indeed worth it? You could read about my opinion then.

Data Scientist Job — Is it worth the offerings made?

While I'm working as a coach, I've seen numerous kinds of scholars — From experience talented to a total amateur. I could see a scholar's capability for catching up with the study material and understanding the new concept ranging from really fast to needing further time to learn.

What was hard for me was to make sure every pupil understood the material because we've a limited time — the announcement from SevenMentor is three months, flash back ?. In the short span of time, I need to educate all the available literacy material.

For a pupil with fast literacy skill, of course, it would be a breath, but it would be an excruciating experience for a pupil without the skill to grasp a data wisdom skill.

From my perspective as a coach, the announcement to work as a Data Scientist in three months is clearly a possibility from some pupils but nearly insolvable for another because of the different capability they had.

So, my alternate point is

You might be suitable if you work harder, but it clearly takes further time than three months as announced. ”

My advice is if you aren't sure about your own chops, try to learn what kind of Data Scientist chops and prepare it indeed before you go to the Data Science. It would help you a lot.


In conclusion, I would say that it's hard to become a Data Scientist, especially in three months. This is because


Not every pupil is talented enough to catch up with the literacy material in a short time.

numerous necessary  skills are demanded.