The Bible tells us that prayer has the power to move the heart of God, but some prayers move him more than others. He wants more for us than a tepid faith and half-hearted routines at the dinner table. God called you to a life of courage, not comfort.

In Dangerous Prayers, Groeschel will show you how to pray the prayers that search your soul, break your habits, and send you to pursue the calling God has for you. But be warned: If you're fine with settling for what's easy, or you're okay with staying on the sidelines, this book isn't for you. You'll be challenged. You'll be tested. You'll be moved to take a long, hard look at your heart. But you'll be inspired, too.

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But, unlike the 19th century days of Andrew Murray, not much is being said today on the subject of prayer. A primary reason, I believe, is because Christians view prayer (as orthodoxy) and praying (as orthopraxy) as boring.

Because we know, before a single syllable proceeds from our mouth, what a holy and righteous God will find when He probes the depths of our innermost being (Psalm 139:23-24.) Offering to God in prayer the words of Psalm 26:2 is tantamount to taking an exam we know ahead of time we are going to fail, regardless of how diligent our preparation. That reality is played out rather graphically in the life of Simon Peter in Luke chapter 5:

WARNING: This prayer might change your life forever! God might ask you to start doing something new, something that you think is impossible. God might ask you stop doing something that has been stealing your joy for a long time. Whatever God tells you to do; He will empower you to obey.

Commit one week to praying the above prayer. Ask God to give you wisdom and clarity on your next step. Ask God for help. You serve a good Father who loves to answer the prayers of His children (Matthew 7:7-11).

But even though I was terrified, my fear was mixed with incredible joy. The Lord had overcome my resistance, and He was using me. Since that trip, I have ministered in more than 30 countries. This week, I have been in Malaysia and Singapore, all because I prayed a dangerous prayer.

And so, number one, we want to pray a dangerous prayer, search me, O God, and know my heart. Because we need God to expose those areas of impurity because we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror. David understood that he had a problem in his heart, and in the same way, we need to understand that the Bible tells us,

In the early years of ministry, I found this verse a bit daunting because I know that praying these words would take me out of my comfort zone. In my thirty-sixth year of ministry, I find myself hesitant to ask God to use me because, to be honest, I sometimes feel used up and wonder if I have any more to offer. God always reminds me that my strength will only be adequate when he decides to use me. So often, the words of 2 Corinthians 12:9 end up being the answer to this prayer:

It does not look like it but this also is a highly dangerous prayer for us to make. First of all, we are only asking for what we need now. Later in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus will tell us not to be anxious about the future. We are asking for what we need today; tomorrow is another day. We take care of one day at a time.

This petition prayer can also include the Bread of the Eucharist. But in sharing that Bread together we are saying sacramentally that we are a sharing people and we will share our goods and blessings with others, especially those in need. Otherwise our Eucharist becomes a kind of sacrilege.

The greatest examples of prayer in the Bible come from Christ Himself. And in one of His deepest moments of anguish, as He faced the reality of the cross that lay before Him, we see Him pray these powerful words:

This article is part of our larger Prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.

Wrapped in this treasured religious legacy, the small community joins in prayer. Still honoring their Jewish heritage, they open their hearts to the God Who is writing a new covenant of love over all Creation. They are not unlike Moses as he walked to the top of Sinai, clueless to what the Fire might ask of him.

PRAYER #3: Lord, break me! This is a dangerous prayer because brokenness is not easy. Are there things in your life God wants to remove? Are there things that God wants to add to your life? In Jeremiah 18 God is described as the Potter. As the Potter, he takes the clay in his hands and molds it. If the clay is marred, he breaks it down.

The pastor goes on to point to two Bible verses that discuss this dangerous prayer: Mark 14:3 and Mark 14:22, which both use the metaphor of a person being "broken" so their faith may be fully "poured out."

Prayer changes things. That makes prayer dangerous and the pray-ers themselves a danger to anything that opposes the kingdom of God. Dangerous Prayers is a collection of powerful prayers and a brief biography of those who prayed them.

