About me
I am an Assistant Professor of Operations at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.
My research interests are in performance analysis of Stochastic Processing Networks, applied probability, and their intersection with healthcare systems analysis.
Among other interests, my favorites are swimming, playing the guitar, and hiking/trekking. I'm recently very excited to learn more about dogs, and I volunteer at the Evanston Animal Shelter (#adoptdontshop).
Email: daniela.hurtado@kellogg.northwestern.edu
My CV is available here.
Journal papers
Hurtado-Lange, D., Varma S., Maguluri, S.T. (2022). "Logarithmic Heavy Traffic Error Bounds in Generalized Switch and Load Balancing Systems." Journal of Applied Probability, 59(3), 652-669. doi:10.1017/jpr.2021.82.
Hurtado-Lange, D., Maguluri, S.T. (2022). "A Load Balancing System in the Many-Server Heavy-Traffic Asymptotics." Queueing Systems, 101(3), 353-391. doi:10.1007/s11134-022-09847-7
Hurtado-Lange, D., Maguluri, S.T. (2022). "Heavy-traffic Analysis of Queueing Systems with no Complete Resource Pooling." Mathematics of Operations Research, 47(4), 3129-3155. doi:10.1287/moor.2021.1248
Journal version of Conference paper [1]
This paper got second prize in the 2020 Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG) Paper Competition
Hurtado-Lange, D., Maguluri, S.T. (2021). "Throughput and Delay Optimality of Power-of-𝑑 Choices in Inhomogeneous Load Balancing Systems." Operations Research Letters, 49(4), 616-622. doi:10.1016/j.orl.2021.06.010
Hurtado-Lange, D., Maguluri, S.T. (2020). "Transform methods for heavy-traffic analysis." Stochastic Systems, 10(4), 275-309. doi:10.1287/stsy.2019.0056
Conference papers
Daniela Hurtado-Lange, Siva Theja Maguluri. “Heavy-traffic Analysis of the Generalized Switch under Multidimensional State Space Collapse,” ACM SIGMETRICS 2020, Abstract in ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 2019, Vol 47, No.2, Pages 36-38.
A preliminary version of this paper was presented in the MAMA workshop at ACM SIGMETRICS 2019. Abstract available here.
INFORMS 2021, Anaheim CA, USA and online. Title: Queue Length Behavior in Load Balancing Systems Under Power-of-d Choices: Many-Server Heavy-Traffic Regime. The slides are available here.
INFORMS 2020, Held online. Title: Load Balancing System under JSQ and Power-of-d: Many-Server Heavy-Traffic Asymptotics. The slides are available here.
SIGMETRICS 2020, Held online. Title: Heavy-Traffic Analysis of the Generalized Switch under Multidimensional State Space Collapse. The slides are available here, and a video of the presentation is available here.
INFORMS 2019, Seattle WA, USA. Title: Heavy-Traffic Analysis of the Generalized Switch under Multidimensional State Space Collapse. The slides are available here.
INFORMS-APS 2019, Brisbane Australia. Title: Transform Methods for Heavy-Traffic Analysis. The slides are available here.
MAMA Workshop 2019, Phoenix AZ, USA. Title: Heavy-Traffic Analysis of the Generalized Switch under Multidimensional State Space Collapse. The slides are available here.
Invited seminar presentations
"Performance Analysis of Data Center Networks: Drift Method and Transform Techniques."
"Minimizing Delay in Supermarket-Checkout Systems." April 2022. Math department at William & Mary. The slides are available here.
"Heavy-Traffic Analysis of the Generalized Switch with no Complete Resource Pooling.'' Online seminar organized by Anton Braverman, July 2020. The slides are available here.
"Mathematical Models to Analyze Queueing Systems: Minimizing Delay in Data Centers."
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, January 2020. The slides are here. This presentation was in Spanish, so are the slides.
Universidad de Santiago, Santiago, Chile. January 2019. The slides are available here. This presentation was in Spanish, so are the slides. The presentation is similar to the talk I gave in Universidad Adolfo Ibañez in December 2018, but here I included more examples.
"Optimal Resource Allocation in Data Center Networks: Drift Method and Transform Techniques." Amherst College, Amherst MA, USA. September 2019. The slides are available here.
"Transform Methods for Heavy-traffic Analysis." Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Santiago, Chile. December 2018. The slides are available here.
"Performance Analysis in Data Center Networks." Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile. May 2018. The slides are available here.
Poster presentations
"A unified view of the drift method and the MGF method for heavy-traffic analysis." Presented in the International Workshop on Recent Progress in Data, Models and Decisions (July 2018) held by iDDA (Institute for Data and Decision Analytics) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. You can see it here.
"A Novel View of the Drift Method for Heavy-Traffic Limits of Queueing Systems." Co-authored with and presented by Siva Theja Maguluri at ACM SIGMETRICS 2018 Poster Session (June 2018). You can see the poster here, the abstract here and a technical report here.
"Performance Analysis for Data Centers: A Novel Heavy-Traffic Approach." Presented in DCL Student Spring Symposium, Poster Session (March 2018). Held by Decision and Control Laboratory of Georgia Institute of Technology. You can see it here.
Fellowships and awards
Georgia Tech Sigma Xi Best PhD Thesis Award (Fall 2022)
Ed Iacobucci Fellowship for Excellence in Research, area of Applied Probability and Simulation (Spring 2021)
Phillip J. and Delores A. Scott Graduate Student Health and Wellness Award (Spring 2021)
Honorable mention at Alice and John Jarvis research award (Spring 2020)
ARC-TRIAD Student Fellowship (Spring 2019)
BECAS CHILE (Fall 2017 to Summer 2021)
Tennenbaum fellowship (First year of Ph.D.)
Research mentoring
Undergraduate and Master's students at William & Mary
Richard Li (math major, rising junior), Summer 2023:
Research project with the goal of predicting a Cox process in a small future time windowMath 300 requirement:
One-semester-long research project where the output is a report to fulfill the writing proficiency requirement of the Math major.David Mead (math major, junior year), Spring 2023: "Improving school bus routes for summer camp: Modeling and implementation on Gurobi Python."
Mac McEvoy (math major, senior year), Spring 2023: "Analyzing ChatGPT as a learning tool for upper-level math classes."
Arham Chowdhury (Master's), Summer 2022:
Research project with the goal of building a scalable simulation of a JSQ system in continuous time.
Milton Pagan, 2019
Anabel Rivera, 2018
Informal mentoring of undergraduate and junior Ph.D. students
Xiaofan Wu, former undergraduate student at the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department at Georgia Institute of Technology.
Sushil Varma, Ph.D. student in Operations Research at Georgia Tech
Shancong Mou, Ph.D. student in Operations Research at Georgia Tech
Yuanzhe Ma, Master student in Operations Research and Math at Georgia Tech
Professional service
SIGMETRICS Webmaster (January 2020 to date)
ISyE Students Seminars Organization Committee at Georgia Tech (October 2018 to May 2021)
Active reviewer for:
TPC Performance IFIP conferenceJournals:
Mathematics of Operations Research, Operations Research, Operations Research Letters, Queueing Systems, Stochastic Systems.