I think that Visual Studio's biggest let down is the Javascript editor. I have been told to use Aptana as an editor for my javascript files, but I would prefer to stick with visual studio if possible.

VS is a pretty good IDE (especially when coupled with Resharper) but not so hot with Javascript. The debugger is good and there's the JSLint plugin but other than that I'm not sure. Aptana (based on Eclipse) is an excellent javascript IDE but it doesn't like it much when the javascript is embedded in aspx files (unless they updated the support recently). So far I'm not sure there's an ideal .net platform IDE for both client and server side stuff just yet.

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Unfortunately my company does not like that I use Visual Studio Code and want me to use Visual Studio instead. But I'm kind of appalled by the fact that there is no prettier plugin for Visual Studio.. No "format on save" functionality and no in depth configs to adapt airbnb or google coding style etc. and I have a feeling there will be much more - Visual Studio always felt like an IDE for programming languages like C# or something like that.

First of all, this is BS because I have literally changed nothing on my travel computer. The file it claims I changed is ".vs/sinx.sqlite" which I'm guessing is a file visual studio created and used since it is in the .vs folder. (Just a guess, CMIIW) So my first thought is that this is probably a file that I'm supposed to ignore anyway since it's something internal to visual studio. I have an ignore file that I copied from here since they were also working with Unity so I figure that also ignores the Unity files I don't want to override. I see .vs/ in that file so I guess it should ignore the .vs folder entirely. I don't see the gitignore file on my travel computer so I copy it over manually. (Kind of dumb that I would have to do that but whatever.)

Because there's not much to see in the iPadOS App Store when you are looking for coding software, I decided to buy a used, fanless Surface Pro (5) from eBay and use that instead... (Sorry, Apple...) which is on it's way to me now.

There is no way to do that unless, microsoft comes out with a version for ipad. But, there is an interesting way to code on ipad, you should try Coda. Ive purchase it over a year now for my 6th generation ipad, and it works like a charm!

Protocol links can either point to a local file (for example vscode://file/path/to/file) or to a remote file (for example vscode://vscode-remote/ssh-remote+[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/path/to/file). For each case, there are new settings to disable this behavior:

This milestone there is now support for the --force-if-includes option, which is an auxiliary option to --force-with-lease added in Git 2.30. The new option ensures that commits that are being force-pushed were created after examining the commit at the tip of the remote reference, and reduces the chance of losing commits when auto fetch is enabled. You can disable the use of --force-if-includes by disabling the git.useForcePushIfIncludes setting.

This iteration, we built a new way to interact with Copilot Chat: agents. Agents are like experts who have a specialty that they can help you with, and you can talk to them in the chat by mentioning them with the @ symbol. Currently, there are two agents:

A couple of months ago we announced a new experimental feature for terminal activation using environment variables, to enhance your development workflow by automatically activating the selected environment in the terminal without the need for explicit activation commands. However, since there are no explicit activation scripts working, the deactivate command was no longer working when this experiment was enabled.

we have all testing being also done in Visual Studio and instead of manually uploading things and extracting test cases and attachments etc - I was wondering if there's a way to integrate the test plans/cases/execution status etc to a project confluence so that the confluence page can be used for more user-friendly visual of the test progress/scenarios etc?

The Swift Server Workgroup (SSWG) felt there was a need for a more complete solution. The Swift Extension for Visual Studio Code from the SSWG brings together many of these components into one package with everything pre-configured to work from the get-go.

When multiple developers are working in Power Pages, there may be multiple instances of a file open simultaneously. Right now, in this scenario, whichever version of a file is saved last overrides the existing file often resulting in accidental code loss across multi-person teams.

For example, if your development style is test-driven, Visual Studio will work right out of the box. On the other hand, there are more than 15 test-driven development (TDD) extensions for Visual Studio Code supporting Node.js, Go, .NET, and PHP. Similarly, Visual Studio does a good job working with databases, especially Microsoft SQL Server and its relatives, but Visual Studio Code has lots of database extensions. Visual Studio has great refactoring support, but Visual Studio Code implements the basic refactoring operations for half a dozen languages.

