Prison Break: The Conspiracy is based on the events of the first season of Fox's convict drama. However, rather than playing as the main character Michael Scofield, players instead take control of Tom Paxton, an agent with the covert organization The Company, led by Jack Mannix, who must go undercover as a prisoner within Fox River State Penitentiary in order to ensure that the falsely incarcerated Lincoln Burrows be executed in the electric chair. The game is split into nine chapters, all of which represent a part of the TV series.

The storyline begins with bunch of police coming and a unknown CO walking away from a crime scene at Fox River: a prisoner is dead and a CO have recoverd a dictaphone from his body. Also there is police walking everywhere around the prison. It's unknown what happened and what role this CO played in there. At the same time seven unknown inmates escaped from a prison. The Unknown Co is listening to a record , recorded by a man named Tom Paxton who used to work for the Company .The Co that is listening dictaphone hears a message that says if they can hear that message it means he is dead that means he is implying that the prisonner dead's body is his. He walks outside Fox River.

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When Tom is in Jack Mannix's office this last revealed him his next mission : going undercover inside Fox River. His subject is Lincoln Burrows, stating that it's Company's business and is being brought there, because of Lincoln's brother, Michael Scofield. Tom reveals that Jack him doesn't like and Jack gives him right his job is to observe and report for the Company and nothing more. Mannix build a cover: Paxton is incarcerated for a one degree murder. This was already planned by Mannix to get Paxton to prison. This did mean that Paxton was brought to prison for a murder he didn't commided (and was eventually staged by The Company, just like Lincoln Burrows, the man he need to kill in Fox River. Paxton was also at some point arrested. It's unknown how that did happen, but he was arrested. It's possible that the Company "found" him and gave him to the police. Later he was brought in a bus from the Fox River State Penitentiary.

prison. Tom says that there is a really hard case there and mentions the South Side Butcher: guy who killed the VIP's brother Lincoln Burrows. Michael says that he isn't in prison to make friends. When they are in prison, the new inmate are introduced to Brad Bellick, the Captain of the CO qualified as the new cruise director. Inmates are inside and are introduced to Patterson who list them the rules inside. Michael is first introduced to Bellick and then Paxton. When Tom is assigned his new cell he's grabbed by Avocado.

However he managed to hit him in the head and make him fall on the ground. When Tom is in his cell he began to report his first feeling on his dictaphone notably about that Lincoln is a small pawn in a bigger game. Tom comes out the prison, he runs out the prison to the main yard where other prisoners are. Geary ordered him to set up T-Bag by making him up angry, otherwise he's brought to the SHU. Tom acted and witnessed a violent discussion with T-Bag the leader of the white supremacist gang of the prison and C-Note the leader of the Black inmate inside the joints. Tom taunts T-Bag and engaged a fight with him whom is interrupted by Geary and Orwell, the pedophile is then conduct to the SHU. Impressed by Paxton's comportment toward T-Bag; C-Note approached Paxton and express his respect toward him with giving him some advice to making money inside prison: he introduced him to one of the most influent inmates inside Fox River, Jeremiah King the organizer of the underground fight club. King will accept Paxton in his club only if he recovers some meds that C-Note's contact had hiden in the boiler Room before getting shanked. Paxton realize that only money works in Prison, he managed to picking up the meds and taking them back to King who allows him to enter inside the Fighting Club. Paxton soon heard a conversation between Scofield and Burrows and realize that Scofield is breaking Burrows out. He quickly report it to Mannix who advise to enter into PI and asking it to the men who can pull many strings in the prison:Charles Westmoreland and mob boss John Abruzzi. Tom witness a fight between Scofield and Abruzzi with interrupted by C.O Orwell, and decided to approach Abruzzi while in the Block A. He asked him to let him enter inside PI but Abruzzi wants a favor in return he needs Paxton spying on one of his untrusted men: Teets. Paxton comply and discover that Teets is selling Abruzzi to the C.O, after beating him he report his mission to Abruzzi and is accepted to PI.

Paxton is forced to pass the night into Sick Bay but he takes the opportunity to recover Haywire's drawnings in the night but during his escapade he heard a general alert and think first that Scofield is breaking out but he soon realize that the alert was just a trick to discover from where the police will come from.The day tomorrow a general riot had suddendly erupted and Paxton, blocked into infirmary, is sure that it's a cover to allowed Burrows and Scofield to break out. He fight his way through inmates in the infirmary and managed to attained Block A while fighting vengeful's T-Bag gang members before confronting T-Bag himself. He managed to reach Burrows, knocked out by a fight with T-Bag while defending CO Bob Hudson, on his way to Linc he witness Abruzzi and Sucre digging in a wall he arrived to Burrows just in time to witness inmate Turk conducting Linc to his brother Michael Scofield. He followed them and witnessed Turk trying strangling Burrows before falling to his death in the boiler room.

