Direct Action For Rights and Equality


Organizing our Providence communities for social, political, and economic justice since 1986.

Current Events:

Pass the Community Safety Act

Show out to City Hall June 1st 2017

Providence City Hall | 25 Dorrance St, Providence, RI 02903

After the first vote on the Community Safety Act saw an unexpected show of unity in the Providence City Hall with a 12-0 vote to pass the CSA, the community was expecting a smooth second vote. The second vote was meant to be entirely procedural, but in a shocking turn, they chose to postpone the final vote on the Community Safety Act until June 1st. This was in reaction to a last minute letter filled with outdated and unfounded accusations from the Police Union.

Join us June 1st in holding the Providence City Council to their word and create real avenues for Police Accountability in our city!