The next step is to link your application to the SFML libraries (.lib files) that your code will need. SFML is made of 5 modules (system, window, graphics, network and audio), and there's one library for each of them.

Ā Libraries must be added in the project's properties, in LinkerĀ  InputĀ  Additional Dependencies. Add all the SFML libraries that you need, for example "sfml-graphics.lib", "sfml-window.lib" and "sfml-system.lib".

If you chose to create a "Windows application" project, the entry point of your code has to be set to "WinMain" instead of "main". Since it's Windows specific, and your code would therefore not compile on Linux or macOS, SFML provides a way to keep a standard "main" entry point in this case: link your project to the sfml-main module ("sfml-main-d.lib" in Debug, "sfml-main.lib" in Release), the same way you linked sfml-graphics, sfml-window and sfml-system.

Yes, we have noticed that there are some rendering quirks when using VirtualBox to run these developer images. The Start menu may also look different than expected. We are currently investigating this behavior. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience and understanding.

Nicholas Lovell, CEO of GameShadow, commented, "It is fantastic that Microsoft Visual Studio is supporting the GameShadow Awards. It shows that there is a real commitment out there to uncover and recognise real creative innovation as oppose to only rewarding the big industry blockbusters. This sponsorship marries Microsoft Visual Studio's desire to make it easier for developers to make great games with our drive to help gamers play the most innovative titles."

More than 50 games have been nominated for awards across categories including Best Script, Innovative Use of Audio and Most Innovative Gameplay. Gamers can vote for their favourite title, and see the current results, in real-time, in the ATI CrossFire People's Choice Awards. Over 5,000 people have voted already, and with three weeks to go until voting closes, there is still time to make a difference. As an added incentive, all voters are entered into a draw to win an ATI CrossFire Ultimate Gaming Kit worth over 1,000.

Don't know, when this was added. Also don't know where to get the information, if sth. changes in compiling. In the manual there is only a link to a Visual Studio Express download without version information. But you get there a VS 2010, further there is the hint for CMAKE to choose the VS2008 Compiler. Learn through play? :-)

