Destined to Dream

Darby's adventures in Southern California and Western Oregon are now available on Amazon Kindle books. The normal price is $2.99 but look for special offers, like free books, for limited time promotions. On June 8-9, 2017, Amazon's two-day promotion is giving the ebook for free!

Excerpts from Destined to Dream: The Magic of Science

"But he knew specifically that two days before Christmas last year, Darby was sharing a dream he had. Everett had thought little of it at the time. Well, in a sense, it would have been unusual if he had given it more than a passing thought. I mean, people who he liked were often in his dreams. Family and friends often appeared for a fleeting instant, sometimes longer. This time, however, Darby had been in his dream for long enough he could have written a short novel about it.

But it hadn’t really been his dream at all.

It had been her dream."


"Everett wondered if there was a supernatural interference again. He was reminded of the glow that accompanied enchanted objects, like Lugh’s magic sword, Fragarak. With enough time, he could probably find the connection.

The blurriness disappeared, and Everett walked to the office to see what the adults wanted. It was probably time to leave.

Oh well.

Mrs. Portner was sure she saw a bluish haze where her son had touched the machine. What the hell? Was that normal?"


"There were only two children, not many children, and they were blurring through an impossible series of movements, each trying to create a symphony of counter moves. The Watchers at the fire didn’t see them as they twisted and wove through complex movements that seemed to dislocate time and space. They obscured and fragmented the black hole through which the thing in the flames attempted entry.

That is you and your brother. She heard once again. You and your brother upset Tressa’s conjuring.

Her grandmother had tried to summon something."


"There may have been flaws in Everett’s image, but Darby certainly couldn’t seem to find any. “Where did you get the idea for Mr. Conductor? He looks very familiar somehow.” She looked at Everett like he just walked out of one of her dreams. There was something about him that was nearly an archetype."

. . .

“Don’t act so confused. It’s me. I said I would be here if I could, and here I am,” said the old man. “Who else could I be but Everett? I looked for the manner of misdirection that would be best for me to use, and Darby’s subconscious showed the perfect person in it. This is a venerable man from the distant past that Darby has access to. Just because she does not recognize who I am does not make me any the less real. I am just beneath the surface of her conscious thoughts. I exist in the world of her memories.”


“C’mon Jimmy, you know who. Open your eyes . . . you can do it. Look toward the voice. There you go. Focus, c’mon, focus-focus-focus. I’m not going it alone. You hear me, Mr. Man? I will not do this solo. So, put on those big boy pants and look the hell over here, and get it TOGETHER!”

Jim felt like it should have been a struggle to sit up and open his eyes, but it turned out to be a smooth, billowy feeling, like floating in the water, only with no actual resistance. Also, no sensation of bending at the waist, no neck muscles turning, nada, zilch. The only struggle was the effort to wake up completely.

“Rhonda---hey, you look like . . . .”

“I know, clever boy, a ghost. So do you. This is just like what I saw Darby do at that last sleepover.”


"Dylan looked at his father strangely. 'Let me get this straight. Darby says she encountered a mysterious, bright, wispy, semi-physical thing in a dream that recognized her, named her, and you think it needs a babysitter? And we are hiding here because we don't know if the same creature might be looking to us to do us dirt? Where did I take a wrong turn?'"