There are many server monitoring and reporting options in the market, but certain situations may call for a lightweight solution. Monitoring with PowerShell is a way to use the native functionality in Windows to create scripts that check your systems and send regular updates.

This article explores how to create a simple framework for Windows Server checks with the added benefit of generating reports at different intervals to assist with your monitoring efforts. While PowerShell 7 is available, this tutorial is based on Windows PowerShell 5.1 due to the ease of its default PowerShell remoting setup process.

Server Monitoring Script Nulled 16

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The overall idea behind this server monitoring framework is to run a series of checks on one or more servers, save the results and then review the findings. To do this, we will create functions in the PowerShell script.

There are many ways to structure a potential script to do server checks, but this tutorial will place all checks in a hashtable that uses scriptblocks, which makes it easy to run the code on the requested computers, either local or remotely.

Adding new checks is as easy as adding a new top-level key with a sub-key of check and condition. Both are scriptblocks run by Invoke-Command within the Invoke-ServerCheck function.

The Invoke-ServerCheck function handles the bulk of the server monitoring with PowerShell. This function takes in an array of checks from the $Checks variable, then each set of checks will be run across the servers or the local computer.

By using PowerShell to create a modular framework to easily create and execute checks on servers, a system administrator can quickly gain better visibility and control of their environment. Although these checks are simple, there are many ways to extend the capabilities to include more in-depth inquiries into your server inventory.

I recently discovered a weakness (in my opinion) in using the script for a SMTP monitor. It seems that all this script does is recognize if a connection can be made or not. That is not great for SMTP as I had a issue the other day where one of my mailservers was malfunctioning and while it could establish a SMTP connection, it was a '451 4.7.0 Temporary Server Error'. So while the VPX was connecting it was connecting to a server that was not working and could not accept mail but since the connection was made the VPX showed it as up.

I would like to modify the script to do more that simply check for a connection but read the banner and if it has specific text "ESMTP MAIL Service Ready" and if it sees that then mark the connection as ok, otherwise down.

I tried your Script but even if I stop the MS Exchange Transport Service (Exchange 2016) i can connect via Putty without any problems and getting the "Microsoft ESMTP MAIL service ready" message back?! I've created a new topic on this, checkout -create-custom-smtp-monitor-to-check-exchange-servercomponentstate/ maybe you have got some new ideas...

I'd like to know if it is possible to run a Linux/Unix script (bash/python) locally on a system via SolarWinds agent. SSH to that system is not available, so I need a way to run script locally and report back via agent.

It is an abuse of the system, but works well. Just define the script in a SAM monitor in such a way that it returns a 'monitoring' value of 0 or 1. Make sure you set the refresh period something long like 24 hours - you don't want this hitting the servers every few minutes - especially if it is a big operation.

Thanks for the reply! From the documentation, I understand that scripts on Linux/Unix are installed from Orion via ssh, ran, and then removed. What can I do in the environment where ssh is not available.

I am looking for a script which does monitor the cpu usage per day. All the scripts that I have come across does kind of real time monitoring and send an email if it meets certain aspects like the load increasing beyond 80%.

I have written a script using vmstat and wrote the output to the fileload.log on a daily basis. I then took it to internet and there is an excellent load monitoring tool that converts the vmstat log to graphs of CPU, RAM and processor utlis. I have used this free tool to visualize the vmstat graphs.

Considering the above use case, the Site24x7 Server Monitoring agent will send the disk data to the Site24x7 data center (DC). When there is a threshold violation of 80%, Site24x7 DC will trigger execution of the script by sending the script execution configuration details to the agent to perform the movement of logs from /home to /backup. If the script is a local file, the agent will execute the script and result will be sent to Site24x7 DC, that will be displayed in the Site24x7 web client. If the script is a remote file (uploaded to Site24x7), the agent will download it from Site24x7 DC via an API call, execute the script, and delete the local file. The result will then be displayed in the Site24x7 web client.

Monitor, analyze, diagnose, and optimize database performance and data ops that drive your business-critical applications. Unify on-premises and cloud database visibility, control, and management with streamlined monitoring, mapping, data lineage, data integration, and tuning across multiple vendors.

Ensure user experience with unified performance monitoring, tracing, and metrics across applications, clouds, and SaaS. Robust solutions offering rich visualization, synthetic and real user monitoring (RUM), and extensive log management, alerting, and analytics to expedite troubleshooting and reporting.

Homegrown scripts provide valuable insight into your organizations systems and applications. With SCM, you can centrally manage scripts, distribute those scripts to servers in your environment, and then track and alert on changes to the entire output of those scripts. Essentially expanding your change monitoring capacity to the level of your scripting prowess.

Due to APAR IT29996, upgrade to or later. If it's not possible to upgrade now, disable SHOW THREADS by editing "servermon.ini" and changing the value for "showthreads" from Y to N in the [Run Time Options] stanza: is a Perl script used to collect data from IBM Spectrum Protect servers. It typically does so in 20 minute intervals called diagCycles. But there are also extra collections done when the script starts and ends.

The script primarily collects server instrumentation for thread level analysis, various queries and show commands used for troubleshooting. It also collects DB2 specific data for when it's necessary to do more in-depth analysis on a server problem. And finally, it also collects data from the operating system, such as CPU, memory and disk metrics.

It has been tested both internally and with customers and is not known to cause performance degradation.

With this technote you can find the most current version of the server monitoring script. This is supported at all levels of server V7.1 and higher. To set up monitoring you need the following 3 files from the downloads section:

Note: The script requires a Perl interpreter to run. Some operating systems such as Windows do not ship with Perl installed. Strawberry Perl and Active Perl are two popular distributions, but there are others as well.

2. To run in the background, you need to update some of options in the servermon.ini file. The servermon.ini file contains different configuration stanzas,

The servermon.ini file assigns values to a fixed set of variables and is of the form:

variable = value # some comment

3. Optional, but recommended: Create a IBM Spectrum Protect administrator ID with a name of SERVERMON and a password of your choice. Grant it SYSTEM authority, and use this administrator ID to run servermon. This way you can see in the activity log which commands are issued by servermon. It helps troubleshooting if suspecting a problem with one of the servermon commands.

To find the proper value to use for the server variable, for *IX systems look at the server stanza that is either configured in the default dsm.sys file or the file DSM_CONFIG environment variable is pointing to. On Windows systems, you can specify the IP address of the server or alternatively specify either localhost or The value for tcpport is the port number the server listens to.

If running Server version 8.1.7.x, 8.1.8.x or 8.1.9.x, stop the built-in Servermon using setopt alwaysonservermon no and restart the Server instance before using the Perl version of Servermon.

If using server or later, it's recommended to use the built-in version of Servermon unless directed otherwise by support. If the built-in version of servermon was disabled, re-enable it using setopt alwaysonservermon yes and restart the Server instance.


When starting Servermon for the first time, there will be prompts for the IBM Spectrum Protect administrator ID and password created in Step 3 above. Those credentials will be saved to a password file.

Change directory to where is stored and issue:

perl64 ./ (the perl64 interpreter prevents out of memory conditions on AIX systems)

It is often desirable to run Servermon in the background because it will not get killed if the Telnet/SSH session is interrupted. To run Servermon in the background after the credentials are saved with the initial invocation, stop Servermon using CTRL+C. It will take a few minutes for Servermon to stop because it's finishing a data collection cycle. Then start Servermon in the background using:

nohup perl64 ./ &


When starting Servermon for the first time, there will be prompts for the IBM Spectrum Protect administrator ID and password created in Step 3 above. Those credentials will be saved to a password file. be457b7860

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