Data and modeling: Complex Systems Applications

Satellite Session at Conference on Complex Systems 2022

OCTober 19th 2022 HYBRid (online and onsite)

Program - Room 2


Complexity science provides the framework for understanding the behavior of social and natural systems. However, there is a huge gap between understanding and applying the principles and methods from complexity science in order to solve real problems. In this satellite session, we will cover applications of complex systems in multiple domains. We expect to raise awareness about how to manage and intervene in complex systems, including the risks we face when societies become global, the opportunities that are created, and the role of complexity in strategies and analytics.

The satellite will cover the following aspects in particular:

  • Social Systems

  • Risks and Fat-tails

  • Management

  • Cryptocurrencies

  • Data, AI, Machine Learning

  • Economics

  • Cities

  • Defense

  • Geo-politics

INVITED Speakers

  • Agata Lapedriza - UOC and MIT - AI and Image Recognition

  • Sandro Lera - Risks-X Institute at SUSTech and MIT - Economics and Risk Management

  • Isabella Loaiza - MIT Media Lab - Human Migration

  • Mark Edman - Google - Cybersecurity


Deadline August 15th 2022

STEM Volume

Selected papers will be invited to publish in a volume edited by STEM Academic Press. For more information follow the link.


The session will happen online on October 19th, 2022 and onsite in Mallorca, Spain.

Conference website:

If you are interested in participating please contact alfredom[@]mit[.]edu or jobalbar[at]mit[.]edu


Alfredo J. Morales (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Red Compleja, Amor fati)

Alfredo contributes to building a better understanding of social systems by developing computational and analytical methods based on complex systems science and data science. His work is at the intersection of computer science, statistics, applied physics and artificial intelligence. He analyzes large datasets that result from human activity on social media, internet, mobile phones or purchases in order to retrieve unstructured patterns of collective behaviors that explain large scale societal properties, such as social dynamics, urban dynamics, segregation, political engagement, political polarization and social influence.

José Balsa-Barreiro (CITIES, NYU Abu Dhabi and MIT Media Lab)

José Balsa-Barreiro is a research scientist in CITIES at the New York Abu Dhabi University (UAE), and the groups of Connection Science and Human Dynamics at the MIT Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). He had been visiting researcher at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (USA) and Max Planck Institute for Human Development (Germany). His research interests are dangerously widespread including human dynamics, mobility, geography, and mapping. His work has been featured in Harvard International Review, El País, Los Angeles Times, Foreign Affairs, and Le Monde Diplomatique. He had received his Bsc. Geography from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Geomatics Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering, both from the Technical University of Valencia (Spain). He holds a Ph.D degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Coruna (Spain) and the Politecnico di Torino (Italy). He had worked in Spain, Germany (Institute for Photogrammetry and Max Planck Institute for Human Development), Switzerland (Institute for Transport Planning and Systems), and the United States (MIT Media Lab and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory).

Rosa M. Benito (Technical University of Madrid)

Rosa heads the Complex Systems Group at The Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and is also Professor of Applied Physics at UPM. Prof. Benito´s work focuses on understanding and characterizing the structure and dynamics of different complex systems by using Complex Network Theory and Data Science. In particular she has proposed a new formalism to model complex networks topology, and she has been working with big data to determine the individual and collective behavior of users in specific online conversation on Twitter, and human mobility patterns through mobile phone data. She has lead many research projects and has participated in several Challenge for Development using mobile phone data from African´s countries (Ivory Coast and Senegal). Her work has been published in many academic publications. She head the PhD Program in Complex Systems and has supervised several PhD Thesis. She has been awarded for Excellence in her Academic Career and for Innovation Education from UPM.