Data and programs

DATA: Swedish National Wealth Database, 1810-2020 (xlsx) Appendix (pdf)
DATA: Swedish Stock Returns, 1870-2022; Swedish Bond Yields, 1856-2022 (xlsx)
DATA: Historical Factor Share Database, 1850-2018 (xlsx)
DATA: Handbook database: Long-Run Trends in the Distribution of Income and Wealth  (links in PDF)
DATA: Top incomes in Sweden, 1903-2013 (xlsx)
DATA: Arbetsgivaravgifter i Sverige, 1960-2023 (Payroll taxes and social security contributions, 1960-2023) (xlsx).

Waldenström (2022). “Wealth and History: A Reappraisal”, Draft, 2022.

DATA AND PROGRAM: Stata files (zip)

Bartels, Waldenström (2022). “Inequality and Top Incomes.” in: Zimmerman, Klaus F. (red.), Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Cham: Springer.

DATA: Main data in xlsx

Bengtsson, Rubolino, Waldenström, (2020). “What Determines the Capital Share over the Long Run of History?”, Draft, 2020.

DATA AND PROGRAM: Main data; Stata files (zip)DATA: Bengtsson-Waldenström Historical Factor Share Database, 1850–2018 (xls)

“Global earnings inequality, 1970-2018”, CEPR DP (with Olle Hammar), Economic Journal.

APPENDIXOnline appendix
DATA: Main data files in Stata and xlsx (zip)
PROGRAM: Replication package (Stata, zip)

Ohlsson, Roine, Waldenström (2020). “Inherited wealth over the path of development: Sweden, 1810–2016”, Journal of the European Economic Association.

DATA: Main data in xlsx

“Does financial deregulation boost top incomes? Evidence from the Big Bang”, Economica, (with Julia Tanndal), 2017.

DATA AND PROGRAM: Main data; Stata and Matlab files, Paper (zip)

“Trends and gradients in top tax elasticities: Cross-country evidence, 1900-2014” , (with Enrico Rubolino), International Tax and Public Finance, 2019.

APPENDIX: Online appendix.  
DATA: Main dataset with tax rates, top income shares, control variables, 1900-2014 (zip containing dta and xls)
PROGRAM: Stata do- and dta-files for replication (zip)

Rubolino, Waldenström, (2019). “Tax progressivity and top incomes: Evidence from tax reforms”, Journal of Economic Inequality.

DATA: Annual cross-country top income shares (zip containing dta and xls)PROGRAM: Stata do- and dta-files for replication (zip)

Lundberg, Waldenström, (2016). “Wealth inequality in Sweden: What can we learn from capitalized income tax data?”, Review of Income and Wealth.

DATA: Wealth inequality in Sweden, 2000-2012 (xls).

Bengtsson, Waldenström (2018). “Capital shares and income inequality: Evidence from the long run”, Journal of Economic History.

DATA: Bengtsson-Waldenström Capital Share Database, 1850–2012 (zip  xls).Appendix to Bengtsson-Waldenström Capital Share Database (PDF).

“Wealth-income ratios in a small, developing economy: Sweden, 1810–2010”, Journal of Economic History, 2017.

PROGRAM: Stata dataset and codes for generating figuresDATA: Data underlying tables in article (xls).

Long-Run Trends in the Distribution of Income and Wealth”, in Handbook in Income Distribution, Elsevier, North-Holland, 2015 (w Roine). 

DATA AND PROGRAM: All Handbook tables and figures (pdf with links) 

“Piketty’s r-g model: wealth inequality and tax policy”, CESIfo Forum, No. 1: 3‒10, (with Clemens Fuest, Andreas Peichl), 2015.

DATA AND PROGRAM: Long-run wealth inequality data; Stata do + dta-files (zip) 

“Intergenerational top income mobility in Sweden: Capitalist dynasties in the land of equal opportunity?”, Journal of Public Economics, 2012.

PROGRAM: Stata codes for generating dataset, descriptives and all results and a readme.txt (zip)

“Common Trends and Shocks to Top Incomes: A Structural Breaks Approach”, Review of Economics and Statistics, (with Jesper Roine), 2012.

