The last generation

By: darshan

“Why is the new generation depressed? You’re really asking me that? Fine, I’ll tell you why everyone is so *beep* depressed!” Came out of a tv screen that flickers from time to time.

“Everyone is depressed because no one has any hope. The planet is dying. There is scientific proof that mother earth is dying. But no one seems to do anything about it. Some idiotic politicians even deny the goddamn proof. Our leaders don’t inspire or aspire. Instead, they make a total ass of themselves and play the game of cat and mouse. Total idiots. Everyone is out of work. No one has any money. A handful of the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. The food isn’t healthy. The air is not safe to breathe. The polar caps are melting. There is plastic in our waters, fish, food and getting into our bodies. We, as the older generation, aren’t leaving anything worthwhile for the younger ones. And if you’re still asking people why everyone is depressed, then you’re ignorant *beep* is the reason this species is doomed. But hey I can’t blame you can I? Cause the media is obsessed with numbing the minds. Everyone wants to kill the noise. No one wants to talk about this. Cause ignorance is bliss. Well, I am here to tell you! This is the end! You have got to get mad. My life has value, your life has value. It’s goddamn time we as human beings stand up for the planet we live on. Every story we write or tell will begin and end here. If we don’t do anything now ...”

The tv screen went black and quickly tuned into another channel with an action movie with gunshots and fight scenes .

“ Ah, por qué papá? I was watching that.” A teenage boy objected to his father who was guilty of changing the tv channel.

“Ah don’t worry niño. These activists worry too much and make an ant into an elephant. Let’s just enjoy this movie with Tom Cruise while your mother makes some empanada's." His father brushed him off.

“Tú eres loco. You are crazy. The man speaks some sense. Look at your crop. Every year it gets hotter and more difficult to grow food. You should listen and pay attention.”

“Nino don’t bother me! I had a long day. And besides. What can I do? I am a simple farmer. It’s the rich people you should go after.”

“But that’s what he was saying. We have to do something before.”

“Niño por favor! Go help your mother.” The father spoke a bit loudly while pointing the boy towards the kitchen. The young boy got mad and stomped out of the house and slammed the door behind him.

“Ay, What did you do?” An irritated mother asked from in front of the father to which he just waved his arm signaling her to move from the screen.

The young man walked away from their small farm on a narrow dirt track towards the main road. The sun hung low on the horizon, painting the sky a dark orange. The dirt beneath his slippers radiating heat from the evening while a small breeze caused the grass and leaves to dance in harmony. While the scenery painted a calm, at peace picture the young man’s head was a pure contrast of it. He was not mad at his father but the whole mindset of the people.

“Make an elephant out of a mouse.” He mumbled mocking his father as he kicked a pebble out in the bushes. He decided to go to the supermarket to see if some of his friends were there. Coming up towards the main road he could see his crush crossing the street.

“Oi! Maria! “ He called out as he accelerated towards her. A young black haired girl turned and waved back. She wasn't much older than the boy. The boy eventually caught up to her.

“Where are you going?” he asked in between breaths.

“To meet up with the others. We are going to play some football. You want to join us?” she asked with a giggle.

“Ah no, I can’t play.” He answered still out of breath.

“I can see that.” she laughed.

“Where are you going, Julio?”


“Well, you can still hang out with us if you want.” She offered with a smile. Julio agreed and they both decided to walk towards the makeshift field at the end of the main road on a small hill,

“So why are you mad?” She asked finally to break the silence between them.

“I’m not.”

“Julio!” She pressed on.

“My dad doesn’t listen to me.”

“What did he do this time?”

“There was this program where they were interviewing this guy about our generation and our prospects.”

“I can see where this is going,” she said with a smile

“Don’t you feel like it’s all helpless Maria? Our planet is dying and no one seems to care. The food gets harder to grow every year. The water is getting lesser and we keep dumping more and more pesticides just to keep up with demand and prices.”

“Your head Julio, it can get so busy in there. So what do you want to do?”

“I don’t know what I can do,” Julio said as he hung his head low

“That’s exactly how your father feels, don’t you think,” Maria pointed out.

“That’s not true. I, at least, want to talk about it and learn from it and I am prepared to change my ways. He just wants to watch an action-packed Tom Cruise movie!”

“Oh really? Which one?” Maria asked out of curiosity to which Julio sighed in defeat.

“Julio! Stop it. I am just joking.” She nudged him.

