Data Generation for Robotics

Workshop @ RSS 2024


Data-driven learning has emerged as a promising paradigm to teach robots to perform tasks of interest. However, while there has been considerable progress in developing specific data-driven learning methods and systems, there has been a lack of discussion around the data itself. This workshop seeks to place a data-centric focus on robotics and guide questions around data collection, generation, curation, and modeling. 

Discussion Topics

Workshop Structure

The workshop will consist of: 

Debate 1: Data generation in simulation vs. real world. Where should data collection take place, and what kinds of data should be collected? What are some opportunities and challenges for data collection in simulation and in the real world?

Debate 2: The role of humans in data collection, generation, and curation. Given the advent of powerful generative AI models, to what extent should humans be involved at different parts of the robotics data collection stack, and in what capacity?

Virtual attendees will be able to stream all workshop proceedings (except the poster session), and participate by submitting questions for the speakers and during the debates. Our workshop organizers will be monitoring virtual Q&A to facilitate virtual participation, and ensure equal participation for both in-person and virtual participants. 

Paper Submission Guidelines

We  invite several types of submissions, including full-length papers and position papers, that cover the discussion topics above, as well as related areas.

Paper Format: Submitted papers should follow the RSS 2024 (see this link) or CoRL 2024 paper format and should be anonymized for review. There are no page length requirements, but we suggest a length around 4-9 pages long (excluding references or supplementary material). We welcome both unpublished original contributions as well as recently published papers (e.g. published in 2024). Accepted papers will be presented as posters. A few papers will also be selected as spotlight presentations.

Submission Link: 

Important Dates

Paper Deadline: June 10th, 2024 (23:59 EDT) May 20th, 2024

Camera-Ready Deadline: July 4th, 2024

Workshop Date: July 15th, 2024