Is there anyway to attach an excel file to a dashboard where when you click the link or image it will download a copy instead of opening a web version. I want people to be able to click on the link and have a copy download and open so they can input data and the save this excel file and then attach it to a row using forms. Currently all I've been able to do is add the file as a shortcut but when people click on this it opens a web version of the file and if they put in any data it will stay there for the next person to see which is not acceptable

I save my documents in a google drive - make the document sharable - then get a link to the document. I can either use that url and put on dashboard as a link; or use that url on an image - when clicked on, will open. In Google drive you can attach Word, Excel, pdf, etc. - and they can download from there. Make sure the link in Google drive is either specifically for those who use the dashboard or make it public, so anyone with the link can open it (but only those with access to the dashboard would ever have the link).

Dashboard Excel Download Grtis

Download File 🔥 🔥

Your dashboard is now functionally complete, but you probably still need to arrange it the way you want and make final adjustments. For instance, you might want to add a report title, or a background. For our dashboard, we added shapes around the PivotTables and turned off Headings and Gridlines from the View tab.

Congratulations on creating your dashboard! In this step we'll show you how to set up a Microsoft Group to share your dashboard. What we're going to do is pin your dashboard to the top of your group's document library in SharePoint, so your users can easily access it at any time.

Now whenever your users come to the Documents page of your SharePoint Online team site your dashboard worksheet will be right there at the top. They can click on it and easily access the current version of the dashboard.

One thing we have seen is that there are carriage returns in the Part Description. Excel interprets these as a new cell, and that causes the data to not line up. You can try to truncate the description in the dashboard to 15 or 20 characters.

If it is on a menu, in security/menu maintenance you find that menu, you

need to change it to a dashboard assembly instead of runtime dashboard,

When you change the selection it will allow you to browse to find the .dll

you created

I think I might have found an issue??? I can find the dashboard on the security/menu maintenance. How do I get it, for example, in the Inventory Management section? Or even Exec Analysis/Status Dashboards?

Hi - I set up an excel dashboard using the directions provided on the Comm

Care site, but my dashboard is not updating when new data comes in. Even

when I select 'refresh all' in excel, I only see the data originally used

to create the dashboard. At first, I thought it was an error on my part so

I recreated the dashboard in a new excel workbook and made sure to follow

the instructions very carefully. However, I keep running into the same

problem. Can someone help me figure out why I keep running into this


Hi - I set up an excel dashboard using the directions provided on the

Comm Care site, but my dashboard is not updating when new data comes in.

Even when I select 'refresh all' in excel, I only see the data originally

used to create the dashboard. At first, I thought it was an error on my

part so I recreated the dashboard in a new excel workbook and made sure to

follow the instructions very carefully. However, I keep running into the

same problem. Can someone help me figure out why I keep running into this


2b) the excel file goes to AGOL and I need an application to fill it online. Here I can't find a good solution because all the apps I know from ESRI are maps oriented. I don't need maps, just some fields to put alphanumerical information related to spatial information in the database.

I'm assuming that the edits are all made to the excel sheet, and the AGOL layer will just be a copy? If that's the case, you could schedule a Python script to periodically read the excel sheet and push updates to a hosted layer. We do that kind of thing in our org, and updating even very large datasets typically takes under a minute, so you could have the dashboard be nearly real-time.

Hello! I need to create a dashboard in Excel with interactive (filterable) charts for a current project of mine. Does anyone know a good resource/tutorial on how to build such a dashboard that doesn't have the typical old-fashioned Excel look?

This one has been mentioned a few times in this thread and it was probably the most complete solution for what I was looking for. On the Youtube Channel I found tutorials on two outstanding interactive dashboards that just blew my mind with their advanced design. Both tutorials are well-structured, easy to follow, and the final result is stunning. And the download of both dashboard files is free, so I downloaded them and with a few adjustments I think I will have a good solution for my project soon.

I have an Excel file in OneDrive containing sales data for different bakeries, which is updated regularly. I'm using ArcGIS Pro desktop and have upgraded my ArcGIS Online (AGOL) subscription to the GIS Professional Standard level. My goal is to automatically update an AGOL dashboard widget, likely a pie chart, with the latest sales data whenever the Excel file is updated.

How can I ensure that updates to the Excel file reflect in an AGOL dashboard automatically using just the tools available to me in AGOL or Arcgis Desktop since I don't have Arcgis Enterprise? Possible?

Then to display these graphs, I put the Excel sheet onto my OneDrive, open it using Excel Online, and Chromecast it to the TV screen in the office. With PowerBI, I publish the graphs to a dashboard, and Chromecast this.

It seems greyed out. I have several production schedules that i want to improve (currently running off odata feed from GI straight to Excel) but they need to be refreshed in the excel app and i want to be able to refresh in excel online - is there an easy way to be able to refresh ODATA feeds in excel online?

@timrodman power update as in the 3rd party add-on? Happy to try that. I'm a long time powerbi user however I want to find a workaround that allows live data in reports. Unfortunately with odata as the source I cannot use the live query mode of powerbi which sets my limitation to the 8 scheduled refrehes daily for my users. I was hoping to find a solution somewhere where I can build a report to excel online or pbi that I can click a button "refresh data" and the report will pull the latest from Acumatica.

@timrodman I feel a bit of a newbie to the Advanced/Acumatica world and am probably covering topics well covered in previous. That said, I'd certainly be glad to get your input on how to build live (we more live) dashboards in either PBi or Excel Online and if this was recorded and others could get benefit from it in the future, then thats perfect.

I checked with the Microsoft folks and looks like I don't need to import another report. I can have 2 seperate reports and when I put them on the cloud I can pin the reports to show up on my dashboard. This solves my need for integrating the two reports.

You've read Introduction to dashboards in Power BI, and now you want to create your own. There are many ways to create a dashboard. For example, you can create a dashboard from a report, from scratch, from a semantic model, or by duplicating an existing dashboard. In this article, you create a quick and easy dashboard that pins visualizations from an existing report.

When you select Pin, Power BI creates the new dashboard in the current workspace. After the Pinned to dashboard message appears, select Go to dashboard. If you're prompted to save the report, select Save.

Another option is to pin an entire report page to a dashboard, which is an easy way to pin more than one visualization at a time. When you pin an entire page, the tiles are live. That is, you can interact with them there on the dashboard. Changes you make to any of the visualizations in the report editor, like adding a filter or changing the fields used in the chart, are reflected in the dashboard tile as well.

Within both excel files you'll have to format the data area as a table. Once you do that and store the excel files in sharepoint or onedrive you'll be able to get rows from one excel table and add them to the other table.

We have a dashboard that has 4 different tables and we want to schedule a report to send these as either 4 different Excel files or 1 file with different tabs for each table. We're going to send these reports to people outside of our Domo instance, so the Excel file is a must.

I do this by doing all of the heavy lifting in KNIME and then using the Excel Write to Template node to write to excel for presentation. I recommend changing the presentation to placing graphs, user adjustment fields above or to the side of written data for simpler implementation.

Creating a component based interactive dashboard is definitely going require some KNIME skill development. How much is going to depend on the goals, process and visualization of your dashboard design. If your company has a KNIME business hub license then there are likely some users that can help (along with the forum). Here is a starting point for understanding dashboard construction in KNIME.

I am trying to get information we have in into a board reporting pack. I was hoping to get dashboard style information into word or excel, but not one graph at a time, copying images as there is alot of information to be extracted from e24fc04721

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