“I know what you mean Julio. But you are 13. You should play and enjoy life and not think about those things. Come on! Look there they are. You are in my team, let's go."

“But I can’t.” Maria ignored him as she made a quick sprint towards the field. The young man shook his head and decided to join them.

“Welcome to the first lecture of sustainable agriculture, I am prof. Umberto your lecturer for this course this quarter.”

Julio sat at the far end of the class scanning the lecture room. To his surprise, he found the girl he once had a childhood crush on. They moved and he hadn’t seen or spoken to her in years. “She is beautiful.” He thought. The whole lecture he found himself getting distracted by her. Eventually, he decided to talk to her after the lecture. He forcefully made his way towards her through all of the students that made their way towards the exit.

He called out her name just before she disappeared out of his eyesight as she stepped outside the classroom. He hurried after her. When he didn't see her his feelings dropped and he sighed in defeat.

“Julio?” he heard a familiar voice coming from behind him.

“Recent paper published for the UN states that the climate situation concerning global warming is perhaps worse than first anticipated. Scientists now believe that we as humans are too far gone to undo the changes. Dr. Bran the lead scientist on the topic says we have already set in motion a cycle we cannot break from. He also confirms the theory of “house of cards” or “domino effect”. The ever increasing temperature will not only make it uncomfortable but will make it harder to grow food. Disappearing land make it harder for animals to live in their natural habitat. This is News 1, Gloria Rodriguez. “

“You okay ?” Maria asked her -husband.

“I don’t know. I think we should start preparing for the worst, Maria.” Julio said with a defeated sigh.

“I read that paper. And I have to agree with you, Julio. I think we got a few years left at most.”

“Years? I thought decades.”

“No! Years, the temperature increase is exponential. First, it increased slowly but then it started to go faster and faster. And we only worsened it with the forest fires and uncontrolled air pollution.

“Maybe we should look into one of those sustainable bunkers.” She continued with a laugh

“Ah Maria, we don’t have the money for that,” Julio said with a defeated tone. Maria instinctively reached for his hand and placed her head against his shoulder as she moved closer to him.

“We’ll build our own then.” She whispered.

“Why did we become sustainable advisors to these big companies that only hired us just for the formality and not for our help?”

“You are right, I should have married one of the CEO’s or a rich lawyer.” She mocked him with a smile.

“Yeah what was his name? Roberto?”

“Many third world countries including ours are failing in keeping up with the sudden and drastic change of the climate. The farmers can't keep up with the extreme temperatures and destructive storms. “As the world population does not show any sign of decreasing, the global food supply is suffering. This is apparent when looking at the ever-increasing trend of prices of food in the supermarkets.” Says the ministry of Economy. The UN has called out for an all hands on deck and prepare for a war against one of the deadliest enemies humanity has faced. There are protests daily in almost every corner of the world. The government is advising everyone to start growing their own food. “But the current society where the majority of people worked behind computers and never touched dirt doesn’t know how to grow food.” Says the leader of the farmer's corporation. He also says “farmers now don’t only have to deal with the extreme temperatures but looting and stealing from the fields are also increasing. We desperately need help from the government.” So far channel 2 news.”

“Thanks for coming Mamá!” Maria invited her mother-in-law into the apartment.

“Feliz cumpleaños! Happy birthday.” The older woman smiled as she embraced Maria.

“Come mamá, take a seat you must be tired.”

“Yes, where is Julio?”

“He went to the store to get some drinks. He will be back soon.”

“How was the taxi ride, mama?”

“It was really noisy. There was a lot of music.”

“I told you to move in with us. Alone on the farm must be scary.” Maria tried to convince Julio's mother.

“It is okay darling it’s just an hour drive, besides the city is too loud for me. All the hustle and bustle. I rather have my little farm. Why don’t you come to the farm? And give me lots of grandchildren. I miss hearing those little feat running around,

“Ah mamá, you know we don’t want any children!”

“But por qué niña!”

“Do you want some tea or water? I don't have anything else. You’d have to wait for Julio otherwise.”

“Old people need grandchildren, they can spoil Maria!”

“All right, tea it is.” Maria ignored her mother-in-law.

“Here you go! Watch out it’s hot.”

“I am telling you, niña. Don’t wait too long. Start getting busy before your eggs dry up.”

“Mama! That’s rude!” She laughed at the old woman.

“Ay, stubborn. Like my niño! No wonder you two can get along so well.”

