
July 3, 2015
Sopron, Hungary
Lővér Kemping


We Are Motörhead

Damage Case

Stay Clean


Over the Top

Phil's Guitar Solo

The Chase Is Better Than the Catch

Rock It

Lost Woman Blues

Doctor Rock *


Going to Brazil

Ace of Spades


* including drum solo

The Vibe


Total running time: 68 min 24 sec

Note: Lemmy is alive!* Well, I had doubts about the performance before the show because of Lemmy's health issues but he proved everybody wrong! Obviously he isn't the same anymore but still kicking it and that is what matters (hopefully he gets even better). There is a minor fuckup at the beginning of Overkill but in overall a classic performance, it was worthy to see them again. *edit: RIP Lemmy

Source/lineage: Zoom H2N (XY mic setup, lo-cut) > WAV (48 kHz, 24 bits) > Sound Forge Pro 11 (tracking, fade in/out) > Traders Little Helper > FLAC Frontend (Level 8) > Tag&Rename (FLAC tags)

Taper: damageinc