Test Question for the class Test Bank

TestBank Optional Assignment

Create and submit ONE multiple choice test question (per exam) for the professor to review and potentially add to the Test Bank.

A question or two from the Test Bank will appear on the upcoming exam. Selected (i.e. vetted) Test Bank contributions will be made available to you but will not include an answer key. The Test Bank will grow for each exam during the semester, and from semester to semester for Core 103.

Your Test Bank contribution must meet these criteria to be counted:


  1. Your question must be a multiple choice question. True/false questions will not be accepted.

    • Graphics in the question or answers are permitted and of course must be provided with your submission (link appreciated).

    • Mathematics necessary to determine the answer must be simple arithmetic of the sort that can be done with paper and pencil.

  2. Your question must leverage the higher four levels (i.e., not the bottom two) of Bloom's Taxonomy.

  3. Questions must be scientifically accurate, relate to fact not opinion, and be grammatically correct.

  4. The answer must be identified and correct (but won't appear in the Test Bank).

  5. Questions may not duplicate in substance questions already in the Test Bank (as made available to you). But they may be variants or expansions.

Turn in your TestBank contribution as a word doc to the course assignment dropbox. You have the link to upload this in an email from Professor Byrd. Please make sure the filename starts with your last name, e.g. SmithSally_TestBank.docx.