Maria took the old woman’s hand and placed it in hers and held it tightly. The two women looked each other in the eye. Maria hers was clear and full of wonder and excitement while the ones from the older woman reflected experiences, hope, and desperation.

“It’s not that we don’t want children.” Maria tried to explain.

“What is it then? Space, money, time. I can help.”

“I am not saying it right. We don’t like the world we are leaving behind and we don’t want to raise kids in that world!” Maria sighed.

Maria kept staring into her eyes but the only thing she got was confusion and despair. She was about to comfort the old woman with a lie when Julio barged into the living room

He frantically closed the door behind him and locked it.

“Julio, what's wrong?” Maria asked surprised.

“Turn on the tv!” he ordered Maria as he tried to catch his breath.

“The streets are getting louder and busier as people are gathering in the capital to protest the sudden and sharp increase in agriculture prices. The farmers have also joined the protest for not being subsidized. Which is the cause of the sudden price surge. No official statement from the government is known. And what the future plans are? Everyone wants to know. So far, from the streets of the capital. Back to you studio. ”

“You okay?” Maria asked him from the couch.

“It’s getting really hectic out there. Carlos was closing the shop when I left. He is scared of riots.”

“Hola niño. Maria, get him something sweet to drink.” the mother and son met each other in the middle of the room to embrace each other.

“Hola mamá”

“I got some soda’s here.” he handed Maria a cloth bag filled with soda in glass bottles.

“Come sit mamá.”

“Niño why don’t you come to the farm. Take over now papa has returned to the ground.”

“Ah mamá this again?” Julio asked annoyed.

“Leave her be Julio. She also tried to convince me.” Maria said from the kitchen.

“Mamá, let’s talk about something else please?”

“Why do you want to live here? farmers and people fighting look. Look!” She pointed towards the television where some footage of the military that barricaded the presidential office for protection was being shown.

“Mamá I have a job here.”

“What job niño. No farmer wants to listen to your new way of farming. And the government will not pay.”

“You know mama. For an old lady, you are very political.” Julio said with a straight face that caused Maria to laugh inwardly.

“Niño!” Look at me! I know you want to change the world by teaching everyone a new way. Safer way. And I really believe in you. Papá never did but I always stood beside you. But look niño. It’s too late to change anything. You can’t change anything anymore. It’s not in your hands”

“You called, boss?”

“Julio take a seat. Close the door.”

Julio closed the door and sat in front of his boss with a semi-large bureau in between them.

“I have to let you go, Julio. The company is going under.”

“What?” Julio asked distraughtly

“Our largest client pulled their funding. And we don’t generate enough revenue from the other smaller farmers.”


“We don’t help them generate profit with our sustainable ways. And the government doesn’t fund companies for their efforts in an environmentally friendly way.”

“Yeah, but people buy green products right?”

“With the new price surge? No, they don’t.”

“Martin. I'll stay, I'll work overtime for no extra. We will find new clients!”

“Julio this is it. We can’t do much. I have known you since college days. I know you’re doing it because of both a need and a want. But I can’t keep the company afloat for much longer. I am going to make the announcement after lunch. I just wanted to say it to you personally. Because you were there with me since day one.” Tears flowed down from the corners of the man’s eyes.

“We are gathered here to pay our final respects to an amazing woman. She was the light of this community and we will miss our dearly. Let us pray” A pastor spoke at the funeral service of Julio’s mother. The remainder of the day went by quickly. Maria was busy catering and tending the relatives while Julio often lost his train of thoughts and sat silently in a quiet corner for the most time.

“I made the bed, you want to come to sleep now?” Maria asked him from their bedroom door-opening.

“Julio.” She tried again when she didn't get his attention.

He looked up from the sofa where he had the last conversation with his mother.

“I don't know what to do. I don’t have a purpose. I always thought I could make a difference. Or at least try. No matter how small. But I think my mother was right.” he said with a distraught voice.

“What do you mean? Maria asked as she made her way next to him.

“I can’t make a difference on my own.” He said with his head hanging low.

Why do you want to make a difference? Ever since I knew you. Remember when you used to fight with your father cause you wanted to watch something about world-problems while your dad just wanted to watch Tom Cruise movies?”

Both smiled while Maria gently caressed his back to comfort him

“I don’t know. I felt like it was the right thing to do.” Julio said after a while.

“So what are you going to do now?”

“I don’t know. I have to get a job .We can use the money.” Julio spoke with a sad soft tone.

“Don’t worry about the money I can do some cleaning at the hotel for a while. You look for something that will make you happy.” Maria tried to comfort him.

