Practice Transcription Resources

For anyone wanting more transcription practice, here are some helpful links! (Thanks to Haley Hsu for collecting).

Just a reminder that you should always say the words aloud when transcribing.

From Kevin Russell at the University of Manitoba:

Open-answer: Practice 1a, Practice 2a - these get harder as you go along. 

One note regarding transcription used on these sites—[aj] = [ai] (like the vowel sound in the word 'site').

From UC Santa Barbara Dept of Linguistics:

Multiple choice: Practice 1, Practice 2, Practice 3, Practice 4, Practice 5. These are multiple choice 'quizzes,' so it's good practice on how to spot transcription errors.

One note regarding the transcription used on these sites— [r] ≠ [ɹ] in these examples, though your professor in class may allow [r] = [ɹ] for ease. Recall that [ɹ] is the IPA for the American English 'r' sound, whereas [r] is the IPA symbol a trill (like that present in Spanish).  These pratice sites enforce this difference.