Mame Hlsl Settings 1080p Vs 4k

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How to Choose the Best MAME HLSL Settings for 1080p and 4k Monitors

MAME is a popular emulator that allows you to play thousands of classic arcade games on your PC. However, if you want to recreate the authentic look and feel of a CRT arcade monitor, you will need to use HLSL effects. HLSL stands for High-Level Shader Language, and it simulates the various distortions, scanlines, color bleeding, bloom, and other characteristics of a CRT display.

However, choosing the best HLSL settings for your monitor can be tricky. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, as different monitors have different resolutions, aspect ratios, and pixel densities. Moreover, different games may require different settings to look their best. In this article, we will give you some tips and guidelines on how to choose the best MAME HLSL settings for 1080p and 4k monitors.

Resolution and Aspect Ratio

The first thing you need to consider is the resolution and aspect ratio of your monitor. Resolution is the number of pixels that your monitor can display horizontally and vertically. Aspect ratio is the ratio of the width to the height of your monitor. For example, a 1920x1080 monitor has a resolution of 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels, and an aspect ratio of 16:9.

You will want MAME to use the native resolution of your monitor, as this will avoid any scaling or stretching issues that may affect the image quality. To do this, you need to edit your mame.ini file in a text editor (such as Notepad) and set the following options:

video d3d

filter 0

This will make MAME use Direct3D as the video output mode, and turn off any extra filtering that may interfere with HLSL effects. Next, you need to turn on HLSL by setting this option:

hlsl_enable 1

Save the file and you are ready to start tweaking your HLSL settings.

Most arcade games used a 4:3 aspect ratio display (or 3:4 for vertically oriented games like Pac-Man), but most modern monitors have a wider aspect ratio, such as 16:9 or 16:10. This means that you will have some extra space on the sides of the game image. You can use this space to display bezel artwork around the game screen, if you have the necessary artwork files. MAME will automatically display the artwork if it is available in your artwork folder. To make sure the artwork fits well with the game image, you should set the artwork view to Cropped in MAME's video options menu.

HLSL Presets

MAME comes with several HLSL presets that you can use as a starting point for your own settings. These presets are located in your ini folder, and they have names like raster.ini, vector.ini, gameboy.ini, etc. They are designed for different types of games and monitors, and they have different values for various HLSL parameters.

To use a preset, you need to copy its contents into your mame.ini file under the [hlsl] section. Alternatively, you can create a separate ini file for each game or system that you want to use a different preset for. For example, if you want to use the gameboy.ini preset for all Game Boy games, you can create a gb.ini file in your ini folder and copy the contents of gameboy.ini into it.

The presets are not perfect, and they may not suit your preferences or your monitor. You will likely need to adjust some parameters to get the best results. You can do this by editing your ini files manually, or by using MAME's built-in slider controls menu (press Tab while playing a game and select Slider Controls).

HLSL Parameters

There are many HLSL parameters that you can tweak to customize the appearance of your games. Some of them are more important than others, and some of them may have different effects depending on your monitor resolution and pixel density. Here are some of the most common parameters that you may want to adjust:

shadow_mask_alpha: This controls how visible the shadow mask effect is. The shadow mask 66dfd1ed39

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