“You’d do that?”

“Why not? You took care of me all those years didn’t you?”

“What about the farm?” Julio asked Maria.

“That’s for you to decide Julio. I won’t touch that.” They both sat on the couch looking at the news about a teenage girl giving a speech at the United Nations climate change conference.

“You got to admire her courage?” Maria said while she leaned on Julio.

“I do I just don’t buy it.” Julio returned after a while.

“Why because she is a girl?” Maria said with an irritated tone.

“No! That's sexist." Julio defended himself,

"What she’s saying is emotional and admirable and true. I just don’t see how it will help. And yes most will dismiss her just because she’s that young. She has no skills, nothing. She knows nothing about how the world functions and how difficult it is to change.” Julio said in a calm tone.

“You’re just a hater Julio. You wish you could be there.” Maria said with a laugh.

“No, I don't. I just wished a scientist was there to speak. Or someone with an actual plan of doing something.”

“Maybe she can inspire people,” Maria suggested.

“I hope so.”

“Maybe I should join politics?” Julio said in all seriousness.

“I told you you wished you were there,” Maria said with a smile.

“I am serious.”

“Okay baby. You do that?” Maria continued in the same joking manner.

“You don’t believe me?”

“Why do you want to be a politician? So you can make a difference?” Maria changed her tone.


“And what is your plan to change the world?”

“I don’t know.”

“How are you different from her. The same person whose guts you just belittled.” Maria said in a serious tone as she pulled her head from his shoulder to face him.

“Now you’re exaggerating!” Julio tried to defuse the tension.

“I am sorry Julio. But I don't think you can do that. Not now. You don’t have the connections, the money or the people.”

“But I have a degree in sustainable agriculture”

“You do. And when was the last time you actually touched the dirt, Julio? Your job was to look up products that don’t destroy the earth so the farmers can use those safe products,” Maria returned with a hint of anger and frustration.

“My father was a farmer.” Julio tried to defend himself.

“Yeah and you disliked him. How can you claim to support the same people? I am sorry my parents were also farmers before we moved to the city. It is one thing to read about a craft rather than doing it and getting your hands dirty.” Maria brushed Julio off.

“Why are you getting mad at me?”

“I think you should get a little bit more realistic Julio.” Maria sighed.

“I thought you believed in me.”

“I do, I just don’t see you becoming a politician.” She said as she rested on her shoulder.

“The state of the world is still declining. Riots have started in France, the Netherlands, the US, China, and Brazil when governments failed to accommodate the requests of the people regarding food prices and farmer's subsidiary requests. Due to ever-increasing temperatures, it’s harder for farmers to grow crops without the significant investment of time, effort and money. Which caused the price-surge of food products. Scientists have predicted that the global temperature will only increase faster and faster. Scientists also advise governments to invest in dams. This to keep up with rising sea levels. The Netherlands, the world's specialist when it comes to dams and dikes. already have planned a major update to their structures. Back to our capital, the government has made a statement that she’s busy with coming up a plan to accommodate the farmers their needs which will cause the situation to go back to normal.”

“Julio! Julio! Wake up! The phone is ringing.” Maria woke Julio up in a frantic matter.

“What time is it?” He asked.

“Just past 3.”

“Hola Martin. Why what happened? Yeah, I am walking towards it now.” Julio spoke in between pauses while he walked towards the living room.

“The leading countries America, China and Russia have declared martial law and closed their borders for the outside world. Many of the other world leaders are still confused as to why. Some speculate it has something to do with the world climate conference. During the conference, scientists confirmed that the world had gone too far to turn back now. They believe the climate is now in a process that can’t be stopped and it will worsen at a faster rate than earlier predicted, while in our streets the military is patrolling the street to ensure safety. The president will deliver a statement in the morning. Thus so far capital news channel 2.”

“What are you going to do Martin?” He asked.

“I understand. Speak to you soon. Stay safe.” He said as he ended the line.

“What are we going to do? I am scared, Julio.” Maria spoke softly as she sat down on the couch looking at the news.

“Let’s get out of the city. Let’s go to the farm tomorrow. We have nothing left here.” Julio tried to comfort her as he grabbed her hand and kissed it. Both turned their heads when they heard rumble coming from outside.

“Must be the military,” Julio said softly.

"Did you get everything?" Julio asked Maria in front of their small apartment.

"Yeah," Maria answered him with a saddened tone.

"I will miss this place." She said with a sigh.

