Daniela Puzzello

Professor, Indiana University 

Department of Economics


Daniela Puzzello is a Professor of Economics at Indiana University. Professor Puzzello’s research interests are in economic theory, experimental economics and monetary economics. Her research integrates theory and experiments to study social norms of exchange, welfare improving trading institutions, mispricing in asset markets and the impact of monetary policies on economic outcomes. Daniela’s research has been published in several journals, including American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of Economic Theory, Economic Theory, European Economic Review, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Mathematical Economics and Journal of Monetary Economics.  She was elected Economic Theory Fellow in 2023 . She is Co-editor in Chief of Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Associate Editor for Economic Theory and an Editor of B. E. Journal of Theoretical Economics.

Mailing Address:

Department of Economics, 

315 Wylie Hall 

100 S. Woodlawn, 

Bloomington, 47405 IN

Ph:  (812) 856-5419

Email: dpuzzell@iu.edu