Microsoft's Visual Studio celebrated its 10th anniversary by adding a new component, and the company sets its road map for the future with new releases code-named Orcas and Rosario. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1449240174198-2'); }); Microsoft threw itself a party and celebrated the 10th anniversary of its Visual Studio tool set by acquiring a new component that will find its way into the next version of the product.At the VSLive conference here, Prashant Sridharan, senior product manager for Visual Studio at Microsoft, delivered a keynote address touting the 10-year history of Microsoft's flagship tool and announced the company's acquisition of devBiz Business Solutions and its TeamPlain Web Access technology. TeamPlain is a Web interface for Microsoft's TFS (Team Foundation Server) that allows managing work items, documents, reports, and source control repositories."This gives us a Web front end to everything in TFS," Sridharan said. "This product is free for download for all Team Foundation Server customers. In the interim we'll ship it as a Power Tool, and we'll make it part of 'Orcas'" when that ships. "Orcas" is the code name for the next major release of Visual Studio."We looked at how customers were using TFS," and they were coming in through Microsoft's Excel, Project and Team Explorer, said Michael Leworthy, a product manager in the Visual Studio Team System group at Microsoft. "So when we looked at TeamPlain, we saw it as a great way for customers to access TFS, and we made the decision to acquire that technology."Sridharan said the 10-year anniversary of Visual Studio also marks his 10th year at the company."We shipped Visual Studio 97 in February 1997," he said. But that product was not even a unified IDE (integrated development environment), Sridharan said. However, Version 6.0 of the product began to build on the vision of a unified IDE.And "Visual Studio 2002 brought that IDE story to the forefront" by integrating lots of new functionality into the product, Sridharan said. Yet, the new functionality that enabled developers to do more with the tool set also led to collaboration problems, as the scope and complexity of the applications increased.Microsoft addressed this in Visual Studio 2005 and is doing more to address it in Visual Studio Team System and in the upcoming Orcas release, the company said."Orcas is all about programmer productivity, team collaboration, and the latest and greatest platform technologies like LINQ - Language Integrated Query - and AJAX - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML - ," Sridharan said. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); In his keynote, Sridharan also talked about Rosario, the version of Visual Studio Team System that follows the Orcas release."Rosario is centered around organization and collaboration," Sridharan said. "We'll also focus on QA - quality assurance - and testing - doing for testers what we've done for developers over the years."Also, Sridharan said throughout the rollout of both Orcas and Rosario, Microsoft will be "looking at what Team System tools we can migrate down" and put into the professional version of Visual Studio. For instance, unit testing and code coverage are migrating down to the professional product, he said.Sridharan said the launch of Visual Studio 2005 was his favorite because he had a lot of involvement with it. But the first .Net version of the product, Visual Studio 2002, was perhaps the product's most important launch."Bill Gates demo-ing the product on Valentine's Day of 2002, that was a seminal moment in Microsoft's history, and a seminal moment for Visual Studio and for developers," he said.There are more than 1 million professional developers using Visual Studio, and there have been more than 10 million downloads of Visual Studio Express. according to Sridharan. In addition, 25 percent of all Visual Studio Team System users are using Team Suite, the suite of life cycle tools that provides each member of a core software development team with the most comprehensive collection of tools for software design, development and test, he said.Moreover, Microsoft has had more than 1 million forum posts on MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) since the launch of Visual Studio 2005, "and we've fixed over 400 user suggestions; that's a testament to our transparency initiative paying off," Sridharan said.Meanwhile, Microsoft has launched a new road map for its professional developer products. The Orcas release is expected by year end, according to a blog post by Scott Guthrie, a general manager in the Microsoft Developer Division.There will be a second beta of Orcas in the middle of this year, Microsoft said. And the Orcas release of Team System will feature Visual Studio Team Suite, Team Edition for Software Architects, Team Edition for Software Developers, Team Edition for Software Testers and Team Foundation Server.The Orcas release will also feature "code metrics to show cyclomatic complexity calculations," Leworthy said. "This tells a developer if their code is too complex and will provide suggestions on how to make it simpler," he said. In addition, with this information, developers can identify complex and error-prone code and prioritize it for testing.In addition, the release will feature profiler support for WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) applications to enable profiling of WCF-based applications to improve application performance, Leworthy said. The product also will enable developers to customize and extend code correctness policies, Leworthy saidThere are also many new features for testing, including Web test validation rule improvements, better Web test data binding and improved load test results management, and the Web Test recorder now records AJAX requests and JavaScript pop-ups.Moreover, TFS features continuous integration and build improvements to enable members of a team to integrate their work frequently, automate builds and integrate tests to detect integration errors as quickly as possible, Leworthy said. It also features support for multithreaded builds with the new MSBuild.Some of the major scenarios and features in the Rosario version of Visual Studio Team System will include joint prioritization and management of IT projects through integration with Microsoft Project Server; project management across multiple projects for proactively load-balancing resources according to business priorities; full traceability to track project deliverables against business requirements and the ability to conduct rapid impact analysis of proposed changes; comprehensive metrics and dashboards for shared visibility into project status and progress against deliverables; new features to enable developers and testers to quickly identify, communicate, prioritize, diagnose and resolve bugs; and integrated test case management to create, organize and manage test cases across both the development and test teams, the company said.In addition, Rosario will feature testing automation and guidance to help developers and testers focus on business-level testing rather than repetitive, manual tasks; quality metrics for a "go/no-go" release decision on whether an application is ready for production and has been fully tested against business requirements; rapid integration of remote, distributed, disconnected and outsourced teams into the development process; easy customization of process and guidance from Microsoft and partners to match the way customers' teams work; and improvements to multiserver administration, build and source control, Microsoft said."It's been a great 10 years," Sridharan said. "Developers are the best customers you can ever market to or build products for."Asked about competition from the Eclipse open-source development platform, Sridharan said Visual Studio stacks up well feature-for-feature against Eclipse, but he said he believes the Visual Studio ecosystem is stronger and more vibrant."We don't just build products, we help companies build businesses," he said.Copyright 2007 by Ziff Davis Media, Distributed by United Press International Citation:Visual Studio Celebrates 10th Year, Sets Road Map for Future (2007, March 27)retrieved 3 December 2023from -03-visual-studio-celebrates-10th-year.html This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only. Explore further be457b7860


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