#04 Papa Roach

June 14, 2015
Budapest, Hungary
Barba Negra Track


Face Everything and Rise

Between Angels and Insects

Where Did the Angels Go?

Blood Brothers

Interlude *

Broken Home

Broken as Me



Kick in the Teeth

Getting Away with Murder

Falling Apart




Last Resort

...To Be Loved

* As Jacoby explains "Tony Palermo beat his fucking drumkit into submission" so obviously they needed to stop while the roadies got a replacement

The Vibe


Total running time: 77 min 55 sec

Note: Decent show, band in full energy as always. It seemed they loved the crowd and vice versa. However that 8 mins gap mentioned above haven't been filled in any way what is a big disappointment. I could do with less new stuff but it was a new shit promo show so whatever. I guess they sounded just alright.

The sound was not the best at the venue (Jerry's guitar sounded quite muffled) hence the sound engineer had whole lotta things to do as I noticed. Because of that or not the sound quality changed as the show progressed (maybe in a positive way, you decide). Anyway, in overall it's an enjoyable recording, especially for fans.

I would like to apologize for the screaming girls who were around me sometimes. Not that I was able to do anything against, I just hope they went home with wet panties.

Source/lineage: Zoom H2N (XY mic setup, lo-cut) > WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bits) > Sound Forge Pro 11 (tracking, fade in/out) > Traders Little Helper > FLAC Frontend (Level 8) > Tag&Rename (FLAC tags)

Taper: damageinc