The very nature of these prayers pushes the boundaries of our comfort zones, inviting transformative experiences that may require us to confront personal weaknesses, face opposition, or navigate uncharted territories.

Dangerous prayers should be rooted in clear intentions and a deep understanding of what you are asking of God. Before presenting your requests, take the time to reflect on your desires and motivations.

Be specific in your petitions, knowing that God desires your honest and heartfelt communication. Clarity in your prayers will help you recognize the answers when they come and align your actions with your intentions.

When you pray dangerous prayers, it is essential to approach God with unwavering faith in His wisdom and sovereignty. Understand that God knows what is best for you and that His answers may not always align with your expectations.

Trust that He will respond according to His divine plan and timing. Surrendering your will to His and having faith that He will work all things for your good is a fundamental aspect of these bold prayers.

The Bible is a rich source of guidance and inspiration for those who engage in dangerous prayers. It provides numerous examples of individuals who prayed audacious prayers and experienced remarkable transformations.

Scriptures can serve as a foundation for your prayers, helping you understand the principles of faith, trust, and boldness. Refer to passages that resonate with your petitions, and let them strengthen your resolve.

Seeking counsel and fellowship with spiritual mentors and trusted fellow believers is invaluable when engaging in dangerous prayers. These individuals can provide guidance, wisdom, and accountability as you navigate this transformative journey.

May you find the courage to embark on your journey of dangerous prayer, for in doing so, you may uncover the hidden depths of your faith, the strength of your convictions, and the boundless love and grace of the divine.

Prayer moves the heart of God - but some prayers move Him more than others. He wants more for us than a tepid faith and half-hearted routines at the dinner table. He's called you to a life of courage, not comfort.

In Dangerous Prayers, New York Times best-selling author Craig Groeschel will show you how to pray the prayers that search your soul, break your habits, and send you to pursue the calling God has for you. But be warned: If you're fine with settling for what's easy, or you're okay with staying on the sidelines, this book isn't for you. You'll be challenged. You'll be tested. You'll be moved to take a long, hard look at your heart.

You'll be inspired to pray boldly. To pray powerfully. To pray with fire. You'll see how you can trade ineffective prayers and lukewarm faith for raw, daring prayers that will push you to new levels of passion and fulfillment. You'll discover the secret to overcome fears of loss, rejection, failure, and the unknown and welcome the blessings God has for you on the other side.

World-changers. Rebels. Rejecters of the status quo. Throughout history, Christians were never meant to have a safe faith. Highlighting people throughout the millennia, this book is a compilation of faith and facts that celebrate the prayer lives of spiritual giants and invigorate your faith.

If our prayer is genuine, if we really want nothing but the kingdom of God, then we will think of all the regions of the world. We will call on God to intervene in the history of the nations, the history of classes and ranks, the history that has brought injustice to a climax. We will call on him to come with his judgment and to let his righteousness and peace break in like the dawn. This should be our prayer and the prayer of the church.

In just the past few weeks, two public school prayer bills have passed in state legislatures. Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear (D) signed HB 547 into law on March 24, and the Idaho legislature sent HB 182 to Gov. Brad Little (R) last week. Students have the right to pray, so long as it is voluntary, non-disruptive, student-led, and student-initiated. But these bills go much further: they invite teachers to pray with students, which is unconstitutional and violates the religious freedom of public school students.

Unfortunately, public school prayer bills are still pending in other states, including a bill in Texas that would allow public schools to establish a period of prayer and Bible reading for teachers and students. But Americans United will keep working to protect the religious freedom of all public school students by continuing to oppose bills like these wherever they appear.

I liked the way you described the temptation cycle and how indeed Jesus is the only way out of it. I hope more and more people would try this. But I do think there are other dangerous prayers than this one. Because our God is wild and amazing. Thank you for the post. Blessings! ff782bc1db

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