Transcription Homework

Summary of Assignment

Shown Below:  From Language Files 9 p. 64 Exercises 5, 6, 7

And from the website linked below:  Outer Yuccan listening exercise

A note on the easiest ways to use phonetic symbols in preparing this assignment:

a) This IPA chart website might be very helpful for 'typing' IPA symbols.   Click(click), copy, paste.b) Alternatively, you may write this out by hand on a piece of paper to turn in (I suggest something that is erasable); you will need to scan or clearly photograph it.c) Or for just typing in a doc: on a Mac the Phonetic Alphabet in the Character Viewer is helpful [Keyboard preferences: "Show keyboard and emoji viewers in menu bar;" then from menu bar select "Show Emojis and Symbols; customize with gear at upper left; add Phonetic Alphabet and the select it for choices. Double click symbol to insert.

HintYou will need to work through this assignment aloud to do it correctly.

A note: for our purposes in this assignment, /r/ = /ɹ/ and /y/ = /j/ .

• Exercise 5 Write in English orthography the words transcribed in IPA below.  (Item a is done for you as an example).

From Language Files 9 p. 64; Exercise 5  

• Exercise 6:  Transcribe the following words.  The first one is given as an example.

a. touch [thətʃ]b. womanc. womend. floode. wrappedf. praysg. broodh. ghouli. torchj. stoodk. movel. breathem. breathn. loseo. loose

I recommend that you pronounce each word slowly aloud.

p. punchedq. latherr. Cairos. visiont. priceu. monkeyv. hugew. coughx. batchy. whalez. easyaa. hourbb. cartoncc. thoughdd. circus

When and where appropriate, make use of the diacritics you are learning in your class, for example: stress & aspiration (and, if your instructor includes, nasalization, syllabic consonants, and/or devoicing).

• Exercise 7 For each orthographic word shown, correct the mistakes in the phonetic transcriptions, if there is a mistake.  If no mistake, note that.

•  Listening Transcription ExerciseClick here to access the Outer Yuccan portion of the Transcription Homework (courtesy of Louis Goldstein and Peter Ladefoged). 

Do PART 1 ONLY.  NOTE that C means that position is a Consonant; V means that position is a Vowel.

I suggest wearing headphones.  No diacritics are expected for the Listening Transcription Exercise.  I suggest doing this on scratch paper and then when you are done, producing a final version of your transcription to turn in.