Few days later Paxton had understood that the escape plan begins from Scofield's cell and Paxton project to take his own way during the escape and plan to get a hand on a C.O's uniform. But he heard a conversation between C-Note and T-Bag stating that Scofield is in the asykum ( in fact he's trying to make contact with Haywire that had draw Scofield's tatoos) and Geary is selling Scofield's cell to the inmates. Paxton wants this cell and is horrified when Geary announced him that he's selling the cell to 500 bucks, King , the clubfighting organizer, set a fight between Bellick and Paxton, Tom won the fight and the prize but Bellick (unfairly) take the money back. Angry, Jeremiah King and Tom decide to take back the money and Tom managed to buy the cell to Geary.Launching the Second Part of his plan Paxton managed to stole a Laundry Card in order to gain access to a CO uniform, covered by Charles Westmoreland he stole the uniform and stashed it in the sewers. The night of those events, Paxton is now in cell 40, Scofield's cell and have Sucre as cellmate during the night Sucre went covered the hole in the CO room by passing through the toilets Paxton followed him but with an other objective: cleaning his prison records in order to make himself as a real ghost. During his escapade he witnessed Sucre being arrested by Bellick and returned to the Block A to finished the night.

Days after Westmoreland transmitted a message from Aldo Burrows he's clean in the outside. Apart from now Tom Paxton existed no more. Suddendly all the inmates are surprised by the return of Abruzzi and Agent Jack Mannix, Paxton realize that he's here to killed Burrows by himself: he's conduct by Jones to the SHU the couple is followed by Paxton determined to stop Mannix. He realize that Jones has been blackmailed by The Company and they are holding Lucy Jones his daughter in a unknown safehouse, Paxton attained the SHU unit and discovered Jones's uncounscious body and arrived just in time to stop Mannix: a quick fight emerged between the two but he's stopped by the arrival of Burrows's escort (to an infirmary visit). Before pursuing Mannix, Burrows let Paxton known that he's on his side and tell him to not letting Mannix get away. Unfortunately Mannix lose Paxton in the sewers but this last made a odd encounter: Bellick middle-counscious and tight up.Hours after it's the break out night:The Fox River Eight passed, one by one, the hole behind cell 40 toilets followed by Paxton and Mannix, Trumpets realize the treachery of C-Note and tried to follow them but is sent Knock Out by Tom Paxton who followed the Fox River Seven by the hole. During the race in the underground of the Prison, Mannix is spotted by Paxton and the two confronte in a violent hand to hand battle: Paxton is threw over a ledge and Mannix continue his pursuit of Burrows. Paxton managed to find the CO's uniform and engage a bloody fight with his former boss on the roof of the Prison, Mannix is finally shot down by a CPD sniper and Paxton quietly escaped the Penitentiary by the main gate.

I've been rewatching prison break and a cannot help but notice all the similarities between it and the 100. I feel like Jason watched this show. The themes of prison break and the 100 are very similar and all have to do with the fact if the ends justify the means or not. Also the intro song is the same I'm pretty sure. Just thought I'd share lol

The actual gameplay is far more successful at completing its goals. The central mechanic is a stealth system which asks us to believe that a 6+ foot man can creep noiselessly over concrete floors. Perhaps as a result of this game being intended for casual-gaming fans of the series, the sneaking is simplified to heretofore unseen levels of ease. Ducking behind cover makes Tom essentially invisible, and he has a dodge-from-cover-to-cover move that somehow prevents guards from seeing him lunge about. The action is strictly pass-fail, with any discovery by a guard resulting in instant fail. This isn't especially punitive to the player (there are checkpoints roughly every 90 seconds of gameplay), but the lack of escapes and tense hiding sequences robs the stealth sequences of any immediacy and a lot of their potential thrill. The one area the game really excels in is the artful use of split-screen to ratchet up the tension. Whenever Tom is presented with a lock that needs to be picked or a quick-hiding situation the action breaks into two sections: The one the player controls, and a third-person view of the guard closing in on his location. It's a basic device, but it works well to raise the blood pressure. be457b7860

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