Energy can be used to refill the energy meter for battles. They be obtained by logging in, being bought with gems in the shop, and being bought in exchange for ancient coins in Nix's Secret Chamber (Menu > Secret Chamber).

Wardrobe is used to increase the number of avatar items a player can keep. They can be obtained by logging in, completing daily lessons, being pulled from the Item Draw gacha, being bought in exchange for gems in the shop, and being bought in exchange for ancient coins in Nix's Secret Chamber (Menu > Secret Chamber).

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There were many modelersof Prussian cast-iron portrait gems, but Leonhard Posch (1750-1831) of Berlin wasthe most prominent. Posch came to Berlin from Austria in 1804 to work as amodeler at the Royal Porcelain Manufactory, the Royal Ironworks, and the Berlinmint. He is credited with the modeling of over 750 portrait reliefs originallyin wax, blue glass, or dark mother-of-pearl.37 Posch was responsible forlikenesses of the Prussian royal family, the rulers and military leaders of theNapoleonic era, prominent Prussian scholars, religious leaders, war heroes,scientists, and culturalists of the time.38 His son-in-law, Gottfried BernhardLoos, also worked at Gleiwitz using coins as patterns for his gems.39 Poschtrained Anton Friedrich Konig (born 1756) who in the 1797exhibition of the works of the Berlin Academy exhibited eight casts, two ofwhich were of Friedrich Wilhelm II and Frederick the Great.40

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According to those ideas, exalted abovethe pitch of material models, the Greeksformed their gods and heroes: the profile ofthe brow and nose of gods and goddesses isalmost a streight line. The same they gaveon their coins to queens, &c. but withoutindulging their fancy too much. Perhapsthis profile was as peculiar to the antientGreeks, as flat noses and little eyes to theCalmucks and Chinese; a supposition whichreceives some strength from the large eyesof all the heads on Greek coins and gems.

The artist would require a work, containingevery image with which any abstracted ideamight be poetically inverted; a work collectedfrom all mythology, the best poets of allages, the mysterious philosophy of differentnations, the monuments of the ancients ongems, coins, utensils, &c. This magazineshould be distributed into several classes, and,with proper applications to peculiar possiblecases, adapted to the instruction of the artist.[61]This would, at the same time, open a vastfield for imitating the ancients, and participatingof their sublimer taste.

But supposing the Mummy to be of latertimes, the adoption of a Greek word becomesyet easier. The round form of the might be something suspicious, with regard toits pretended antiquity; that form being neverfound on the gems or coins before Augustus[100].But this suspicion becomes of noweight, by supposing that the Egyptians[141]continued their embalming, even after thetime of that Emperor.

The animation of the body, one of themost abstracted ideas, was represented by[203]the loveliest, most poetical images. An artist,who should imagine he could express thisidea by the Mosaick creation, would be mistaken;for his image would be merely historical,and nothing but the creation ofAdam: a history altogether too sacred forbeing either admitted as the allegory of amere philosophical idea, or into every place:neither does it seem poetical enough for theflights of the art. This idea appears oncoins and gems[221], as described by the mostancient poets and philosophers: Prometheusforming a man of that clay, of which largepetrified heaps were found in Phocis in thetime of Pausanias[222]; and Minerva holdinga butterfly, as an image of the soul, overhis head. The snake encircling a tree behindMinerva, on the above coin of AntoninusPius, is a supposed symbol of his prudenceand sagacity.

Farther than those coins no mortal idea cango. I wish my reader an opportunity ofseeing the beautiful head of a genius in theVilla Borghese, and those images of unparalleledbeauty, Niobe and her daughters.On the western side of the Alps he must becontented with gems and pastes. Two ofthe most beautiful youthful heads are a Minervaof Aspasius, now at Vienna, and ayoung Hercules in the Museum of the lateBaron Stosch, at Florence.

In the Mesopotamian region, even as city-states developed, the priestess class continued the sacred ideas underlying trade. The roots of a money economy were established within the temples themselves, for trade had religious significance. The supplicant brought a lunar/seminal payment --- metaforms such as shells, salt, coins, precious gems, or metals --- in exchange for a blessing of [p. 236] be457b7860

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