DATA AND PROGRAM: Annual cross-country top income shares; GAUSS programs (zip)

“The Long-Run Determinants of Inequality: What Can We Learn from Top Income Data?”, Journal of Public Economics, (w. Roine, Vlachos), 2009.

DATA: Annual cross-country top income shares (xls)PROGRAM: Stata do- and dta-files for replication (zip)

“The Evolution of Top Incomes in an Egalitarian Society: Sweden, 1903–2004”, Journal of Public Economics 92(1–2), 366–387, (with J Roine), 2008.

DATA: Swedish top income shares 1903-2010 (xls)

“Long-Run Changes in the Concentration of Wealth: An Overview of Recent Findings”, in Davies, J.B. (ed.), Personal Wealth from a Global Perspective, Oxford, Oxford University Press, (with H Ohlsson and J Roine), 2008.

DATA: Wealth data for P99-100 and P95-99 (zip)

Waldenström, D. (2022).  "The Swedish Bond Market, 1835-2020", in: R Edvinsson, T Jacobson and D Waldenström (eds.).

DATA: Bond market data 1835-2020 (xls)

Waldenström, D. (2022).  "The National Wealth of Sweden", in: R Edvinsson, T Jacobson and D Waldenström (eds.)

DATA: National wealth data 1810-2020 (xls)

“Swedish stock and bond returns, 1856–2012”, in: R Edvinsson, T Jacobson and D Waldenström (eds.), Historical Monetary and Financial Statistics for Sweden, vol. 2: House Prices, Stock Returns, National Accounts and the Riksbank balance Sheet, 1860-2012, Stockholm: Sveriges Riksbank and Ekerlids förlag.

DATA: Stock and bond returns 1901-2022 (xlsx)DATA: Appendix to Stock and bond returns 1901-2022 (xlsx)DATA: Bond yields 1856-2022 (xlsx)DATA: Appendix to Bond yields 1856-2022 (xlsx) 

Historical Monetary and Financial Statistics for Sweden, vol. 1, Exchange rates, prices, and wages, 1277–2008, Sveriges Riksbank and Ekerlids förlag, editor, (with R Edvinsson and T Jacobson), 2010.


“Did Nordic Countries Recognize the Gathering Storm of World War II? Evidence from Bond Markets”, Explorations in Economic History 45(2), 107–126, (with B S Frey), 2008.

DATA AND PROGRAM: Weekly and monthly bond yields 1938-1940 and GAUSS programs (zip)

“Using Financial Markets to Analyze History: The Case of the Second World War”, Historical Social Research 32(4), 330–350, (with B S Frey), 2007.

DATA: Monthly and weekly bond yields and prices 1933-1948 (xls)

“International Financial Liberalization and Industry Growth”, International Journal of Finance & Economics 10(3), 263–284, (with J Vlachos), 2005.

DATA: Cross-country dataset on liberalization, finance and growth (xls)

“Markets Work in War: World War II Reflected on the Zurich and Stockholm stock Exchanges”, Financial History Review 11(1), 51–67, (with B S Frey), 2004.

DATA: Monthly bond prices 1933-1948 (xls)


“Citation Success: Evidence from Economic History Journal Publications”, Explorations in Economic History, (w G Di Vaio and J Weisdorf).

DATA AND PROGRAM: Author publications, citations and program code, in Stata format (zip)

Perspektiv på den ekonomiska ojämlikheten i Sverige”, Ekonomisk Debatt 48(4), 1325, 2020.

DATA: Figurdata (xls)

Kapitalbeskattningens förutsättningar,  SNS Konjunkturråd 2018

DATA: Dataunderlag till figurer (xls)

Ekonomistas: Skattning av svenskarnas gömda utlandskapital 1980-2014 (xls). (2015-02-16)

“Vart tog det gömda utlandskapitalet vägen?”, Ekonomisk Debatt 39(3), 81–84, 2011.

DATA: Oförklarat sparande i Sverige, 1980‒2010 (xls) (uppdaterad)