"We will come back one day." Julio tried to calm her as he embraced her.

"Something tells me we won’t." Maria rested her head on Julio's chest.

"Ey Maria. Don’t cry. Come here. It’ll be okay. I promise." Julio said as he kissed her head.

The two picked up two large backpacks and took the stairs down for a taxi waiting. The streets were getting crowded with people shouting and showing signs of famine, hunger and high prices.

“Hey watch it.” The taxi driver yelled at one protester that bumped into him while he helped Julio and Maria getting in.

The drive back to the farm was slow and frustrating. The streets were getting increasingly busy. In frustration, the driver honked at the protestors who in turn threw a stone at the car window cracking it. The driver got pissed and stepped out of the car with a giant rod he kept under his seat and broke into a fight with a handful of protestors.

“Don’t go.”Maria grabbed Julio's arm.

“I have to help them.” Julio protested

“No, stay.”

Just as Julio got out of the car to help calm the driver and protestor down. Two smoking cans flew through the air landing in the crowd near them. It caused the crowd to struggle and panic. Some ran towards the fired direction while others backed off. In the panic and kerfuffle, someone slammed into Julio causing him to fall back on his head.

“Julio!” Maria screamed as she struggled her way out of the car. She forcefully pushed the car door open hoping it would protect him from being trampled on. She quickly helped him up and pushed him in the car. She closed the door behind her after she got in not to let the tear gas in.

Are you okay? She asked panting.

“I am okay.” Julio groaned as he grabbed the back of his head.

“We need to get out of here. Where is the driver?” He continued in the same manner.

“Screw him.” Maria said as she crouched towards the driver's seat. She started the car and slowly backed up and carefully made her way out of the city hoping no one would stop her and ask her where she got the car.

When they reached the outskirts of the city they left the car and walked the last few kilometers home. Both of them fell exhausted on the soft grass outside Julio’s childhood home.

“How are you feeling?” She asked with a sigh.

“Okay, just a bit of a headache. You just stole a car?” Julio said with concern.

“I know!” She laughed.

“Let’s hope we don’t get in trouble for it.” Julio answered with a smile.

“Look at the stars.” Maria pointed

“I am.”

“It’s beautiful.”

“It is.”

“I don’t think humans..” Julio began but was cut off by Maria

“Shush Julio I don’t want to hear it now.”

Both lied in each other's arms in the grass while a soft breeze caught up.

“What do you think is happening in the capital?” Maria asked a while breaking the comfortable silence.

“I don’t care anymore. We fucked everything up. I just want to enjoy the rest while it lasts.”

“You gave into ignorance?” Maria turned her head towards Julio

“I don’t know. I just like lying here with you.” He faced her.

“You know I don’t think I can stay in the same room your parents had sex in.” Maria said with a seductive smile.

“How about if we had sex in it?” Julio returned as he brushed her hair.

“You have a headache.” Maria smiled.

“You know what they say right? Sex is a good cure for a headache.” He spoke softly as he held Maria's chin.

“Who says that?” She asked with closed eyes as she moved closer to him.

“Doesn’t matter.” Julio answered as he met her lips with his.

“The Tornado Ellie is about to hit the state of Florida. It has been recorded as the strongest one till date. While a sudden flood in Indonesia destroyed a quarter of the country. At the same time the Netherlands have recorded the warmest winter. In our own country the drought is still going strong without any signs of rain in the coming week. So far our weather report. Back to capital news. Riots are still going strong with the military having a hard time.”

“Yeah the military is having a hard time.” Maria scoffed.

“I am sorry there isn’t much food, the incubator is just starting to produce some.” Julio answered as both of them sat for dinner.

“It’s okay, it gives me a chance to diet.” Maria said with a smile.

“Wow look at those tomatoes,” Maria exclaimed as she carefully stepped down in the makeshift cellar in the back of the house. In front of her was an intricate system of lights plants and a large pond of water with fish gracefully swimming with tubes carrying water.

“This is what Martin’s final plan was. But no one gave him or me a chance. The full incubator.

Both were enjoying the view of their system when they got distracted by the sound of a motor outside.

“Stay here! Lock the door.”Julio said with a concerned look.

“No, I am coming with you.” Maria protested.

“Stay, Maria!”

Julio made his way back to the house. From the bushes not to give away the locations of his incubator. He was greeted by 2 men and a motorcycle.

“Mira! Look they were right!” One of them showed the other

“Can I help you, gentlemen?” Julio asked casually.

