Darts Score Math

Contact us:dartsscoremath@gmail.com

To score as many points as possible, correctly answering questions about how many points are knocked out on the target for darts with three darts. The application consists of 3 sections:




Section "Game"

Before the start of the game

When starting the application, the "Game" section opens by default. Before starting a new game, the user sees the following information:

the number of attempts to answer;

The number of seconds for the answer.

The user also displays a target for darts, which will show the locations of darts - the results of the hits at every attempt.

When clicking on the "Start" button, the game itself begins.

During the game

After clicking on the "Start" button, the user shows images of darts located on the targets randomly. The timer begins a return report (in seconds).

Under the target, the question appears to which you need to correctly answer, choosing one and answer options.

The number of glasses is the sum of the glasses that are “knocked out” with darts on the target. Each dart can get into the sector with both glasses and without them - a mistake. The black zone, in which the numbers with glasses are already located (after the second red-green row, if counted from the center) and there is a missing area. The user needs to pay attention precisely to the tartic tower tips to calculate the amount of "knocked out" glasses.

When pressing on any of the proposed answers (a round turquoise button with the number of glasses), the target makes 1 turn around its axis, new "hit" darts and values in the buttons for the answer are updated. The number of attempts is also reduced and the timer is restarted

If the user does not have time to answer for the allotted time, then the application independently updates all the data, and the attempt is counted as missing. If the user managed to answer, then, depending on whether he answered correctly or not, the attempt is counted as correct or erroneous, and the user receives points or not.