“I didn’t believe them when they said someone is back here!” one of the men answered.

“How come we are all starving. No one harvested this year. Yet here you are. I don’t see any crops. And yet you seem perfectly fed? he continued.

“I had some food with me when I came from the city.” Julio tried to lie.

“Hand it over! He said in all seriousness as he pulled out a gun towards Julio. Which caused him to startle and put his hand up.

“I can’t. It’s my food. And it is my last portion. I need it.” Julio tried to convince the men.

“You don’t understand hombre. I am not asking I am telling you,” he said after he fired a shot in the air.

The sound of the shot sparked Maria’s fear and caused her to leave the incubator.

She crouched from the far side of the house and stayed out of their sight.

“The three men went inside the house. Maria also approached the house and peeked into the kitchen without them knowing.”

“Look at all this food.” one of the men pointed out.

“Where are you getting all this?” the other one asked Julio while he pressed the gun against his temple.

“Maria, horrified by the sight, covered her mouth not to make any sound.”

“Told you from the capital when I got back.” Julio tried to again.

“You are lying. Look at this tomato. It’s fresh.” The man furthest from them pointed out.

“You have more, don't you?” he continued.

“I don't promise.” Julio kept lying.

“Don’t lie to me,” he said as he turned to look at the food on the kitchen table. At that moment Julio grabbed the gun from the man. His partner shot Julio in his stomach. While Julio returned the fire to both of them. Hitting the closest one in the head dropping him dead on the floor. While the other man squashed the tomatoes and fired multiple times at Julio while he received some from Julio as well. Both Julio and the others stumbled and fell towards the floor.

Maria saw the whole thing gasping for air through her hand as tears flowed down the corners of her eyes.

“Julio” she whispered as she sprinted towards him bleeding on the floor. The other remaining man let go of his final breath. When she reached Julio he was panting heavily as he held his stomach. His hands painted red by the blood escaping his body.

“Maria.” He whispered in between breaths.

“Julio!” She cried while she covered his bullet holes with her hand.

“Listen to me.” Julio swallowed hard

“Julio, don’t leave please.” she cried.

“Take all the food and stay in the incubator. Leave the guns. Others will come looking for them.”

“Julio please.” She begged.

“ It’s okay Maria. I love you. I will always be with you.” Julio tried to say between his breaths, as he kept swallowing.

“Julio I am pregnant!” Maria blurted out in between her cries.

“Please don’t leave. I need you.” She sobbed as tears fell on Julio's face,

He reached her belly and placed his hand on her stomach. He smiled as he let out his last breath. Maria screamed at the top of her lungs while she grabbed his shirt the hardest she could. As if grabbing him would keep him alive.

The world is in chaos as the world hunger increases with riots almost everywhere. The world is in crisis mode. While the governments tried investing in agriculture, major storms in every corner of the planet make it almost impossible to grow any kind of food.

Maria was feeding the fish in her pond and caring for the plants in the incubator with her 9-month belly when she started getting cramps. She lied down on a makeshift bed in the corner of the incubator. Outside the wind howled while it was raining buckets. She was prepared and had everything she needed near her bed. After hours of cramps and struggle, and pain that pushed her to the edge of giving up due to exhaustion she heard a babies cry. Tears flowed down her face as she picked the blood-smeared baby up.

“I am so sorry.” She cried as she held the baby close to her

“I am sorry.” She kept repeating as she rocked the child,

“I can’t bring you into this world.” She whispered as all her emotions overflowed Maria. How the world ended. Because of the neglect of humans she could not have her humanity. She held her baby close and imagined what’s left for the baby. No food, no education, nothing. Just a dying race. She slowly set the baby down between her legs as she grabs the pair of scissors she used to cut the umbilical cord. She clenched the scissor in her hands and held it above her head. The child was still crying. Maria could not stop crying herself. She recalled everything horrible and why it was wise to kill the baby. Her baby. But somewhere in all those thoughts, Julio appeared. And with him every good memory of them together. The baby was the product of their passion, love, and care they had for each other. She could not end the last part of him. No matter how hard she tried to convince herself. She dropped the scissors and picked the baby up and held it close to her naked chest to keep him warm. She sussed him. And as the baby calmed down Maria looked at his face and caressed it.

“I am sorry. For the life you will have.”

“It won’t be a pleasant one.”

“You will have no love.”

“You are one of humanity's last seeds”

“I am sorry, you are the last generation.”

The End